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Thread: No White Clouds

  1. #1

    No White Clouds

    Amelie woke to the sensation of Notum canons going off in her head. A low thudding with occasional bursts made worse by the music from down the hall and the snoring of the man beside her. She pressed her palms into her eyes willing the hangover away. With a low groan of pain she untangled herself from the bed and stepped onto a cold stone floor. Looking over the empty Sake bottles she picked up a half full Whiskey and took a good swing of the booze. It burned down her parched throat doing nothing to clear her head.

    She had come here last night looking for trouble, which was never hard to come by in a clan bar. It soon showed up in the Kevlar-clad form of the currently snoring enforcer. She looked over the sleeping atrox trying to remember his name, not that is made much difference. She'd probably been too drunk to ask or to care. Everything in-between the usual Clan-Omni exchange of insults and a rapid move to one of the little rooms at the back of the Happy Rebel was an alcohol-induced blur to her. She chuckled, taking one more swing of the booze, before collecting her armor and heading out the door.

    "Not good Amelie, not good at all" she chided herself, "this won't solve anything."

    Tir was empty this early in the morning and she scowled at the too-bright light as she stumbled to the grid. The rather ditzy guard that always stood by the Rebel, as usual, didn't react until Amelie was already entering the terminal. Her world swirled into an inverted blue with the guards fading shouts of how she "should not have come here..."

    "Yeah, I know that already." she mumbled in response to the guard, "There is a lot I should not do but end up in the same place every night."

    Amelie continued on quickly making her way through the grid and into to the Coast of Peace. She flew to the large moss-covered stone by the beach and gazed down into the tidal pools. The crisp salt air was clearing her head better than any nano program she could have run.

    "There is only one who matters sugar – and you are currently driving her into the ground." She whispered to the reflection in the tidal pool.

    A tired face looked back, and it did not really believe the line she was feeding it. With a light sight Amelie rolled onto her back letting her head hang off the edge of the boulder. She stared at the inverted ocean and cloudless sky spreading across the horizon.

    She hated being this way; she hated how she treated him and how he made her feel. Happiness seemed like a betrayal to Asher’s memory, she wasn’t supposed to laugh or smile but with him she always somehow did. She knew the past year of her life was driven by a pattern of misery. She couldn’t admit it to anyone and no amount of alcohol or one-night stands had ever dulled the hollow feeling. Last nights activities had different roots, but the pattern was the same. The same self-destructive push and pull she threw herself into every time she actually felt something for someone living.

    "You can't live for the dead and drive everyone away from you" came the unwanted voice from memory.

    Her hand made its way to the thigh-pocket on her armor letting her fingers cares the small object she always kept there. She finally pulled out the ring and gazed through it at her upside down world. This time though, that cold feeling did not rise up to choke her, only a small tinge of old joys and the sensation of a single tear rolling down her face. She slowly moved back on to her stomach and gazed at the wedding band in her hand. Spreading her fingers she let it tumble down into the slowly lapping waves and watched at is sunk with a final golden sparkle.

    “Sleep well Asher,” she whispered one last time before walking back to the city.

    ((Figured it is time I start writing down Dooki's story, I’ll add more as time and brainpower allows. Started the first one with her “now” and will jump through present/past as needed to fill out the tale. Feel free to comment and criticize. ))

  2. #2
    (( great start ))

  3. #3
    [Bump! More, darnit!]
    [Vicinity] Hilfy: Expecting?
    [Vicinity] Redtricks: Pregnant? No.

  4. #4

    [timeframe: about a year ago]

    Amelie raises her face to the soft rain coming down onto Rome Blue and smiles. The stoic city with its classic and soaring architecture, glistens in the rain, its facades reflecting a multitude of lights and flashes as people hurry past. Each person walks secure in the knowledge that they are safe and protected, they are part of the Corporation, that is why she is loyal and Omni. It has been a good day for her.

