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Thread: The Durousseaus

  1. #21

    Pray for peace, prepare for war

    Day 2:

    I had Jehryn control everybody while I got the dropship for awhile. Had to take Nulion to West Athen. Something about the tea there. He wanted me to get a cup too.

    "So Koreteve..." He started.
    "Whats up?" I replied
    "How long have you been with your clan?"
    "As long as I can remember...we met very long ago. Most of us had already met, but we were all in the same organization and we were sent to do a mission together. We got along so well we decided to branch off. We still have strong ties to our old organization, we just needed our own sect. You know?"
    "Yes, I understand."
    "Main reason, between you and me, is that we all felt we needed to take a more 'direct' approach to defeating Omni-Tek and ridding them off of the planet."
    "You mean bombing and terrorizing?"
    I grinned evily.
    "Almost at West Athen. What was the drink you wanted me to try?"
    "A nice cup of tea. Coco makes the best!"
    I chuckled. "Ok." It was nice to do something fun and exciting instead of violant and exciting.

    "Coco!" He said, "2 of your finest cups of teas please!"
    "Right away!" She said. She was tall and attractive, but Im on a mission, not oogling women....that'll have to wait for later!

    5 minutes later:

    "Here are your teas, theres Nulion's extra lemon tea, and Koreteve's lemon-rasberry tea. Enjoy!" She said.
    "Thank you very much Coco."

    "So Koreteve. It must be fun bombing the Omnis to hell and back. Sometimes I wish we could trade lives. But I choose my path! How do you live knowing you have killed so many?" He asked. Apparently tea makes him jittery.
    "Its a living. The only way we make money. Not like we can sell anything, its all stolen property."
    "Your machine gun too?"
    "Oh no, I personally crafted this one myself."
    "Isnt it?"

    Another 5 minutes and 10 teas pass....

    "So..." I started. "Hows it working for the Council of Truth?"
    "It has its ups and downs....mostly ups."
    "What do you do?"
    "Just clerical staff, nothing big."
    "I see. Anything else you do?"
    "I just basicly setup the Agenda and Speaker lists for whenever we do meetings." He smiled. "And nothing else." He grinned.
    "Sounds fun."
    "Oh? Trade ya lives!" He laughed.
    I laughed too.

    Meanwhile....back in Newland...

    "So when will I stop tasting blood?" I said, spitting up more blood.
    "If not by tomorrow, im taking you to a doctor." Lavat said.
    "Your welcome."

    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  2. #22


    Nightline, Newland. About 7:00 PM RKT:
    I spat up more blood. Something inside of me was viral and spreading. I was getting lacerations where there were none. Among those, a Scar going from my shoulder to my hip diagonally. Almost like tattoos...except I dont know what they mean. Usually when I mutilate my body I like to know why I am...

    "Auromonto, get up a sec." It was Lavat. Neither of us were quite the same after the Hellion attack. Lavat was experiencing contusions daily.
    "Whats wrong Lavat?" I said. I wasnt sure, but I think my eyes were darkening.
    "Your eyes...."
    "They are a strange blue color."
    "Are they?"
    "Yes. Compared to light brown, I can tell."
    "And yours...."
    "Yours are black. Theres no retina, no pupil. Just black...."

    I started to feel....woooozy.....and then.....

    Blackness......Am I dead? Is Lavat? What of Koreteve and everyone else? What is going on? NONE OF THIS IS MAKING ANY SENSE!!! I have to calm down...I will regain consciousness easier....

    "Auromonto........Auromonto......" I sprung up. What was that?

    "Something weird just happened.." I said
    "You fainted and woke up from waht I saw." It was....Koreteve???? None of this is making sense.
    "Is it really you? I thought you were in West Athen."
    "Well....its a long see..."

    "It all started after I finished my tea. I told Nulion I would be back. I went into the restroom and I saw an omni! An Omni Employee inside of The Cup of West Athen. He wasnt alone. Many of his friends were stealthed inside. He grabbed me and flung me across the restroom. Then all of his buddies came out. Now I dont know about you, but seeing 10 Omni against me is reason enough to leave. I focused a nano program that stopped them in their tracks. After that I notified Nulion that I would leave my tab later. I got in my yalmaha and I was gone!"

