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Thread: Newland City June 7th

  1. #1

    Newland City June 7th

    [Arriving in Newland City where a group is gathered...]

    Markonen: She has the right. But I doubt she will ever choose omni.
    Markonen: frowns.
    Zanicyper: waves at koy.
    Dagget: hello
    Anamelle: bye Koy
    Enderwiggin: Hello Dagget.
    Anamelle: smiles
    Meldrek: bbye Koy, i'll tell Udon she's nice.
    Dagget: haven't seen you in a number of days
    Meldrek: smiles
    Anamelle: Hi Dagget
    Nulion: Take care, Koy *smile*
    Nulion: And hey there Dagget!
    Koyangi: sorry to leave you so outnumbered, Ana... I owe you.
    Maelgwn: Bye Koy
    Anamelle: I can handle them
    Markonen: Hello Dagget. Greetings and Good Eve.
    Anamelle: grins
    Maelgwn: looks at ana
    Zanicyper: looks around but sees no dagget
    Maelgwn: Alllll.....
    Zanicyper: oh! the leet.
    Chihaleet: Well Folks and Atrox's Enderwiggin and i gotta run
    Markonen: points to the leet.
    Chihaleet: uncontrolable cyborgs to handle
    Zanicyper: hi, dagget.
    Markonen: Him I recognize as I have seen him so much in that form.
    Markonen: chuckles
    Enderwiggin: Good luck with your child Mark.
    Meldrek: bye Chihaleet and ender.
    Markonen: Thank you sir.
    Anamelle: bye
    Chihaleet: Congratz Mark
    Zanicyper: good bye
    Markonen: Be well and stay safe.
    Chihaleet: Pats Mark on the shoulder
    Chihaleet: good lucky
    Chihaleet: smiles and gets up
    Nulion: smiles
    Nulion: You take care Chih
    Meldrek: waves
    Nulion: And you too!
    Markonen: What is this of the grid becoming even more insecure?
    Maelgwn: Can't say I've noticed it...
    Dagget: just got back from flushing some Omnis out of West athens
    Zanicyper: perks up and puts the pebble down.
    Maelgwn: But I don't use the..everyday routes
    Hyperion5182: hello all *Grins*
    Meldrek: ooh
    Zanicyper: hello, hyperion
    Trousers: stops as his mouth drops slightly
    Hyperion5182: Trousers...we meet at last....
    Anamelle: Hi
    Anamelle: Hello Trousers
    Hyperion5182: draws his axe
    Meldrek: hello all.
    Nulion: stays quiet, looking over at Trousers
    Markonen: Citizen.. Will we have issues or is this a peaceful visit?
    Trousers: ....Sarge?
    Meldrek: qiot
    Maelgwn: Surely not, this is neutral ground...
    Zanicyper: boys.
    Anamelle: easy guys
    Trousers: Beams
    Trousers: Markonen!
    Markonen: smiles
    Hyperion5182: Last time i checked they had a deathwarrent out for this guy...I wont exactly take it easy....
    Zanicyper: Trousers is a nice guy
    Zanicyper: smiles
    Anamelle: why not?
    Anamelle: Trousers is ok
    Zanicyper: don't get excited about the suit...
    Trousers: isn't paying attention to anyone else.
    Nulion: sighs deeply, thinking to himself....
    Trousers: How have you been?
    Zanicyper: he had a nice garmet on at our party.
    Zanicyper: grins
    Markonen: I am well and wish to remain so.
    Maelgwn: Yes...I was disappointed when he didn't win
    Trousers: glances at Markonen's gun.
    Markonen: I ask again. Is this to be a peaceful visit?
    Trousers: tooks taken back.
    Zanicyper: motions for trousers to sit
    Trousers: Of course it's peaceful ... why wouldn't it be?
    Meldrek: just remember you're all in Newland... a neutral city.
    Markonen: I apologize. But I have been stalked as of late.
    Markonen: places the safety back on
    Trousers: sighs slightly
    Hyperion5182: puts the axe on the table
    Anamelle: Hyperion, please behave
    Dagget: scratches
    Markonen: As I said Trousers. Beleive nothing they say of me.
    Hyperion5182: grins
    Trousers: Sorry, Hello everyone else.
    Nulion: smiles a little at Trousers
    Meldrek: hello
    Nulion: H..hello there...
    Zanicyper: looks at nulion
    Trousers: smiles softly at Markonen and nods slightly.
    Meldrek: looks at his comm and sighs
    Zanicyper: you were about to say something?
    Nulion: looks around him
    Markonen: Trousers what lies have been told of me since...
    Meldrek: sorry to leave you here but I have to go for an hour. i'll be back later. ((RL is calling
    Nulion:, there....I just know Nrpb isn't safe. That's all. It's...probably bugged or something...
    Markonen: Be well Meldrek.
    Maelgwn: That wouldn't surprise me in the least
    Trousers: coughs to clear his throat and places his breifcase down.
    Meldrek: smiles
    Meldrek: you too
    Maelgwn: Bye Mel