    She lets her mind wander – today marks the third week back in full Omni-Tek service. A clean bill of health from Omni-Med let her return to active duty, but for a while, there was doubt that she would survive. A malfunction on a ship she was in cryo on had left her body severely damaged. Now it functions perfectly, better even, with the addition of Notum and nanobots. They had rebuilt her just the way she had been. Only visible differences were small specs of notum-blue in her brown eyes, just a minor side effect of the Notum-DNA splice.

    Amelie smiles and wraps the cloak tightly around her walking swiftly through the whompa systems to Omni Trade. As usual she has one more thing to do before joining her friends at Baboons. She loves her new job and is finding a purpose that requires her skill set here on Rubi-Ka. With her new partners, they make a solid team. Today they cleared out three nests of Clan rebels in not time. They had moved swiftly through the levels of the facility killing everyone and taking down the leader without trouble. All went perfectly as if they had trained together for years.

    She turns a corner and enters one of the many buildings in Omni-Trade. There are very few other workers in the building this late at night and the security system observes her cautiously as she passes through the hallways. It's late but there is no point in waiting till morning to file her reports. Tomorrow will see more work and more Clan attempts at destroying the one good thing on this planet.

    "M-miss Freeman," someone broke into her thoughts "M-miss Freeman, may I have a w-word with you? It is ve-very urgent."

    She turns around to face a small, nervous bureaucrat whom she vaguely recognizes as one of the many employees on this floor. He stutters out his request for a brief meeting - something about a security report. Amelie nods curtly walking as directed into one of the large offices down the hall. She makes note of the dim lights and a single automaton cleaning the office.

    "Very well Mr...?" she trails of on the unfamiliar name as she turns around to face him.

    The nervous little man stutters out something incomprehensible before a large atrox swiftly closes the door behind him. She feels an electric surge from the automaton stun her body as she reaches for the guns she does not have strapped on over the armor she isn't wearing. The atrox moves swiftly, for all his bulk, catching her and pressing a stim into her neck before she fully collapses.

    The small bureaucrat does a nervous back and forth hop leaning in close to speak as the atrox carries her limp form.

    "I am so s-sorry Seleena to be this a-abrupt, but we re-really must hurry, s-she can't keep the se-security blacked out for m-much longer,” he stutters out "A-avalon cannot be ke-keept waiting, s-she has been looking for y-you."

    The words slowly flow through her consciousness and the upside down view of the hallways she is being carried down fades as her eyes roll upwards. She tries to speak but the stim has effectively shut down all her vocal and motor controls. There is nothing she can do now, she knows that too well. It's the same drug she herself had used on many clients in her former line of work. Not every person her old group had been sent to collect had come willingly into the team’s protective custody. It had always been for the clients own good though, and for the protection of the Corporation.

    Absently, she wonders why she herself is being collected. Avalon is not a name she recognizes, but it sends a familiar chill through her.

  5. #5

    [timeframe: about one year ago, continued]

    A soft electronic hum permeates the room in which hushed voices talk. Amelie can identify the bureaucrat and the atrox, the third is a cool flat female voice she guesses to be Avalon. She lies motionless listening. The floor is cold and smooth underneath her and there is some form of restraints around her wrists and ankles. A tingling sensation along her spine and the base of her scull tells her someone had used a primitive method to access her implants. She needs a few more seconds to get a sense of her surroundings - to place the sounds and voices. To...

    "She is awake. Open your eyes poppet - I know when you try to play dead,” the female voice intones with a mocking sweetness.

    Amelie slowly opens her eyes, the room is sparsely furnished and lit with a single light. A small portable surgery clinic stands at one end of a beat up metal table. Amelie's clothes lie neatly folded on a chair and her NCU is spread open and hacked on the floor. There is no woman anywhere, only the atrox and bureaucrat standing by some small silver cylinder. A silvery tinkle of a female laugh emanates from the object as a stream of nanobots swirls out from the top.

    A tall slender form takes shape, soft features with full lips and mercury-dead eyes. Avalon stands there clothed in a blue kimono with small silver flowers bursting and twisting around the fabric. Amelie observes the woman frowning; she has seen these high-end toys before - holo-projection, a construct, a manifestation of the self for an AI. The real system is probably miles away.