    "And I am OK?"
    "What do you mean?"
    "No tattoos or different eye color?"
    "Nope and light brown, as always."
    "Odd...and Lavat? He is OK too?"
    "As well as an Atrox can be."
    "I see..."
    "Is something wrong?"
    "No. Nothing at all." I smiled.
    "Carry on then, Keeper!"
    "Yes, Koreteve! Where is Lavat?" He pointed. Snoozing as always....

    We laughed.

    Last edited by Koreteve; May 26th, 2005 at 10:19:30.
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  3. #23


    Nighttime, Newland. About 10:30 PM RKT

    "Hey Automan..." I said
    "Yes, Auromonto?" He replied.
    "Can you...scan me?"
    "For what?"
    "Anything. Everything."
    He pulled out a scanner. He scanned my every atom for anything. "Looks normal to me." He said after reading.
    "Are you sure?"
    "Yes. Whats wrong?"
    "I keep fainting and having bad bad dreams."
    "It could be a number of things. Heat stroke, dusty weather, you name it. Also, the bad dreams are atributed to something psycological, 90% of the time."
    "My was weird. I killed him and me and Lavat messed with his reclaim. Could he really have been my twin?"
    "Bingo, psycological. I'll have you analyzed in 10 minutes."
    "Thanks Automan"

    (TBC, when I wake up..)
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  4. #24


    Early morning. Still trying to psychoanalyze Auromonto, been trying all night. Good thing Jehryn can keep us up. About 8:30 AM RKT:

    "No, I dont have a twin!" Auromonto said.
    "Ok, I think we need to take 5 and air out." We made 'some' progress. Better than none. I called:

    "You are up in psycology, arent you?"
    "You know that..."
    "Can you come tinker with Auromonto?"

    I had to hurry. The Council meeting was about to start and I had almost no time left to get there.

    For matters of .... privacy ... I will not post about the meeting here.

    Lets say....noon, RKT:

    After the council meeting I had nothing left to do, so I went to Newland for some more looking out. I decided to finally use my 1/2 off everything, so I went to the one place where I could, Bronto Burger!

    "Greetings!" I said
    "Hey, what can I get ya?" he replied.
    "Can I get a bronto burger with cheese?"
    "Certainly! And what to drink?"
    "Do you have Mister Gibb?"
    "We sure do!"
    "Thank you!"
    "That'll be 500 credits."
    "Sure." I paid the cashier and went to sit down...then:

    "Hello there." An angel? Close, in beauty, and closer, in her voice. "Is this seat taken?"
    ", you are welcome to sit here if you like." I smiled.
    "So, Fixer eh?" She asked
    "How did you know?"
    "Woman's intuition." She said, and we laughed.
    "And you...."
    "I mean your name" I smiled again, almost giddy.
    "Quick arent you?" She smiled "Channica. Anastacia Channica Harmington. What's yours?"
    "King Koreteve Durousseau the Second."
    "Your mother gave you that name?"
    "Yes, as a matter of fact..." I grinned. "My dad...was....a great...Enforcer."
    "Yeah. My mom wanted me to be one too. Thats where the King part came in. She wanted me to rule as an Enforcer. 'Enforcers are rulers!' she always said. But I decided that a Fixer is where the money is."
    "And you are dirt poor?"
    "Nope, Im actually rich compared to those days!" I chuckled.
    "Well...I was about to hit the Targets over there next to the bar. Would you like to join me?"
    "Sure! I mean....sure."
    She giggled and said, "Down boy, its target practice not a hotel. This way." Her smile would calm anything she saw.

    1:00PM RKT:

    At the target practice we loaded our weapons and got ready.
    "What are you packin' there, Channica?"
    "2 BBIs."
    "What do you have there?"
    "I was gonna use my Perennium Beamer for this. But I found it a bit slow, so I have 2 Gamma Ejectors."
    "Interesting. So ready to see who gets first shots?" She flipped a coin. "Call it in the air."
    "You're up, King." She said that jokingly.

