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Thread: IRRK: Newland's New Mayor Speaks

  1. #1
    Independent Reporters of Rubi-Ka Editor: IRRK's Avatar

    IRRK: Newland's New Mayor Speaks

    Newland's New Mayor Speaks
    December 1, 29479 - Aaryl Stark

    A letter from the new mayor of Newland City, Zephrem "Toog" King has been released to all Neutrals of Rubi-Ka. The letter comes over a week after Mr King was elected into office.


    There are several things I would like to take this opportunity to share with everyone. Firstly, I'm very proud to be neutral, this vote has shown that we are not just a randomly thrown together bunch of fence-sitters, like some groups like to think. No, we are indeed concerned about things, we DO care, and the great amount of people that have used there right to vote does speak for its self.

    Secondly I want to thank everyone who has voted, and thank you for the trust you have put into me. I hope I will never show myself unworthy of that trust.

    That being out of the way, I have to ask you a small favor: The position mayor of Newland City is a big one, and no one can fulfill this job all on his own. Therefore, I ask that you to apply for one of the four open minister seats in the council. They are:

    The minister of trade is responsible for representing neutral merchants towards the council and foreign customers, to listen to their complaints and to try to help them with any problem they might have.

    The minister of science will have to oversee all scientific advancements. He is, like the trade minister for the merchants, the direct contact in the council for all scientists, engineers, and researchers. In this position you are also responsible for obtaining and analyzing data about the alien threat.

    Foreign Affairs.
    The minister of foreign affairs’ first responsibility is to represent and negotiate with non-neutral parties. He is the one neutrals can speak with if they have problems with individuals who are not neutral in political alignment, as well as someone non-neutral may contact to speak about neutral matters.

    The security minister will have to make sure that all neutral people, cities, towns, convoys, mining outposts and guests of neutral cities and shops are safe at all times.

    Please, if you think one of these positions is the right one for you, apply right away with a letter to stating who you are and why you think you would do great on this position.

    This address can also be used if you have messages for me you don’t think will fit well into a standard comm tell.

    Best regards,

    Mayor Zephrem Toog King

  2. #2
    Congratulation on your appointment Mr. King. From what I hear from neutral community, you're right man to represent open and non-judging society of Newland.

    Futhermore I welcome, that application doesn't include ones politicial believes, since that would present segragation. This world needs more skilled administration, not weighted by faction.
    "War may be Hell....but it's good for business!"
    -The Association for Merchants,Manufacturers, and Morticians

    [Kintaii]: Dude, I *am* weird
    [Kintaii]: I came to accept this many years ago and am much happier for it. XD
    [Kintaii]: Besides - I work on *AO*. That right there is proof of my oddness.

  3. #3
    At last an occasion to be involved in what matter the most. We have concerns and the power to take care of it.
    Neutrals need to get organized during these times and it sound like Zephrem King can give us something to work with.
    Last edited by Boltgun; Dec 6th, 2005 at 21:44:37.
    Server first !!! Neutral Solitus Male Soldier named Boltgun to wear a short with pink spots on RK1 !!!
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