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Thread: Why I gave up on the Engie class... and my main.

  1. #1

    Why I gave up on the Engie class... and my main.

    Fc agent C pulles out a long silver tube and points it at us engi's.

    "How long have you been playing a engi?" he asks turning some dials on the bottom part of a now elongated silver tube.

    "6 months now, And I want to tell you that because I was sick of pretending I was a MA, I rolled a MA that is my main now". The engi stood there waiting for a responce.

    "Uh huh, I see" a bright flash goes off "Now Pretending to be a ma isn't bad, go beg some mochams from a freindly Mp and go do something usefull".

    Agent C looks around locates a freshly cloaned Engi " Son, do you like being a bot casting fool?",

    The youth astonished for being addressed by a Full blown Greeny Stutters "Yes sir my bot can tank that mean ol bully at the bridge"

    "Now Hida why don't you be like this nice young man and apreaciate all of what funcom has given you" C drones on.


    Later that day at SD, "Hey were taking heat up here near the cannons get that bot up here now" ,,.. zaapa, powwie... The Meta screamed in pain

    "Come on Big SpaZ the team needs you, and agent C told me that your the best tank there is".....

    "Scanning the area, Bio life forms detected". Big Spaz repeated....

    "No there not in the wall big guy, there up this ramp" Hida fiddles with spazzes controls.. Just then a smuggler Enforcer makes his way back from relcaim..

    "Hey You there, I owe you some pain" The Enforcer screams out.

    "SPaz Protect me.. Spaz"...

    "Guard command received, guarding you with my life"... "Sir can you move that pillar it seems to be in my way" the robot proclaimed......

    "He he" The smuggler grinned, "Batters up"....

    "HEY HIDA WHERE YA AT THESE DAMN CANNONS ARE DRIVING US NUTTY".. a teamate screams in pain again...

    WACK CRACK.... a sudden bright light and the west gate of tir looms in front of our intrepid hero........

    "Well big boy ya did it again"....Hida proclaimed. "I think I need a vacation for awhile... Just have to leave my Busness in Akodo's hands for awhile" sigh..

    "Command received, master not recognized".... Big spaz stood there humming....

    No I'm not quiting Just putting the garbage out so to speak.. I have truely given up on my engi...
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  2. #2


    Nice. Only missed the Roleplay forum by a tiny bit .

    FunCom people who frequent this forum are from different team than the ones working on fixes and bugs, most likely they don't even communicate with each other all that often. Kinda futile to post it here.

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