    I double checked everything and got ready. Suddendly 10 targets popped up. I had a minute to take them all down. They were all the size of an avarage Opifex, and about the same dexterity too. So I was shooting them and they moved about.

    "Focus, King....focus on one and burst it to hell!" She said, cheering me on.

    Focus...burst.....FIRE Kor, Fire! I thought I burst fired at one target, he fell, dead. Good thing he is a dummy! For the next one I used a focused burst taught by the Alien Technologies. I fired it right into the chest of another target. It fell. And again I fired at another target and it fell...but then time ran out.

    "Not b...a.....not....Im sorry!" She burst out in laughter. "I couldnt do that with a straight face!"
    "It was that bad huh?"
    "Just look at mine."

    3...2....1...Begin! She was looking at me the whole time and firing. Within 20 seconds all 10 targets were down! I stood there...

    "See? Its easier when you know what you are doing." She grinned.
    "Apparently..." I smiled. I didnt mind being bested by a girl. An attractive one at that.
    "Come with me..." She motioned for me to follow her.

    20 minutes later, in the middle of nowhere:
    "We found out that fighting Opifex dummies isnt your thing. How about fighting real people?"
    "Real dummies?" I said. Yes a bit juvinile but it made both of us smile. She drew out her pistols.
    "Get ready."
    I tensed up, ready. "Hit me with your best shot!"
    "Ladies first" She smirked.
    I focused and launched a 4-prong attack. Burst Fire, Power Up Shot, Dark Kin, and my Cluster rounds. It didnt look like it affected her much. She was at least phased by it.
    "My turn!" she said and fired 4 shots. 2 normal, and 2 fling shots. I fell back, on my ass.
    "Oww.." I got up and decided to hold the trigger and aim toward her. With 6 rounds I shot at her. She fell back, a little. Looked like that one hurt her a bit more.
    " turn!" And she focused a nano program..when she launched it toward me...I felt a calm....
    Why fight....I thought, and I put my weapons up. She came toward me smiling. "Fights over." She focused another nanoprogram, and I felt better. I think she did too.
    "You may call me Kore, or Korv, or Kort, if you want."
    "Ok, Kort." She giggled.

    ((Edit: Mister Gibb is property of Kort and Kort associates!))
    Last edited by Koreteve; May 31st, 2005 at 00:16:33.
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  5. #25

    Farewells and Omni-Tek.

    Newland City, 2:00 PM RKT:

    "So...Kort...where is your organization you have told me so much about?" She asked, a bit interested.
    "Newland Desert." I replied.
    "What are they doing there?"
    "Its a long story..."
    "I have the time." She smiled.

    I told her the long long story about how we came to meet eachother in the Knights of Ka (/ooc shout out to Gables and Foxy and everyone else! woop woop!! /ic) and how we shared the same ideals about how to deal with Omni-Tek.

    "Interesting..." She said, at last. "And you command them?"
    "I dont think myself as a commander."
    "Not quite. Somewhere in the middle of a Democracy and an Anarchy."
    "Would you like to join us? At least until we have to leave this place?"
    "All you mighty men? What would little ol' me do?" She smirked.
    "You could get the food and clothing for us." I snickered.
    She smacked me on the head and giggled. "I prefer tending to the guys. You know, healing?"
    "If only I could go..."
    "You cant?"
    "Thats ok. Another time then!"
    She smiled. "In another time I would gladly, I have tend to."
    "I understand."
    She lightly kissed me on the cheek. I went bright red. She giggled
    "Take care, Kort."
    "You too, Channica." I thought for awhile. Long enough to remember the mission. I hurried in my Yalmaha and drove off to Newland Desert.

    Lets say...3:30 PM RKT:

    Nobody at the base. Nobody in the beds. Odd....I searched near the whompahs and I saw them:

    "Koreteve! Its about time!" Auromonto.
    "Omni-Tek....incoming in about 20 minutes!"
    "Any idea who's leading?"
    "Does he ever give up?"
    "Doesn't look like it."

