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Thread: Temp change of command

  1. #1

    Temp change of command

    As of today, Lex Talionis is under the control of acting president Saltyballs. Generals Hunter988 and Enforekai are his right and left hands.

    Ill be taking a long and NEEDED break from game. Any situations that arise during my term of absence should be sent to the three mentioned above.

    In no way is this a sign of LT breaking apart for those naysayers. Maybe with my abscence, with some fresh ideas and new light on situations it might go for the better.

    See you indeffinetly


  2. #2
    WTB Pujol and Commadant --> two cool peeps.
    Awwww muffin, need a tissue?

  3. #3
    Thanks OB =) But time to go.

    This account was cancelled at:
    2005-10-07 18:11:50

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