Did some testing. My enf has around 600+ nanores, and with rage going I get 1400+ Nano-res. I don't resist jack. I asked a trader 20 levels lower than me to try some ransacks/divests on me. With Agro bar at 100% I didn't stop a single one. At 50% agrobar I didn't stop anything. At 25% I stopped a few. At 0% agrobar most of them were resisted. Then I tried facing a fixer 30 levels higher, with max def and 1400+ nanores. He used the lowest qlvl root he had, and it worked every time.

What I hear people say is that it's supposed to work fine with rage and max def, but I don't understand how an Enforcer is supposed to fight well on Max Def, even when he resist only some of the debuffs.