    10 minutes pass, everyone gets ready. Automan and Niberrod man the turrets and I load up my personal Mech-Bot. Auromonto stood in the front with Malbourne and Lavat. Exactitude stood hidden. Jehryn got on his own mech:

    "Ready Divine Retribution?"
    "Ready Animus Proelium?"

    Exactitude shot first, hitting somebody square in the shoulder. They fell down, but didnt die. I power bursted with the mech. Ka-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-doom....pshhewwww....krrrsh! Mowed down several. Suddendly somebody appeared in front of Auromonto, grabbed him, and took off!

    "What the hell?"


    "What the hell...who are you?"
    "Avatar of Hell, remember? Oh wait." He took off his helmet. A perfect match.
    I drew my sword. "This time you will die!"
    "I am dead..."

    (Happy 1 month! Happy Vet's day too!)
    Last edited by Koreteve; May 31st, 2005 at 08:31:04.
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  6. #26

    Inferno Newland

    Unknown location, about 3:30 PM RKT:

    "Any guesses yet?" The mysterious 'Avatar of Hell' asked, in a demonic tone.
    "To what??" I asked
    "Where we are...."
    "I dont know."
    "Awww...c'mon. You should know. You were born here....."
    "I dont know...."
    "Maybe, Inferno?"
    "I was not born in Inferno...."
    "Ever wonder why your body is darker than normal?"
    "Arrrrgh enough talk!!"

    I charged him blade ready to kill. He stepped to the side and I ran into a stalagmite, breaking it and falling to the ground. I got up, shook the cobwebs off and jumped in the air aiming my blade at this 'Avatar'. He shot flames at me, and I blocked, swung my blade and sliced his chest. He stepped back, enough time for me to shove my blade into his dark heart. I got my blade out of his evil body and studied it a moment. Black blood. to find my way out of Inferno and back to Newland. Wonder how many Fixers around know how to go to Nascence...

    Koreteve, about 4:00PM RKT:

    "Somebody call Legoryn!" I called, after blasting more Omni down with my mech.
    "Im on it!" Exactitude called. "Legoryn!" He called on comm, "Legoryn! Omni in Newland Desert! Many many Omni!"
    "Coming!" He replied.
    "Koreteve, watch out!" Exactitude called, a rocket was about 5 seconds from hitting me.

    KRMMMMMMM!! It blew up before it hit me. What the hell? Who did that? I looked back. Channica!

    She smiled. "Thought you'd do damage without me?"

    In comes the Newland Guards, 4:30 RKT:

    "Take this you bastards!!" Legoryn yelled when shooting his own rocket towards the omni-pol troops. So many flew all over.

    "Retreat!" Omni-Pol said. Naefen was already gone. Once the smoke cleared, I went to Legoryn.

    "Can we have our payment now?" I asked. "5500 credits per person and 1/2 off for life."
    "Here...." He handed us the credits. "Now go! And Jehryn....don't kill yourself. I dont wanna find a mess I have to clean."

    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  7. #27

    Log of the 3 and the Lost One

    "Computer, open notepad." I called to the emptyness.
    Log on: Koreteve_Durousseau..........ON! Please Speak Your Mind:

    Durousseau Log. Koreteve Durousseau. Defeated the Omni forces threatning to take Newland. Commander Legoryn paid, in full. The threat of Omni-Tek invading the Council of Truth seems not an issue. Silverstone knows how to kill someone.

    I met an interesting person. Her name is Anastacia Channica Harminton. Beautiful, deadly, graceful. The 3 best qualities of a woman, she has. I dont think trying to find her is much of an issue. She is a wanderer, a vagabound. I dont think I can find that kind of person.

    Log off: June 1, 29479......Logging off Koreteve_Durousseau

    Legoryn, the same time:

    "Grunt! Take notes!"
    "Aye sir!"
    "Commander's log, June 1st, 29479. Koreteve successfully proved me wrong and defeated Omni-Tek. He also took my little brother and his troops. Made them clanners. I guess I can let that slip, as long as I dont have to bother mom."
    "Got it all down sir!"