    Zanicyper: bye, meldrek.
    Markonen: I see.
    Zanicyper: what was the condition of your apartment?
    Anamelle: Bye
    Hyperion5182: It got trashed???
    Markonen: Trashed?
    Markonen: Whose?
    Hyperion5182: Excuse me i have been a bit jumpy as of late myself
    Trousers: You're wanted for high Treason, Markonen.... That's all I heard.
    Markonen: Typical.
    Zanicyper: shakes his head
    Trousers: I actually tried not to follow the News streams ... i get a little depressed.
    Nulion: The....the news is troubling lately...y...yeah.
    Markonen: nods
    Markonen: It is getting worse I fear.
    Dagget: that virus worries me
    Trousers: I'm so sorry to hear that...
    Markonen: Have they said anything of an antivirus as of yet?
    Dagget: not that I have heard
    Trousers: shakes his head.
    Hyperion5182: Even if they had one i doubt they would make it public
    Markonen: frowns.
    Markonen: True.
    Trousers: No word from Omni-Med yet.
    Markonen: I wonder though.. Have they reported any outbreaks as of yet? I have not been able to moniter the news as closely as I would like.
    Dagget: they may see it to their advantage to allow the virus to spread over the planet and control who gets an anti-dote
    Dagget: Markonen, do you remember the bartender in The Happy Rebel?
    Markonen: Yes. I remember the fellow.
    Zanicyper: fellow?
    Zanicyper: raises a brow.
    Dagget: and you remember that he suddenly had a green gas cloud around him and that Beverly chastised him for apparently having a nanobot failure?
    Markonen: Zanicyper it was a trox behind the bar.
    Dagget: then she buffed herself with something shortly afterwards
    Markonen: Yes. I recall.
    Nulion: stays quiet, still looking around him
    Trousers: rubs his chin
    Anamelle: wasn't Lightswift in the cell near Midia?
    Dagget: now, compare that to the description that Omni-Med put out of the symptoms of the virus
    Markonen: Speaking of the woman..
    Dagget: anyway, with the 2 week dormancy perid, we may all be infected and not know it yet
    Dagget: Beverly? or Midia?
    Markonen: Has anyone asked her?
    Dagget: yes
    Markonen: Beverly.
    Hyperion5182: Has anyone seen her is more appropriate
    Dagget: she said she would have the bartender checked was all
    Markonen: True hyperion.
    Dagget: but there certainly is room for various interpretations
    Nulion: myself a full physical just the other day, they didn't find anything...
    Nulion: still looks extremely tense
    Markonen: That is good..
    Trousers: glances at Nulion.
    Maelgwn: rubs his jaw
    Anamelle: but you're still worried Nulion
    Maelgwn: Hmm I should get myuself looked at
    Nulion: Just....just nervous I guess...I mean, two weeks is...quite awhile to wait.
    Anamelle: yes, it is
    Anamelle: but worrying won't change anything, will it?
    Hyperion5182: I have 2 class 7 doctors in my alliance both were on. Both ran full scans i had a fixer and an engi both run scans on my nano bots if there is something in me it is using a stealth capacity beyond anything concieved of previously
    Markonen: I dont know.
    Anamelle: I've been wondering
    Anamelle: Is it the same virus that attacked Ross?
    Hyperion5182: Untill we know otherwise we have to assume that
    Dagget: I've wondered if the intent was to introduce the virus while making a statement. By not killing Ross, the assassin allowed him to be used as a 'trojan horse', transporting the virus into the inner circle of Omni elite
    Anamelle: if not, what does it really cause?
    Trousers: frowns
    Zanicyper: speculation will get us nowhere
    Zanicyper: other than worried for no reason.
    Zanicyper: taps his comm.
    Dagget: neither will Omni-med statements, at this rate
    Markonen: It is frustrating not knowing.
    Zanicyper: let's opperate in facts, shall we?
    Zanicyper: looks around
    Markonen: That would be for the best.
    Zanicyper: like Markonen said...
    Markonen: I see no reason to add to the problems by creating data.
    Zanicyper: the "outbreaks" have been limited
    Dagget: so what have you been up to Markonen? Got any jobs with your new business yet?
    Zanicyper: and i think he has the better knowldge on how these... criminals who created the virus would work.
    Markonen: A few new things I am working on. As well as doing some poking in areas perhaps I should not.
    Zanicyper: frowns and looks back down at his flashing comm.
    Hyperion5182: Story of our lives
    Markonen: giggles

