This is a beautiful world. Lush and green, barren and rocky, lovely beaches with gentle waves lapping on the shore, it has it all.
The suns rise and set, coloring leaves and mountains alike in wonderful colors. The wind sighs or howls. Rain falls heavily or as a light drizzle, giving life to the plants and animals – and us humans.
Thunder rolls, lightning strikes – it is not without its dangers, this world, but the danger is part of the beauty of it.
Like the different landscapes, the contrast between heavy, dangerous storms and light, safe sunshine makes it more interesting, more intense.

We also have a diverse fauna here, some animals are cute and cuddly, others are dangerous, all of them are furry, feathered or scaly. Reflecting their environment they’re colorful or not, they’re active or inactive, most can be found out and about both day and night.
And almost all of them have found ways to use our houses and cities to live in, in the eternal attempt by nature to reclaim her territory.

The vegetation also mirrors the environment in which it grows or, in some cases, in which it lives and hunts. We have big, huge, majestic trees or small, delicate flowers and everything in between, many plants and trees are useful as materials or medicine, while they last, a lot of others have no such use to us and are just here because nature has a use for them.

The beauty that I see, when I travel this world, is breathtaking and far exceeds human-made things, no cut gem can be as beautiful as the sun setting over the far, blue mountains, no fabric can feel as soft as the wind caressing my cheek or the warm sunshine on my skin.