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Thread: The Free Trade League welcomes its newest member

  1. #1

    The Free Trade League welcomes its newest member

    The Neutral guild The Union, by word of its president Emma "Pyromanche" Peele, joined the Free Trade League.

    If your organization too would like to strengthen our call for a fair trade, please contact Dabblez, Swiftmind, Trybes or Yarko.

    The Free Trade League Manifesto
    Marcos "Yarko" Orender
    co-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Newland City Council
    Advisor of The Independent Rubikans

    Rubi-Ka's neutral news source: The Independent Rubikan

  2. #2
    Do not let this move lead to undue avarice...

    May you find enlightenment...
    A communique from the Voice of Rubi-Ka group.

  3. #3
    Undue avarice? We’re talking about Neutrals buy a Brontoburger or medical supplies…
    Marcos "Yarko" Orender
    co-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Newland City Council
    Advisor of The Independent Rubikans

    Rubi-Ka's neutral news source: The Independent Rubikan

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarko
    Undue avarice? We’re talking about Neutrals buy a Brontoburger or medical supplies…
    ....And therefore give all their cash to omni-tek so the small family run buisnesses in borealis and other neutral cities go broke...

    *Gueve sighs and mutters to himself "Independant...pah..." he puts down his Gridsurfer XI and runs off to the NLF armoury and starts experimenting with some omni-pol riot gear he aquired*

    -Commander Muge "Gueve" Marxosis
    No human being on the face of this glorius Rubi-ka, no goverment is going to take from me my right to speak, my right to protest against wrong, my right to everything that is for the benefit for magekind.
    I am not here to be accused!
    I am here as the accuser of omni-tek dripping with blood from head to toe!

    When Injustice Becomes The Norm, Resistance Becomes A Duty.

    Muge "Gueve" Marxosis

  5. #5
    While you're at the armory, look for some descent eye and ear implants. I stated numerous times before that it concerns goods, not sold in any Neutral shop or by any Neutral trader.

    As if terrorism doesn't cause harm to our businesses...
    Marcos "Yarko" Orender
    co-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Newland City Council
    Advisor of The Independent Rubikans

    Rubi-Ka's neutral news source: The Independent Rubikan

  6. #6
    If the NLF feel so strongly about Neutral using Omni shops, why don't they start a campaign to prevent Neutrals from shopping at those shops which are already available to them.

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  7. #7
    Gridmessage for Yarko
    Mr Orender, your stance to the NLF does you and the planet credit...

    We hope you are equally as resolute with Omni-Tek...

    Beware of Greeks bearing gifts...

    You will find enlightenment one day...
    A communique from the Voice of Rubi-Ka group.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Savoy
    If the NLF feel so strongly about Neutral using Omni shops, why don't they start a campaign to prevent Neutrals from shopping at those shops which are already available to them.

    Oh? the map shops? Neutrals normally sell junk in those shops... which gives neutrals money, not the OT...

    Besides why would a neutral travel all the way to rome just to buy a map when exactly the same ones are available in fair trade borealis...

    So, as you see, we feel no need to stop neutrals from using map shops, as:

    1)Maps arent really that expensive anyway
    2)Neutrals normally buy maps from the nearest map shop, which normally happens to be borealis or newland
    3)Selling stuff in map shops gives the neutrals money, not omni-tek... Sure, they give some materials, a few rubbish guns but the Nice stuff is normally sold on the black market...

    Thank you for reading

    -Commander Muge "Gueve" Marxosis

    ((Jeez, you had me stumped for a minute there ))
    No human being on the face of this glorius Rubi-ka, no goverment is going to take from me my right to speak, my right to protest against wrong, my right to everything that is for the benefit for magekind.
    I am not here to be accused!
    I am here as the accuser of omni-tek dripping with blood from head to toe!

    When Injustice Becomes The Norm, Resistance Becomes A Duty.

    Muge "Gueve" Marxosis

  9. #9
    The NLF’s files seem to be a little outdated… Most (but not all) Omni (and Clan) shops sell goods like implants, clusters, tools, construction kits, furniture, books, components and recepies to Neutrals. Things they don’t sell include medical supplies, clothes (including Miiir), armor, weapons, nano crystals and attacks.