    [Just then, Markonen drops dead]



  2. #2
    Continued from previous...


    Nulion: WHERE ARE YOU?!
    Anamelle: dead
    Nulion: looks terrified
    Trousers: glares at Hyperion5182.
    Dagget: he'll pop up at a reclaim
    Maelgwn: Oh my....
    Hyperion5182: puts the axe at Trousers neck
    Trousers: looks startled
    Hyperion5182: I swear if you had a hand in this you wont ever see it coming!
    Nulion: It...wasn't Trousers, Hyperion...
    Zanicyper: sighs
    Anamelle: HYPERION!
    Nulion: Put. The axe. Down.
    Hyperion5182: does so
    Trousers: falls down into his seat sweating
    Hyperion5182: Damn it to hel!
    Hyperion5182: Markonen isnt responding!
    Anamelle: did you see anything?
    Hyperion5182: No
    Anamelle: a sniper?
    Hyperion5182: I am going to tir
    Hyperion5182: if it is he has a long distance rifle
    Anamelle: yes
    Maelgwn: I saw nothing...
    Anamelle: check the reclaims there
    Anamelle: hi's ok
    Dagget: this is the disadvantage to outdoor meetings
    Maelgwn: Yes...
    Nulion: I....I have to go to Tir. Now....*runs off*
    Trousers: swallows hard, removing the lump from this throat.
    Dagget: indoors they cannot sneak up so easily

    [several of us race to Tir where we find an angry Markonen recovering]
    Markonen: Nor do I. But I will find out.
    Dagget: you OK Markonen?
    Dagget: I think maybe that ace Omni sniper got you
    Markonen: Ok? OK? I am madder than hell.
    Dagget: who was the guy who kept calling you 'Marky'?
    Markonen: That jackal was there?!
    Hyperion5182: nulion
    Dagget: the day you came over
    Hyperion5182: over here!
    Markonen: Oh God.. Where is Trousers?
    Dagget: Newland still
    Dagget: Nervous
    Hyperion5182: I dont know who it was

    [Tir Whom-Pahs]
    Markonen: What the....
    Dagget: guards are dead
    Hyperion5182: damn what did this?
    Nulion: pants
    Nulion: A...are you okay, Markonen?
    Markonen: I am..
    Dagget: he's mad
    Dagget: very mad
    Hyperion5182: i figured
    Nulion: shakes his head
    Hyperion5182: i would be too
    Nulion: I'll tell you everything up there

    [Back in Newland City]
    Hyperion5182: My apologies Trousers
    Dagget: He's mad, very, very mad
    Nulion: holds his forehead a little
    Hyperion5182: I have been rather on edge as of late
    Trousers: glares at Hyperion5182.
    Anamelle: keep an eye on him please
    Hyperion5182: that is the plan
    Nulion: I...I'll talk to him.
    Anamelle: where's Zan?
    Nulion: Let' about this.
    Maelgwn: chews his lip
    Dagget: Trousers being seen here might lead to him getting some friendly visits
    Markonen: Talk about what?
    Markonen: Trousers do you value your position?
    Nulion: ....What I was going to say earlier, about Nrpb.
    Trousers: glances at Dagget
    Nulion: looks over at Trousers briefly
    Trousers: Of course I do.
    Dagget: the fellow who we think shot Markonen will undoubtedly report who was here in his report...
    Dagget: and the people wjho read his reports are sure to be concerned about any omnis talking to a former Omni
    Nulion: Are you...positive that it was a shot, Markonen? I didn't see...
    Nulion: still looks a bit frazzled
    Trousers: ...oh ... I see ...
    Anamelle: Damn, I didn't see anything
    Maelgwn: Well Ana was there first...did it look like a gunshot?
    Anamelle: did what look?
    Maelgwn: I know I didn't see or hear anything...
    Maelgwn: The umm..wound
    Anamelle: oh, I didn't see the wound
    Nulion: looks at Markonen
    Hyperion5182: I dont think this is the safest place nulion...
    Markonen: I have no idea what it was. But for it to take me out that fast it had to be massive.
    Hyperion5182: I am willing to bet this guy is still around...
    Maelgwn: I said walls might be nice about now
    Dagget: Kochren
    Maelgwn: How about we take a stroll down the hill to Neuters?
    Dagget: that is who
    Nulion: He's not, Hyperion....when he's around, I...I just lose myself. A little.
    Dagget: indoors he cannot sneak up on us
    Maelgwn: Walls, lights, other people...and nice relaxing beer
    Trousers: reaches down and places his hand on his breifcase
    Maelgwn: Which is another pint actually...
    Nulion: shivers a little, just thinking to himself for a moment
    Maelgwn: Perhaps these mixed meetings should be conducted in crowds...
    Hyperion5182: I agree with maelgwn we are far too exposed here
    Nulion: is as good as anywhere. There's nowhere that....that voice can't go.
    Dagget: but no agent can sneak up on us in a bar
    Dagget: I'm not fond of Neuters but...
    Maelgwn: Well I'm not convinced, but it sure makes it harder to see who's talking to who
    Maelgwn: and listen in
    Markonen: sighs
    Dagget: yes, James?
    Dagget: someone apparently wants to curtail your social life
    Anamelle: I'm sorry, I'm dead tired. I won't be of any good you to you
    Anamelle: I think I'm going to turn in
    Hyperion5182: Please right now dont use Dead....
    Hyperion5182: Later anamelle
    Nulion: You....sleep well, Ana.
    Anamelle: I'm glad you're ok Markonen
    Maelgwn: smiles
    Trousers: Take care, Anamelle.
    Maelgwn: Sleep well ana
    Hyperion5182: Might as well start talking Nulion
    Anamelle: Good night
    Nulion: nods
    Markonen: I apologize for all of this.
    Dagget: we know what comes with conversing with you James
    Markonen: It seems that I have someone who isnt happy with my choices as of late.
    Markonen: looks at a blinking light on his wristpad
    Markonen: growls
    Hyperion5182: whats up james
    Dagget: business picking up?
    Nulion: ...Something the matter..?
    Markonen: Perhaps. Excuse me a moment.

