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Thread: high lvl ganking people under 75

  1. #1

    Question high lvl ganking people under 75

    Today i had the misfortune steping into the arena with some people of dubious character. While fighting a MA named Zenpunch i was jumped by a Trinity Advisor Named Rznr who is a 177 Trader. I find this rather interesting seeing as i'm a lvl 64 Adventurer. He was obviously teamed with the Trader. Then later while fighting Zenpunch again i was attacked by another Trinity Member named Bodysnatch who was a 165+ ma.

    My obvious statement to FC is please fix this so high level people can't attack people who have no chance in surviving. The other statement i would like to make is that i find these people of reprehensible character annoying at most. I just turn in my screenshots and hope that thier karma catchs up with them (which eventually it always does).

    Well i feel all better now that i have said my say.


    "The one who has conquered himself is a far greater hero then he who has defeated a thousand times a thousand men."

    - From the Dhammapada

  2. #2
    You can no longer team down to fight lowbies, the lowbies have to team up to fight highbies. If your opponent was teamed with a lvl 155ish person then they would count as being 155ish for pvp purposes. The only way (other then exploits) for a high level person to attack a low lvl person is for the low lvl person to be teamed with a high level person.

    At least this is my understanding of how things work now. Any dissenting views out there?
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  3. #3

    Post obvious Exploit

    my situation was:
    1) i'm lvl 64 adventurer
    2) teamed with no one
    3) self buffed

    his was:
    1) teamed with high lvl Trinity members (i checked the second time they did that to me)
    2)Zenpunch and I would start fight but fight would be ended with either Trinity Advisor Rznr or Trinity Member Bodysnatch finishing me off when he was losing.
    3) he ran from me when he was losing the first time and zoned. i didn't persue being that i'm not that type of person. if someone is done they don't need me griefing them

    All this adds up to exploit. Petitions were sent as well as screenshots sent to anarchy-bugs and exploits.

    Thanks for your Response


    The Radiant Buddha said:
    "Regard this fleeting world like this:
    Like stars fading and vanishing at dawn,
    Like bubbles on a fast moving stream,
    Like morning dewdrops evaporating on blades of grass,
    Like a candle flickering in a strong wind,
    echos, mirages, and phantoms, hallucinations, and like a dream."

    -The Eight Similes of Illusion,
    From The Prajna Paramita Sutras

  4. #4
    My Suggestion: No Buddha or Lao Tzu while pvping, Sun Tzu all the way.

  5. #5
    No, the bug is there.

    If I am teamed with a level 20, I can attack his level 20 opponent, even if the opponent is not teamed.

    It *Was* fixed awhile ago. But it is back now.
    Don't be lonely anymore.

    Look at your post, now back at mine. Now back to your post, now back at mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through posts, reading the posts your posts could look like. Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again, my reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.

  6. #6


    hehe abid.. i'll choose buddha all the way when it comes to real life =)


    "What is Important? The past is past; the future is important. We are all creators. The future is in our hands. Even if we fail, no regrets. We have to make the effort.... to contiribute to others rather then to convert others. Motivated always by the altruistic bodhicitta, you in the west should be creative in adapting the timeless essense of the Dharma to your own cultural times and cirumstances."

    - His Holiness, The Dali Lama

  7. #7
    ooo ooo add em to the ganker list!
    211 Apprentice Fixer Wigz [gear]
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