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Thread: An Unexpected Resurrection

  1. #1

    An Unexpected Resurrection

    OOC: This story is OOC information revealing Equestra's view-point on the events of the previous evening and some further in the past. What she will tell people IC remains to be seen.

    Equestra smiled darkly so herself as she returned to her sofly lit, clean and white apartment in Rome. She was so glad her investment in the South Rubi-ka Society was finally paying off.

    She carefully removed her black coat, folded it neatly and draped it over the back of a chair. She took a deep breath; there was still a hint of the roasting coffee smell from this morning, she wanted a heavier ****ier scent for her musings this evening. She selected the “Evening Summer ****e” option from the air enhancer, and then with confident leisurely movements she poured herself a glass of chilled white wine and spent a few perfect moments watching the condensation bead on the outside of the glass, before recalling the evening's events.

    After a long day at the office she had come back and performed her necessary social duties to expand her contacts and influence on Rubi-ka. That of course involved making a call to the President of her social club; Jillian seemed to prefer being called by her nickname of Savoy and so Equestra accommodated her.

    Oh how this evening had been different. No need to have to appear interested in the activities of small children who seemed terminally inept at softball; Savoy had been direct and to the point.

    “Lev Rivers is alive. Can you come to Borealis?”

    Years of intrigue and office politics meant she didn’t miss a beat.

    “Of course, I’m on my way.”

    On her journey to Borealis she had reviewed what she knew of the Lev Rivers affair. Lev Rivers had been a one time good guy and ally to the South Rubi-ka Society helping them with some of their past charitable activities.

    Then for no apparent reason the guy had completely changed personality, formed a criminal gang and gone on a killing spree. His career had peaked with the wildly delusional declaration that he was going to drive Omni-Tek from the face of Rubi-ka by bombing Omni 1. He had of course been dealt with by Omni Security and ‘accidently’ had his insurance records hacked so that his death was permanent; no trial required it seemed.

    During the pool party at which she had had to perform her humiliating chicken dance on live radio, she had had an opportunity to talk to Sightsee, another ally of the Society. He was a handsome lad who looked rather good in a pair of swim trunks; not quite as hunky as Wuyi, but still very pleasant to observe. Sightsee had a different set of social contacts than Savoy. He was the one who knew DJ Rhythum who had DJed the party, and he was the one who was hunting down Lev Rivers.

    Equestra had been puzzled by his attitude. Yes, Lev Rivers was acting like an unrepentant criminal. Yes, he was no longer the man Sightsee had called friend, but why was Sightsee spending all his energy hunting they guy down, rather than investigating the possibility that someone had messed with the guy's head?

    Equestra had given up at the time; too new to Rubi-ka, and without the contacts, influence or real motivation to intervene. After all if his ex-friends didn’t want to save the guy, why should a new arrival from off-planet bother herself?

    Now with Lev Rivers’ apparent resurrection she found herself thinking over the situation again. Who had tampered with Lev Rivers’ mind? How had they done it? Were they still conducting their experiment?

    About then Equestra had arrived in Borealis, and tracked Savoy and LevRivers down to a small Trade Bar off one of the higher quality shops. A slight optifex wearing basic coveralls sat next to the smartly dressed Savoy. A couple of neutrals (she assumed) who appeared to know Lev were talking urgently to him and Savoy was explaining the events of the last few months. Equestra had sat down and listened, to see what she could learn.

    Her computer seemed to think that the Lev Rivers sat before her was a member of the Clans; in keeping with Lev at the time of his death. However the man himself claimed to remember nothing of Rubi-ka. The last thing he had known was arriving in Rubi-ka orbit, before ‘waking up’ in Borealis.

    It seemed someone had found an old save of Lev’s from somewhere and kindly resurrected him. Lev couldn’t remember his gang, and was a bit disconcerted to find out he was married as well as wanted for murder by Omni, the corporation he thought he still worked for.

    The neutrals had eventually left, unsatisfied with their conversation, and in the lull Savoy had advised Lev to lay low and get some legal help. She suggested he talk to Specchio the Society Lawyer, when he could be found.

    Lev was deeply puzzled as to who could have brought him back and why.

    In that moment Equestra made her decision. She had to follow this opportunity. The chance to find out who was responsible for what she believed to be some experimental new mind control and alteration techniques of a long lasting duration. The person who found out who, where and how it was being done, would be well rewarded with promotion, influence and wealth within Omni. She had to be the one.

    The best way to get find out was to use the available bait, and see where it led.

    “I think there are two possibilities; one, an old friend of yours who never lost faith has some how found an old save of yours.”

    Lev had nodded and Savoy had listened.

    “Or two, someone was experimenting on you, and they want you back for further tests.”

    Lev had shuddered and looked pale and ill.

    Savoy had taken charge of the conversation then, searching for a doctor and getting Lev a set of entertainingly mismatched clothes with a blue zebra patterned hood.

    Another neutral called Nyadeth?, Nyadach? or some such thing had wandered over. He appeared to know Lev, but more importantly he knew a Doc, Animahdoc from the Healing Hands who had taken the time to come to the bar and investigate Lev’s health.

    Equestra had watched the slight, zebra-hooded man as he passively submitted to the Doc’s tests. She remembered the neutral investigator Greenie01 she had hired to keep an eye on Wuyi, and it occurred to her he would be the ideal person to watch the bait for any sign of external activity. She had left a message on his comm. unit for him to contact her. No-one was going to be able to watch Lev for her tonight, but it couldn’t be helped.

    Animahdoc hadn’t found anything particularly wrong with Lev but had said she needed to talk to an expert before coming to any final conclusions. Lev had seemed exhausted at this point and wanted nothing more than to sleep and come to terms with his situation. Nyadach had given him the key to a room he could safely use in Borealis, and then the small group had gone their separate ways.

    Now in the comfort of her apartment, as she enjoyed the dry crisp fruitiness of perfectly chilled wine as she thought about what she would do next.

    It seemed there was some unknown person or group experimenting with personality control. Who exactly they were, what their political affiliations were, how they did this, and where they were based; all questions that needed to be answered.

    When Greenie01 called she would have to get him to watch Lev, and find out who came hunting for him, and where that trail might lead.

    Savoy would need to get Specchio to research the legal background of Lev’s case to make sure Sparta didn’t bring Lev to ‘justice’ in their apparently trial phobic fashion.

    Something else still bothered her. How long can someone’s ‘soul’ hang around inbetween death and resurrection? Equestra didn’t think it was very long. In which case it meant Lev had been brought back and killed at least once before this latest re-appearance.

    Also, it suggested that whoever was playing with Lev could remove memories from someone’s mind without using the old ‘reset to last save’ method. Equestra was pretty sure that people weren’t insured until they had landed and been processed on Rubi-ka.

    Something she would need to find out about.
    Last edited by Hirunda; Jul 23rd, 2002 at 15:05:50.

  2. #2
    It's nyadach, and he happens to be one of the most repected persons in the neutral community: he helped foundation of the independant rubikans.

    (Just giving in additional information)

  3. #3


    (OOC: It was a bit of a spontaneous RP session for me...and I forgot to log the chat...hence my mistakes But she's an Omni snob, so its not too much of a problem. I'll edit. )

  4. #4
    (( Nice story. Since you have to edit anyway.. its Animahdoc ... ))

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