    [Markonen steps out of audible range]

    Nulion: Hyperion
    Dagget: Hyperion
    Maelgwn: I'll go back in the morning and try and talk to him...see if the speak is the same
    Nulion: ....Let's just leave him be for the moment...
    Hyperion5182: its not exactly safe to leave anyone alone atm...
    Nulion: sighs deeply
    Trousers: glances over at Markonen.
    Manicyper: leans back, staring at trousers.
    Nulion: leans back against the seat, staring into the sky
    Dagget: scratches
    Vontril: hello everyone
    Nulion: looks at Vontril
    Nulion: ...Hello
    Maelgwn: Evenin'
    Trousers: nods in greeting to Vontril.
    Trousers: Hello there.
    Maelgwn: Well I have to go...I need to think
    Vontril: wipes the sweat from his head
    Hyperion5182: switches on his speaker
    Hyperion5182: excuse me i was on Org Comms
    Nulion: Markonen...? You okay?
    Manicyper: i guess they let anyone into this city these days, huh, clan mate.
    Vontril: (( that you zani lol ? ))
    Hyperion5182: Heh Yeah i suppose so...
    Dagget: More Omnis
    Manicyper: grins at Trousers.
    Trousers: looks at Manicyper.
    Manicyper: nice suit you got there.
    Trousers: ...thanks.
    Manicyper: spits and turns back to Hyperion5182.
    Nulion: I' right back.
    Nulion: You alright...?
    Manicyper: so, what's going on here...
    Manicyper: heard there was a shooting?
    Hyperion5182: Yeah
    Dagget: Markonen was shot here a short time ago
    Manicyper: and what did you do to the shooter?
    Dagget: he's back, albeit rather mad
    Dagget: never saw them
    Hyperion5182: We couldnt see him...
    Vontril: i just got back from fighting giant spiders all day, so i have no clue
    Nulion: Oh! T...Tell her we said Hi *smiles a bit*
    Dagget: never*
    Hyperion5182: he had some kind of long barrel rifle.
    Manicyper: drinks and snears.
    Markonen: Damned.
    Nulion: I'm...hoping those green bastards aren't really there...
    Markonen: Pardon me a moment.
    Nulion: Of...of course, Markonen.
    Trousers: glances over his shoulder at Markonen,
    Manicyper: what's up with the old guy?
    Nulion: Well....getting killed like that won't leave you smiling, or feeling good....And he's talking with Salliesue over a private channel.
    Manicyper: looks at Nulion.
    Manicyper: who?
    Manicyper: don't i know you from some where?
    Nulion: Know me..? Where from? I....have been around a lot, lately.
    Manicyper: wait a min...
    Manicyper: looks at dagget.
    Manicyper: i think i've seen you two around the temple.
    Nulion: ...Which temple?
    Nulion: looks at Markonen oddly
    Manicyper: the CoT meeting area
    Trousers: looks at Markonen.

    [Markonen has changed into an Omni outfit]