    "I was not going to waste my energy just standing around while you took your beauty sleep Seleena."

    The woman shimmers and swims in Amelie's field of view as if seen through water. Amelie blinks as a cold knot of dread knots in her belly. She has no idea what these people want, why they call her Seleena. It's not like her Omni-Tek clearance is high enough to warrant attention or su****ion.

    "What do you want?" Amelie begins quietly, still struggling with the familiar feeling the AI holds. "You are abducting Omni-Tek personnel. You will..."

    "I am here to save you poppet," coos the AI "to tell you who you are and what the corporation made you forget. What needs to be done."

    "But you are in no position to talk now" the construct continues, its lips curving in a mockery of a smile. "Let us begin poppet, the download will take quite a few hours. Do not fight it and you will progress through it with minimal damage."

    "What-..." Amelie tries to speak again but the sudden surge of a data transfer makes her stop and gasp. Information - pure raw data in the clean logic of an AI system flows into her implant and mind. She absently wonders when she had the appropriate link-ups implanted, she does not remember that modification being made.

    "I do not have the time to coddle you poppet, I am on a schedule here. Not much time before I loose the signal so the transfer must be completed fast. All the data must be preserved." Avalon keep talking, the construct almost sounds regretful.

    Infinite bits of data, possibilities, readings – memories, compiled and catalogues in order - with flashes of twelve childhoods, lives and secrets all flow through her mind. Amelie tries to focus on the words, focus on anything tangible she can hold onto as her mind splits and fragments. She slowly recognizes what Avalon is doing and how she fits into the pattern. She lies on the floor curled in on herself like a child, staring blankly at the wall in front of her.

    The construct shimmers somewhere in her peripheral vision like an ethereal butterfly, but Amelie-Seleena is no longer aware of anything.

  6. #6

    Tonight - "Dead Voices Calling"

    A sharp cry stirs her awake. Her eyes fly open staring into the darkness as the echo of that scream fades. With all the lights off and no windows the small Tir apartment feels like deep space - cold and pitch black. Amelie lies motionless in her rumpled bed, the wet sheets clinging to her body. The soft whispers of distant voices fade from her consciousness like the scream from the room.

    She counts her heartbeats waiting for something; for someone, for anything. Tentatively she raises her hand to the spot behind her left ear, just below the edge of her scull. One tiny implant, one more than the norm for the rest of Rubi-Ka’s population, hums softly with energy as it finishes a data transfer. Amelie closes her eyes and shivers. Her lips silently form a name: Avalon.

    They are all dead, they were dead.” She whispers. Is that not what she had been told?

    The implant still hums softly with energy. The voices seem like a bad dream but one tiny speck of information remains. A coordinate floats in her memory. Somewhere in the un-terraformed regions of Rubi-Ka lies the crumpled wreck of a spacecraft that calls her name. Its sentient AI system insinuates and spreads itself out like a virus as it struggles for survival sending out tendrils of itself to anything it can reach.

    Amelie moves slowly as if still in a dream, one foot onto the floor, other down after it. Across the pitch-black darkness of the room she can see her eyes reflect in a mirror. The Notum, spreading like an infection through her body, shows its presence in the soft blue glow of her eyes.

    The Outzone” she whispers to those eyes that blink slowly and stare back at her, “Military Vessel S-3367 - Avalon.”

    She walks through the darkness slowly pulling on Tier armour and a brown trenchcoat. She twists off the ring she has been wearing for the past few months and leaves it on top of her Sentinel armour. She will need neither where she is going – she will know where to find it if she returns. A few extra bullets and a modified suit-helm is all she throws into the backpack she slings over her shoulder.

    In the silent courtyard of the apartment complex there is no one to see her leave. She activates her nano program the instance she steps out the door.

    A small green reet flies north from Tir.

  7. #7

    Five months ago...

    Amelie paused again wiping the fine sand from her faceplate. The stuff was everywhere, whipped to and fro by strong winds, getting embedded in every crevice of her Jobe-support system. The unit was not meant for this and she hoped it would last the journey. Her HUD unit displayed the small pulsing marker of her target. 500 yards away, somewhere behind the curtain of red dust that made up this part of the Outzone, was the wreck of the S-3367 – Avalon.

