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Thread: Does nano resist work?

  1. #1

    Question Does nano resist work?

    I play and Engi and I noticed that our NanoAC skill is not dark blue. Therefore I'm looking for anyone who KNOWS (not thinks, but knows) the answer to the following:

    Is NanoAC bugged? (ie: does it function as advertised or not?)
    If NanoAC is functional then:
    Considering all the other evade skills are dark blue for me, Is it worth spending IPs on NanoAC?
    If I max my NanoAC, what can I expect to resist/not resist?

    Thank you for you help, all knowing PvP forum people.

  2. #2
    Nano AC is a throw back from beta.

    Nano resist(the real deal tm) is worthwhile if you're an enforcer with bright and faded NR implants, maxed (ip wise) nano resist, and Infernal Rage running, yes, NR is working as intended.

    If the above does not apply to you... well... er... no, nano resist isn't working to well. Being on full def on the aggro bar setting does play an impact on what you counter tho. From the last patch, overall defensive skills got a boost, but NR is still gimpy for non-enforcers at best.
    Last edited by Obergeist; Jul 24th, 2002 at 01:27:34.
    Perfection breeds weakness.

    Obergeist-Burning bright, Above the head ghost

    Mdgprogram-Fearful symmetry <---beat the every lovin' crap out of a level 60 soldier at 49

    Stronger, better, faster, push it

    The Troll Corps want you!tm
    General in the Troll Corps tm

  3. #3
    Nano resist works just as well as evades. So, if you consider your evades are working, then so are your NR.
    President of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves

    Garzu 193 Day 1 NT & Garzuperman My Fixer 4 fun since NTs are broken


  4. #4
    It is working, however it is an unfortunate fact that Nanos are far harder to resist than normal attacks. Especially nukes.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Highjack
    It is working, however it is an unfortunate fact that Nanos are far harder to resist than normal attacks. Especially nukes.

    Are you saying that you completely evade normal attacks much more often than you resist a nuke/debuff that has 100% NR ?
    President of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves

    Garzu 193 Day 1 NT & Garzuperman My Fixer 4 fun since NTs are broken


  6. #6

  7. #7
    I usually get missed at least 3 times in a 30 seconds duel and I have very bad evades (600ish, 700ish for duck exp.) (full agg)

    If I was to go on full defense, (I have 700ish NR) then I'd resist a trader drain maybe one in every four tries. As of yet, I have never resisted anything with 100% or less resist. I have yet to resist anything with 100% aggression, except 1 trader mob drain.

    On Full Defensive, in a 30 second duel (with a 1/1 capped oponnent with around 800 attack), I will be missed 6-8 or so times.

    So yes, we will "assume" Nano-Resist is broken.

  8. #8
    I was testing these last night with a guildmate,

    I'm a 87 trader, he's a 170 soldier

    my pm is about 480, si about 250, root skill is 50/50 pm/si
    so my nano attack skill is maybe 350 i guess.

    his nano resist was 315, i was casting roots on him, ranged from the ql1 newbie root to a ql50ish one

    basically, in about 20 attempts, he never countered my root once. you would imagine that 350attk vs 315def would at least counter sometimes.

    I also tried a -95 deprive on myself, to take my attack skill down to 250ish, and still he never countered me once. even with full def.

    Maybe my assumption of my attack skill is wrong, but i'm assuming weapon attacks/evades are the same as nano attacks/evades


  9. #9
    Hahaha, Mr. B must have been happy as a fish when you did that BK
    Master 10th Dan

  10. #10
    Personally (I am no longer in possession of an NT) I think NT nukes should be very hard to resist, they got for the most part 100% resist. The issue is (from my point of view) that some of the toughest debuffs got 100% resist too. I think that some of these debuffs are way to powerful to have only 100% resist, becuase 100% resist means that it lands alot more often that it is resisted, and if resisted, just recast, and you are debuffed.

    The debuffs I talk about have the power to make you totally useless, depending a little on what profession to waht degree you are useless, but they hurt very bad no matter who the target is. The debuffs im talking about is Traders Divest, Doctors Init debuff and MPs Dominate. They all got 100% chance of resist. Thats way to low, those debuffs are so powerful that if they land, you are forced to run or die.

    Thats a way to easy to disable the target, IMO it should be more of a gamble to land those debuffs, they should get resisted alot more often than they should actually land.
    President of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves

    Garzu 193 Day 1 NT & Garzuperman My Fixer 4 fun since NTs are broken


  11. #11

    gj BoneKrusha

    thx for the work BoneKrusha. Well then, I guess we can assume its either
    1) Bugged and non functional, or
    2) So pathetic that its absolutely not worth it

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