    Nulion: ....An Omni uniform..?
    Trousers: uhhhh...... Sarge?
    Markonen: Gentlemen... I have to go get my daughter.
    Markonen: I will return
    Manicyper: laughs.
    Nulion: nods
    Manicyper: nice disguse.
    Dagget: ok
    Chihaleet: and i am back
    Trousers: Are you heading into an Omni City?
    Nulion: We'll stay here....
    Markonen: Do you really want to know Trousers?
    Nulion: Trousers, it's just better that we don't know.
    Dagget: I don't think he's going to answer that
    Trousers: sighs
    Markonen: I shall return as quickly as I can.
    Chihaleet: good parenting
    Manicyper: huh, i should get me one of them omni shirts.
    Trousers: God ... I wish i could do something to help him...
    Manicyper: i'll have to remeber to take one next time.
    Nulion: shivers a bit, looking back at Markonen
    Vontril: looks confused
    Manicyper: looks at trousers and smiles.
    Nulion: stays quiet, turning around to look out over the balcony
    Hyperion5182: Where did james go?
    Manicyper: scratches his forehead.
    Dagget: he didn't say - for security reasons
    Dagget: but he was dressed in Omni uniform
    Manicyper: nulion, what were you talking about?
    Nulion: I'm...sorry Manic...didn't see you there...
    Manicyper: grins.
    Nulion: ...About Salliesue?
    Manicyper: yea... or... whoever
    Manicyper: you said the old guy was talkin to his daughter
    Manicyper: then got shot or something?
    Nulion: Yes, his adopted daughter.....Well, the daughter was after he got shot.
    Manicyper: maybe this channel isn't so private.
    Nulion: I don't know if it was a gunshot.
    Chihaleet: o ok lol
    Nulion: But he died.
    Manicyper: he looked pretty alive to me.
    Manicyper: what's this channel?
    Nulion: ...Hey there, Nutmeg
    Nutmeg: looks around nervously
    Manicyper: looks at nulion.
    Nulion: sighs deeply
    Trousers: Hello Meg.
    Nutmeg: Hello, Sotto
    Manicyper: anger can dance well.
    Manicyper: laughs.
    Nutmeg: smiles wickedly
    Nutmeg: He does more than dance.
    Nulion: smiles a bit
    Manicyper: maybe you wouldn't be so nervous without that...
    Manicyper: thing here.
    Nutmeg: YOu don't understand. He apears because I'm nervous, or afraid, or angry.
    Nulion: ....Meta-Physicists are very in tune to others' emotions..
    Manicyper: except when...
    Vontril: stares at trousers
    Chihaleet: o thast the stuff
    Nutmeg: No, but my compassion will take care of you for now.
    Trousers: Can I help you?
    Nulion: Nutmeg, I...told you that I'd tell you what happened.
    Zanerue: hello again Trousers
    Nutmeg: Yes? What did happen?
    Trousers: Hello, Zanerue.
    Manicyper: associate with omni scum and people die.
    Dagget: we were talking and someone , either invisible or out of range, shot him
    Manicyper: i don't see the mystery.
    Vontril: keeps staring at trousers as sweat begins to come from his pores on his head...
    Nutmeg: frowns
    Zanerue: for the record i meant to say last time that i don't think Ross's condition is in any way Omni's fault
    Nutmeg: So it's not just in your head.. There is a certain amount of comfort in that.
    Manicyper: looks at Nutmeg.
    Nutmeg: My goodness, that is so odd....
    Trousers: nods to Vontril.
    Nutmeg: And where is Markonen, now?
    Chihaleet: to get his daughter
    Dagget: somewhere else
    Nutmeg: nods and smiles
    Nutmeg: I hope to see her. I have another balloon for her to play with.
    Manicyper: probably somewhere with omni slime
    Nutmeg: smiles and relaxes a little
    Manicyper: he was wearing their clothes.
    Nulion: stays quiet
    Manicyper: looks at nulion.
    Nutmeg: turns about quickle
    Nutmeg: Hello, Zanerue
    Nutmeg: Could you please do me a favor?
    Zanerue: ...greetings...
    Trousers: glances at Vontril.
    Nulion: H....heya...
    Nutmeg: I get VERY nervous these days when a shade walks up quietly behind me.
    Zanerue: can this shadow serve?..
    Manicyper: taps his comm and grins.
    Zanerue: tries to looks harmless
    Zanerue: my blades are at rest, worry not...
    Nutmeg: smiles
    Nutmeg: It's my nerves, and the whole Tempus Coma thing. I think many of us are on edge.
    Nulion: sighs deeply, walking back to the benches, taking a seat
    Nutmeg: keeps her back to the wall, for now
    Nutmeg: Echos?
    Nulion: nods at Hyperion
    Nulion: I....hope he doesn't get in your head.
    Manicyper: wow, this guy is still standing?
    Hyperion5182: You mean Trousers here Manic?
    Manicyper: i don't see any other ommers here.
    Hyperion5182: This is a neutral city... Not going to do crap to him here....
    Trousers: glances at Manicyper.
    Manicyper: unless you count the nuters.
    Chihaleet: grins at manic
    Manicyper: oh, right... i forgot.
    Trousers: I'm conducting business. Do you have a problem with that?
    Hyperion5182: Excuse me Manic here is a sentinel supporter.
    Manicyper: not in Tir...
    Zanerue: i may have to take that.... personaly
    Manicyper: chuckles.
    Manicyper: wait, you support simon?
    Manicyper: i gotta hear this.
    Hyperion5182: You could of fooled me just now Manic
    Manicyper: snickers.
    Trousers: Thank you, Meg.

    [Markonen reappears, dressed in Clan combat gear and accompanied by Salliesue]


  3. #3
    Continued from previous...