    There is are inconsistencies in the trade policy and that’s what we campaign against.
    Marcos "Yarko" Orender
    co-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Newland City Council
    Advisor of The Independent Rubikans

    Rubi-Ka's neutral news source: The Independent Rubikan

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarko
    sell goods like implants, clusters, tools, construction kits, furniture, books, components and recipes to Neutrals.

    The exact same things of the exact same quality are available in neutral shops, and as for those other things, they can be found on the market cheaper.

    Face the facts, there's nothing independant about this yarko. The only reason OT is doing this is for:
    A) More profit
    B) More popularity within the neutral community, which makes neutrals more prone to favour omni-tek, and therefore join omni-tek which comes down to MORE profit for OT.

    Remember that OT is a machine, The people on rubi-ka are like ants, it doesnt really care, all it wants is its percentage. The only things that would change the way the machine works is for it to either lose mass profit or gain mass profit.

    -Commander Muge "Gueve" Marxosis
    Last edited by Gueve; Aug 25th, 2005 at 11:54:22.
    No human being on the face of this glorius Rubi-ka, no goverment is going to take from me my right to speak, my right to protest against wrong, my right to everything that is for the benefit for magekind.
    I am not here to be accused!
    I am here as the accuser of omni-tek dripping with blood from head to toe!

    When Injustice Becomes The Norm, Resistance Becomes A Duty.

    Muge "Gueve" Marxosis

  11. #11
    My dear Commander, you make the same mistake so many people make. You see OT as a machine. I see them as individuals, who happen to have one thing in common: they all work for the same corporation. As in all groups of people, and that goes for Omni, Clan and Neutral, there are those who deserve my trust and there are those who don’t. With the former, I have absolutely no problems of co-operating with, regardless faction. That too, is neutrality.

    You say that OT does this for profit. What an utterly silly remark! Of course they do, they are traders…

    You say OT does this to get more popularity within the neutral community, which makes neutrals more prone to favour Omni-Tek, and therefore join Omni-Tek which comes down to more profit for OT. Well, I have absolutely no problems with OT trying to become more popular. On the contrary, I prefer that above being shot by them… About people joining OT, I see young people join them, or the Clans for that matter, every day. Just because of the shortage of some of the goods I mentioned.

    Besides, as I have said before, I’d welcome Clan members to join this initiative. Alas, so far none has come forward.

    As for the goods that are available in Neutral shops, those goods are not what this campaign is about. Although it is untrue that the desired quality is always on offer in Neutral shops, and therefore I see it as an addition, for those who are in an urgent need, to be able to shop with factioned traders. When you say the other things can be found on the market cheaper, I refer to my speech at the Free Trade League’s first meeting, in particular the part about the selling of bad quality and even expired stims and decayed nano crystals. I’d rather see my fellow Neutrals be able to acquire quality goods...
    Marcos "Yarko" Orender
    co-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Newland City Council
    Advisor of The Independent Rubikans

    Rubi-Ka's neutral news source: The Independent Rubikan

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarko
    , in particular the part about the selling of bad quality and even expired stims and decayed nano crystals.

    First off, No one should use stims, not even legal ones... stay clean kids, You'll hit rockbottom once you get into them...

    Secondly, these decayed nanocrystals Still provide the same effect if they are uploaded, which doesnt always happen, but they are clearly labeled with a percentage chance of the crystal being good enough to upload fully, these crystals are once again cheaper because of this risk, And when people buy these crystals they know that they may not upload...

    Quote Originally Posted by Yarko
    I see them as individuals, who happen to have one thing in common: they all work for the same corporation.
    Let me explain, The Employees are individuals, some even are smart enough to realize that the corporation is a machine, Some employees are very nice people who are just loyal to their cause, And that cause is to help make omni-tek make money no matter what stands in its way... Like a machine... Omni-AF for example, ive chatted with an omni-soldier, he has his own dreams and aspirations, but he is loyal to omni-tek and wants omni-tek to be successful, therefore he joined AF and helps remove "Spanners in the works".

    so you see, Omni-tek isnt the people who work for it, omni-tek is a machine and the employees are its Maintence crew.