    She was still peering into the swirls of the sandstorm when the areas scan suddenly returned with a positive life form reading. She was not sure she wanted to meet whoever lived here, but the signal was making its way straight for her.

    “Hello poppet.” Chimed the smooth voice of the Avalon AI system, “hope you weren’t waiting long.”

    A tiny form waddled its way toward her. Amelie could not help but giggle at the sight of Ava’s rather worse for wear robot body. The leet-bot was missing large patches of fur and one eye was torn out. She looked as if something had tried to make a snack of her.

    “Like you look any better,” retorted the leet as it turned around waddling back to the ship.

    “I should be able to make the transfer much more effectively now. Having my core AI-systems planet-side and with access to the actual military vessel it will make the process a lot easier on you.”

    Amelie nodded slowly even though Ava would not be able to see it. She did not trust her voice to speak around the lump of fear in her throat. Amelie just opened all channels on her interface-implants and let the voice of the AI drone on in her head as she followed.

    “It’s quite a mess in there. I had an old Automaton help with the manual stuff. I managed to restore most of the core ships personnel archives. I have all of you, back to the date of your original acceptance to the crew. That’s two reforms worth of personal data poppet,” chuckled the AI system.

    “They sent another AI in to wipe it all. Something’s had to be sacrificed, but I saved all of your archives. Too bad you’re the only one left that I can restore.”

    “Sacrificed? Ava whom did you erase?” Amelie asked, suddenly very worried.

    The small form ahead of her stopped outside of an airlock at the back of the vessel. The Avalon lay half buried in the sand, most of its paint scoured off by the sands now. Only small patches of mat-black and a faint trace of Omni-AF insignia remained on its hull.

    “Sorry poppet, they were looking for data. I had to give something to them. Though that barbarian of an AI system did not think to look deeper after it got what it was sent for. It was either the information we found…or all of us.”

    Ava had turned around and was gazing intently up at Amelie. She looked almost pitiful at that moment as she swayed from side to side. The mechanism of her one functioning leet-eye dilated and constricted as she focused on Amelie.

    “Ava…we betrayed Omni-Tek, most of us died to get that data to Rubi-Ka! Now you tell me you ERASED it!”

    “I had to poppet! There was no choice! I have some bits left…but I could not save it all!” the AI bounced in agitation.

    Amelie couldn’t believe it; she just walked past the still bouncing creature and hit the access panel on the doors. She walked slowly into the dim interior of the ship.

    Bits of the crews’ personal memories in her head started to surface as she looked at the inside of the vessel. Engine controls were to the right, she – no, Mark – had loved to sit there for hours watching the engine statistics readouts. Three corridors down to the left was the medical lab where Amelie, – no, where their medical officer – grew plants in little glass containers. Amelie shook her head lightly to clear out the flow of images and looked down at the leet bot as it went waddling down the corridor ahead of her.

    “Where to Ava?”

    “I’ll need you to sleep, I got one of the stasis chambers functioning. It will make it easier to transfer all the memories and personnel files over.”

    “You’re implanting everyone?”

    “I have to,” Ava turned into the sleeping rooms and paused, sounding less certain for a moment “the first time I tried it was too soon after your reform. I had less control then being off-planet, slower reaction time, and more intrusions to worry about. Fractured you too much. Everyone’s complete memory files should help that.”

    Amelie just nodded and dropped her gear next to the one functioning pod in the room. She leaned back, the padding conforming to her body, and closed her eyes. A moment’s panic set in before the soft click and hiss that told her the pod had activated.

    In a few second she was asleep and the soft hum of a data transfer began.

    (( A bit more of Dook's story to explain part of her five month absence and give more details as to why she is so mixed up in the head. If anyone is actually reading this, I hope it makes some sense. ))

  8. #8
    ((nice, wouldn't mind more though))

    Don Victor 'Iwillbreakit' Taccariello

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