    Hyperion5182: James!
    Hyperion5182: Sallie!
    Nutmeg: smiles
    Nulion: smiles
    Markonen: Its ok.
    Nulion: ....Hello, you two!
    Nutmeg: Hi, Salliesue!
    Dagget: Hello!
    Salliesue: smiles happily
    Nutmeg: hands her compassion to Salliesue
    Salliesue: Hello everyone!
    Markonen: scans the area carefully
    Zanerue: Markonen.... i have heard of you...
    Dagget: Good to see you!
    Trousers: Welcome back, Sarge.
    Chihaleet: hiya Salliesue
    Salliesue: giggles at compassion
    Nulion: Good to see you *smile* are you doing? *pats Salliesue's shoulder a little*
    Salliesue: Good!
    Dagget: let me know if you want to be an animal, Sallie
    Manicyper: i've never seen a shade so small before.
    Salliesue: looks down
    Manicyper: rubs his eyes.
    Salliesue: I-I was .... ill
    Markonen: Ahem...
    Hyperion5182: Excuse my friend here
    Hyperion5182: He hasnt read the latest intellegence reports
    Dagget: she's our favorite little girl!
    Manicyper: chuckles.
    Salliesue: giggles and blushes
    Manicyper: oooh... okay...
    Nulion: leans against the seat a bit, smiling at Salliesue
    Chihaleet: allows Salli to pet him
    Dagget: you been staying busy girl?
    Salliesue: giggles and pets Chihaleet happily
    Manicyper: looks at Markonen
    Salliesue: nods
    Salliesue: It's a lot of homework, but I love it!
    Markonen: I am sorry. Everyone who doesnt know.. this is my daughter. Salliesue.
    Dagget: we've missed swimming in the Tir reservoir lately
    Salliesue: I know
    Nutmeg: really misses playing
    Manicyper: looks at salliesue
    Nulion: smiles..
    Trousers: It's a pleasure to meet you, Salliesue. I am Mr. Mahoney.
    Salliesue: Pleasure to meet you too
    Dagget: you sleeping well now?
    Hyperion5182: ....this is getting to be quite the party...
    Salliesue: smiles
    Markonen: Is there a problem please?
    Dagget: I see we still need to find you a new teddy
    Chihaleet: Sense Tension in the air
    Salliesue: looks at Markonen concerned
    Manicyper: you're blocking my view, Metoo
    Hyperion5182: No not really james...given the events of the nights its a bit disconcerting....
    Nulion: looks around, not seeing or feeling anything wrong about here...
    Markonen: chuckles
    Chihaleet: Ah so who would like a drink i shall return with a beverage
    Chihaleet: woddles off
    Salliesue: A cola sounds good
    Nulion: I...could use one, please.
    Manicyper: chuckles.
    Salliesue: looks at Markonen with bright eyes
    Necko: Hello
    Dagget: Oh, Sallie, I got you some new nanos and other stuff you might like
    Nulion: smiles softly
    Salliesue: they are trying to bother you daddy
    Markonen: smiles
    Nulion: You two really do make a good family..
    Nutmeg: nods
    Zanerue: Necko
    Markonen: I am used to people such as them Sallie. Ignore them.
    Zanerue: thank you for your speed
    Salliesue: looks in the bags Zanerue gave here and gasps
    Necko: Many thanks
    Salliesue: WOW!
    Salliesue: Thank you so much!!
    Salliesue: Thank you dagget!
    Nulion: smiles
    Dagget: you're welcome
    Zanerue: it is my pleasure to be of... use
    Chihaleet: and the colas are served
    Salliesue: smiles sweetly at Zanerue
    Chihaleet: Takes a Gulp of his Club-Beer
    Vontril: I bid you all a good night
    Trousers: Zanerue, can you toss me my breifcase?
    Dagget: good night
    Trousers: points to the ground by Zanerue's feet
    Necko: good night
    Zanerue: tosses the crat's case deftly to Trousers
    Dagget: someone grabbed my cola...
    Trousers: grabs it and places it on his seat.
    Trousers: I'll return in just a moment.