    For example again.

    o = Tank
    + = Guard)

    Here is a tank, Not well used nowdays but they still exist


    The tank is a machine, it is controlled by living people, living people who have morality and arent technically made for killing. however the tank is a machine made for one purpose, it was made to kill without remorse.

    The tank is Surrounded by foot guards


    These foot guards are not part of the tank, they are there to help keep it safe from other soldiers, and in turn the tank helps keep the foot guards alive. Once again, these guards arent made for killing, they might not want to kill, but they do what is required to keep the tank safe, because in the end the tank is keeping them safe aswell.

    There is also someone inside the tank who is steering it in the right direction and shooting. Now the controller doesnt want to kill people, he just wants to keep the tank safe and therefore increase his chances of survival.

    So if you exchange a few words in the example, you will see the comparison to omni-tek

    -Commander Muge "Gueve" Marxosis
    Last edited by Gueve; Aug 25th, 2005 at 19:40:09.
    No human being on the face of this glorius Rubi-ka, no goverment is going to take from me my right to speak, my right to protest against wrong, my right to everything that is for the benefit for magekind.
    I am not here to be accused!
    I am here as the accuser of omni-tek dripping with blood from head to toe!

    When Injustice Becomes The Norm, Resistance Becomes A Duty.

    Muge "Gueve" Marxosis

  13. #13
    Hmm, I fail to see the logic…

    o = Tank
    + = Guard
    - = Dead guard)

    So, as you said, the tank is surrounded by foot guards


    Now, the enemy shows up in front and the tank fires. Unfortunately there’s a guard in front of the tank…


    The tank has to manoeuvre a bit and drives backwards…

    - - -

    Now it fires forwards again, once to the right and once to the left…

    - - -
    - - -

    Again the tank manoeuvres, this time a bit right and a bit left…

    - - -
    - - -

    Since there no longer are any guards to keep the tank safe, the enemy kills it off…

    - - -
    - - -
    - - -

    See? There’s absolutely no way a corporation could survive that way, because there would be no employees left!
    Marcos "Yarko" Orender
    co-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Newland City Council
    Advisor of The Independent Rubikans

    Rubi-Ka's neutral news source: The Independent Rubikan

  14. #14
    *Gueve looks at his gridsurfer computer*

    Your joking me right?

    Someone tell me im not reading this correctly... please...

    I thought you had enough intelligence to see through the metaphor...

    Right... so lets turn this into its real meaning with omni-tek

    According to yarko,

    When Omni-tek sees a particular problem, one that will stop it gaining profit, it will accidentally stop its employees from being safe and having a job...

    Wait.... that cant be right...
    No human being on the face of this glorius Rubi-ka, no goverment is going to take from me my right to speak, my right to protest against wrong, my right to everything that is for the benefit for magekind.
    I am not here to be accused!
    I am here as the accuser of omni-tek dripping with blood from head to toe!

    When Injustice Becomes The Norm, Resistance Becomes A Duty.

    Muge "Gueve" Marxosis

  15. #15
    This thread is more entertaining than watching the paint dry on my yalm.. no, really... <yawn> .. continue.

    Maybe the tank could just fly and use clan-seeking rounds that fly around corners since we're allowing for fanatical levels of stupidity, why not genius as well? Neither is any more valid.
    ## User information error: Unidentified Personae

    ... at large and incharge since 24976

    Cyras "Unidentifed" DeValera
    Former agent of Department S1 - SPARTA

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Gueve
    So, as you see, we feel no need to stop neutrals from using map shops, as:

    1)Maps arent really that expensive anyway
    2)Neutrals normally buy maps from the nearest map shop, which normally happens to be borealis or newland
    The same way, when a neutral feels hungry hanging in a ot/clan city, he wants to buy food from the nearest shop, not having to travel to fill his belly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gueve
    3)Selling stuff in map shops gives the neutrals money, not omni-tek... Sure, they give some materials, a few rubbish guns but the Nice stuff is normally sold on the black market...
    If you knew a word about economics and trade, you would know that this transaction also gives profits to OT. Nobody trades losing money, each part gets benefits....i dont see where's the problem.

    Fair Trade for all

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