    [Disagreeable conversation is noted on Nrpb]
    Markonen: growls
    Salliesue: growles at her comm
    Nulion: sighs
    Chihaleet: Smiles and takes another sip
    Necko: So what is everyone up to tonight?
    Nulion: That Jacobstroud....a very devout Omni, isn't he..?
    Markonen: More like a bloodsucking leech.
    Salliesue: Why would someone befriend that thing? Honestly?
    Dagget: yeah, had his blinders put on at birth
    Zanerue: speaks softly to his captive spirits
    Nulion: smiles, chuckling
    Markonen: Him and Oriitas should go far in Omni.
    Nulion: So unfortunate...
    Trousers: Hrmm?
    Trousers: Oriitas and whom?
    Markonen: Speaking of several "Loyal" citizens Trousers.
    Markonen: Stroud.
    Trousers: Oh, I see you use the word loyal loosely.
    Markonen: Another example of bloodsuckers.
    Markonen: smiles
    Necko: looks around
    Trousers: pick up his briefcase and opens it.
    Markonen: laughs loudly
    Chihaleet: look towards Trousers
    Nulion: smiles at Markonen
    Chihaleet: So Trouser not aloud to discuss your Business?
    Zanerue: well met, Daftfunk...
    Nulion: looks up at the sky, trying his best to relax...
    Manicyper: looks at Trousers
    Trousers: I'm sorry. What business?
    Chihaleet: You did say you had business here
    Chihaleet: which is you reason being here
    Daftfunk: what's happenin...
    Trousers: Oh, that was personal, and the individual has since left.
    Manicyper: yea, and i'm still waiting to hear what he has to say about simon and his cause.
    Markonen: Sally did my friend show you his new bots...
    Markonen: What who has to say?
    Chihaleet: ah i see excuss my intrusion
    Manicyper: the suit, here.
    Manicyper: chuckles
    Manicyper: i'm curious.
    Markonen: Respect.. It works both ways Manicyper. They may be our enemies. But we respect them. With out it we become what Omni paints us to be.
    Markonen: Murderous traitors.
    Zanerue: well said, Markonen
    Nulion: smiles, still staring at the cargo ships...
    Manicyper: ...enemies
    Manicyper: grins.
    Markonen: I know this man. He is a loyal Omni employee. But that does not mean I disrespect him for the choices he has made.
    Markonen: As he does not me for mine.
    Trousers: nods.
    Necko: If only more thought this way
    Manicyper: but i still haven't heard his point of view, clanmate.
    Dagget: then there are the mad docs who frequent the comms...
    Trousers: rubs his chin.
    Trousers: My point of view?
    Manicyper: yea.
    Compassion: Deactivating...
    Manicyper: i don't know any omni who would sit with...
    Trousers: On what topic do you wish to know my point of view?
    Markonen: I will tell you min if you wish..
    Manicyper: looks around.
    Zanerue: reflects on the loss of compassion
    Markonen: smiles calmly
    Manicyper: looks at markonen.
    Manicyper: why are you...
    Manicyper: thinks.
    Manicyper: why do you consider those who defend our capitol, enimies?
    Markonen: Simon Silverstone is an animal who deserves to be put down for the damage he is doing to the clans. His views are outdated and his overwhelming hatred is blinding him to what the clans truly need. He is a rabid dog who needs to be stripped of his power.
    Nulion: smiles
    Markonen: Simon is the number one reason that Omni is able to say what they do about us and have it believed.
    Dagget: rolls up next to Salliesue
    Manicyper: i see...
    Hyperion5182: just laughs
    Manicyper: retrubution.
    Hyperion5182: just laughs *
    Markonen: There is a line that cannot be crossed even in war.
    Markonen: He has crossed it.
    Manicyper: we've lost thousands to their hundreds.
    Manicyper: i don't see one omni...
    Manicyper: pauses
    Markonen: shakes his head sadly.
    Manicyper: i don't see any of them trying to pay back our loss.
    Markonen: The numbers do not matter. It is the thinking behind those battles that is flawed.
    Hyperion5182: .....
    Dagget: eyes the new Omni
    Manicyper: my own parents were gunned down by their soldiers.
    Hyperion5182: stands up
    Salliesue: rolls her eyes and scoffs at her comm then shuts it off
    Trousers: Ah, Mr. Marshall.
    Markonen: I was shot in the back and left for permadeath.
    Trousers: Please excuse us.
    Manicyper: i don't see any of them doing anything to pay me back.
    Deke: Greetings Mr. Mahoney
    Markonen: Restitution?
    Deke: Greetings Everybody.
    Zanerue: what could omni do, to repay the dead? best to serve the living, that they not meet the dead before their due
    Salliesue: smiles
    Hyperion5182: raises an eyebrow
    Nulion: ...Hello, Deke.
    Deke: excellent.
    Deke: Greetings
    Manicyper: shakes his head and drinks deeply.
    Zanerue: hate on both sides brings you nothing but stained hands...
    Manicyper: but hate can bring about change.
    Zanerue: your hate shall consume you
    Salliesue: very poetic
    Manicyper: that hate is what made this city.
    Dagget: Newland?
    Manicyper: the hate for what omni was doing to the clans.
    Manicyper: yes, newland.
    Necko: How do you mean?
    Manicyper: and it wasn't long ago that clans were shot here.
    Deke: hands Trousers the papers he requested I sign.
    Manicyper: you... neutrals.
    Manicyper: you broke away from omni-tek.
    Manicyper: ...and the clans...
    Salliesue: From my studies i've found out that Omni was this big bad corporate monopoly, basically, and us clans...we were trying to get away from "Image" of true that right?
    Deke: Excellent. Thank you Mr. Mahoney.
    Necko: You will have to excuse my lack of historical education..I am fairly new this this world.
    Manicyper: because you didn't like what was happening.
    Deke: And You Sotto.
    Dagget: nibbles at the stuffed leet in Salliesue's hand
    Manicyper: yes, salliesue.
    Manicyper: i am glad the educational system is still working.
    Salliesue: And the neutrals, for the obvious reasons, are torn between the two sides, or is it something more?
    Manicyper: smiles.
    Nulion: seems a little detatched, still looking off into space a bit
    Necko: smirks
    Manicyper: well, omni started it.
    Salliesue: looks at Zanerue with her big eyes
    Deke: Mr. Mahoney I thank you again
    Zanerue: i work for an end to this war, your war. one that lets us all live, not bar the door to anyone
    Hyperion5182: Damn it dont scare me like that. We have had enough scares for one week
    Necko: nods
    Trousers: eyeballs Manicyper.
    Manicyper: yes?
    Deke: It was a pleasure to meet all of you. Sorry if i interupted your meeting.
    Nulion: ...Didn't mean to scare you, Hyperion...or anybody else....Just a lot on my mind.
    Chihaleet: Have a nice day Deke
    Trousers: I get up for a moment and you take my seat without even asking...
    Markonen: Be well Deke.
    Nulion: Please take care, Deke...
    Deke: And you.
    Manicyper: looks back at markonen.
    Deke: Till we meet again.
    Zanerue: returns Sallie's gaze
    Manicyper: nothing changes.
    Manicyper: good luck with that...
    Necko: Please excuse me...
    Manicyper: "peaceful coexistance".
    Markonen: growls softly
    Necko: looks at his comm
    Salliesue: looks at Wolfgangenf a little concen
    Salliesue: looks at Wolfgangenf a little concened
    Markonen: chuckles
    Salliesue: sticks her nose back in her History book
    Markonen: It is really quite simple.
    Nulion: smiles at Salliesue for a moment
    Trousers: Sorry to bother you, Sallie. What are you studying right now?
    Salliesue: History...of us...the Clan vs. Omni
    Trousers: sighs softly
    Salliesue: It's very interesting actually
    Dagget: looks at the material and remembers leets can't read
    Salliesue: It almost looks like we both have the same ideals of life, except one has corporal punishment and the other doesn't enforce it
    Necko: speaks into his comm
    Markonen: looks at the leet oddly
    Trousers: smiles at Sallie
    Nulion: ....A lot is the same...Just that there's a lot who don't see it that way.
    Salliesue: nods
    Zanerue: ponders this...
    Markonen: True Sallie.
    Trousers: Sarge, you have a very bright young lady there.
    Chihaleet: there you are Trousers
    Chihaleet: enjoy
    Markonen: smiles
    Markonen: Thank you. I am very proud of her growth.
    Salliesue: And technically we all came from Omni...some of us just....didn't agree with the system...and went in a different direction...and because of that....Omni felt they were losing power so they decided to wage a war upon us to show that they are the "ultimate" i have that right?
    Chihaleet: they say the last can always taste best
    Trousers: peers at the Smudge Cola Can.
    Hyperion5182: for the people that were born here yes
    Hyperion5182: I however was never an employee of omni-tek
    Markonen: Sallie here is our history in brief.
    Zanerue: it's not just control issues, there is the notum mining, and icc stepping in to brak omni control of it
    Trousers: That's close, but I wouldn't fully agree with that.
    Markonen: Omni-Tek came here along time ago to develop the planet. The found Notum....
    Markonen: glares at his comm
    Trousers: takes and begins to drink the Cola
    Chihaleet: Notum mines are why Atrox where created
    Markonen: They made the Atrox and the Opifex and the Nanomages.
    Salliesue: looks sadly at Chihaleet
    Chihaleet: smilys dumbly
    Markonen: Now no one knows why but Omni decided that they wanted to work their people really hard in the notum mines.
    Markonen: A big accident happened. And Omni didnt handle it well so the clans came about.
    Trousers: hangs his head.
    Salliesue: jots down some notes
    Nulion: listens quietly, smiling every so often..
    Zanerue: it started out so small....
    Markonen: The people who created the clans didnt like how omni did things so they tried to change them.
    Markonen: But both sides made errors and alot of people got hurt.
    Salliesue: frowns
    Markonen: And it just got worse as time went on.
    Markonen: To be brutally honest both sides are wrong.
    Trousers: sits his breifcase down.
    Chihaleet: and the neutrals?
    Nulion: looks at Markonen, with a soft chuckle
    Necko: Then why do you choose one?
    Markonen: The Neutrals are thos who got sick of the wars.
    Zanerue: we neutral are not unified
    Chihaleet: Question is should we?
    Chihaleet: if we were wouldnt be just like Omni or Clan
    Markonen: They are under ICC protection for the simple fact that ALL of them are still considered Omni employees.
    Necko: You say both sides are wrong..yet do you still fight?
    Trousers: smirks slightly, trying to conceal it
    Hyperion5182: dagget whats up?
    Salliesue: has an idea of that but keeps quiet and just giggles quietly
    Chihaleet: but if a Situation arised where you had you would you?
    Necko: nods
    Zanerue: glances curiously at Salliesue
    Markonen: To protect myself or my family and friends?
    Dagget: more omnis here...I need to head back to Old Athens
    Chihaleet: to Protect The Clans
    Markonen: Without measure.
    Nulion: ....Everything okay there, Dagget?
    Dagget: see you all tomorrow I hope...good to see you again Markonen, and especially you, Salliesue
    Salliesue: smiles brightly


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