    Jehryn, at the same time:

    I picked up a piece of paper and jotted down notes:
    June 1st, 29479...
    Legoryn is still a jerk. Shoving me to the ground and whatnot. Who does he think he is? Koreteve is a great leader, albiet a bit crazy. He made a mech for me and himself. They werent half bad. We shot many a missile at the Omni forces. Cant they learn that we will not tolerate their crap?
    I put it down, and hid it. Had to keep my sanity....

    Auromonto, running through Inferno:

    Cant think straight....Avatar of Hell is still trying to stalk me...had to find Lord Galahad's Sanctuary. Maybe the Redeemed can help me. I saw an insignia. Looked Redeemed-ish. Fun. I scooped it up while running and placed it on the nearby statue. Success! I was in. And no more Avatar to fight.

    "?" Who the hell?
    "It is I, you. Well...more like a Redeemed version of you. My name is also Auromonto."
    "Hello....Auromonto. How do you know my name?"
    "It isnt hard to figure out a name if it is one in the same. We are both holy men!"
    "I am also a Keeper."
    "Interesting....can you get me to Nascence...or even better, to King Koreteve Durousseau?"
    "Sure." He focused a moment and shot a program at me....I felt my atoms shift and in the same instant I was transported to Koreteve.

    "Damnit, I almost shot you'd you get here?" Koreteve said, .2 seconds from dropping the hammer on me.
    "Its a loooong story....."

    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  8. #28

    Martial Artist

    Somewhere in Athen Shire.....

    He stalks his prey. A rollerrat. A bit feable for him, but he needs the money. Sneaking up behind him, he squishes the rollerrat with his foot. Probably not a good idea, because here come some more! 3 more, to be exact. Trying to avenge their fallen comrade. Hmm...more honor than most Omni fellows. But not enough. They all fell. I almost felt bad for them.

    "Why the hell does he want these tails?" I asked myself.

    By the way, I am Ogdrifur. A Martial Artist. And in despratation for credits. I put the last few tails in my backpack and headed for Tirbo Ratcatcher. Money and even armor. What a deal!

    "Here are the tails, mister." I said, upon finally finding him
    "Excellent. These seem to be fine tails you are catching."
    "Thank you."
    "Say, you wanna make some more money?"
    "Give this note to King Koreteve Durousseau. You will find him in Old Athen, near the whompahs. I sent him a comm-message."

    So I went to Old Athen, right near the whompahs. I saw him. Impressive stature, and in Death Squad armor. Not like some popular Fixers who usually opt for Grid Armor...

    "Are you Koreteve?" I asked him.
    "Why yes I am. You may call me Kort or Korv."
    "Ok, Korv. I have this note for you."
    "Thank you! Here is some money." He gave me 11000 credits. More than the standard messanger fee. Way more.
    "Thanks, Korv!"
    "Dont mention it. Run along now, I got a mission, apparently..." He trailed off and didnt seem interested anymore.

    I went back to Tirbo. He looked...annoyed.
    "Hello Tirbo."
    "Whats wrong?"
    "Well....I wanted to give you a task, but I am not sure if you are up to it."
    "Does it involve rollerrats?"
    "Then I am up for it."
    " are to go to Koreteve and team with him. Learn the ways of the Clan. You are a bit young, so you cannot do anything with his kin. But you can learn the way of the clan with him! Got it?"
    "Go get Kort after his mission. He'll know you are looking for him."
    "Where will I find him?"
    "He could be anywhere. Hes a nomad, a vagabound, call him what you will. But he is a fixer! Hes liable to be anywhere, and maybe two or more places at once."
    "Any other questions?"
    "Go get 'em!"

    Off I went....

    "So I gotta teach the squirt how to live a life as a clanner? Fine....just make sure he knows how to fight. He does? Good! Thats a plus. Thanks for going on a recruiting blitz, Tirbo. Phone, off!" I said. New member...always a plus. Maybe I can make a legion. Imagine the power! And of course, we could have a better say in the Council of Truth.
    Last edited by Koreteve; Jun 2nd, 2005 at 17:24:13.
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  9. #29


    "And....this is our hovel." I said to the runt.
    "Interesting. Anything else I should know?" He asked.
    "Well...we meet on the end of every week, unless something big comes up. We also blow things up. Lots and lots of things."
    "Suppose it is. By the way, dont go near the cess pool!"
    "Cess pool?" He asked, stepping into it.

    AARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!! The sound was heard all over Old Athen. A leech just bit him.

    "Damnit. Told you not to go near the cess pool! Automan!"
    "On it, Kort." He said.

    2 days later:
    "There ya go squirt. Dont go near the cess pool or next time I cut the foot off. Got it?"
    "You were lucky Kort shot it off before it got any further."
    "I know..."
    "Go walk it off. You'll be ok."

    (Sleepy, TBC Later)
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  10. #30

    Hero of the day

    "Ogdrifur, ready for your first mission? Or has your leg stopped completely?"
    "You are to go into an omni base, drop this tag, and come out within an hour. If not we will assume you dead. Got it?"
    "Make good use of a bluff. It is very helpful."
    "Teach me how to bluff."
    "If I could, I would have to kill you. Perhaps the guards around would make good use of it too. You will have to go at it by ear. Bluff your side to be Neutral, or if your good enough, even Omni. But not here."
    "Got it."


    On the way to the base, which was in Good old Mort, I bluffed and walked right into the base, the guards just waved pretty as I please. Inside I saw where Kort wanted to put the tracer. Right next to one of those antanae towers. The one with many many screens. It looks easier to just destroy the place. Not too many guards and they look poorly trained to boot. Tattered armor, lack of attention. The whole place needs a lesson from Reform.

    Anyway I placed the bug on the tower and started to leave. After the third step I heard

    'STOP Right there....' A guard apparently found out my true faction. What to do....I waited until he was well within earshot and spun around and kicked him with my heel, knocking him out cold.

    "Uhh..." I started, "you guys need to see this guy. Napping on the job. Reform will have a field day."

    "Mouthing off is also an offence. Willing to pay?" He loaded his gun and laughed to himself. Great...

    I kicked his weapon out of his hands and heel kicked him as well. By that point my bluff had just gone to the toilet. So I started to run for it, but I thought, wait, these guys are stupid. I bet I can take on all of them. I focused on one, and did a rather high summersault. 10 feet this time, not bad. The oaf fell on his back, knocked out another. The next who came out had a staff. I performed an evasion known as the Dance of Fools. Kort was familliar with it. I was not hit once. I 'danced' my way to a ledge, and jumped onto it.

    "Try it now, oaf!" I taunted them. Feeling a bit suicidal I decided to toy with him I took a few steps back and charged. Jumped off the ledge and drop kicked the guard right in the ribs. Needless to say he flew back some 12 feet. Of course with recoil I fell on my back. I got up quick enough to see someone shoot at me. I 'danced' my way out of there and ran toward Old Athen.

    After about an hour of running , our Hero of the Day finally makes it to OA:

    "Well well you placed it, and also managed to take out a few guards?"
    I nodded.
    "Excellent. You really are the Hero of Today. I will send kudos to Tirbo. You are now a deputy member of the Durousseau Clan!"
    "Good! Whats that mean?"
    "It means when we need you, we'll call."

    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  11. #31
    Note from the author:

    A month has come, and gone. What a month! What comes next are some origins! Today was Ogdrifur's. More soon!

    King Koreteve Durousseau
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  12. #32

    Origins of a leader

    The origin of the King

    I always hate that trip from Omni-1 to West Athen. Its too long, the shuttles are never on time and its always crowded. No more trips to Omni, however. Today I am getting an application to join the Clans.

    Still on the shuttle:

    "What the hell?"
    "Please sit down and strap tight. We're taking damage!"
    "Son of a...."




    2 days later:

    "Koreteve....King Koreteve......wake up. Hes not waking up. Cell scan shows hes still alive."
    Groggy: "He....hello there."
    "Hello, I am a Nurse. My name is unimportant at the moment."
    "What the hell happened?"
    "You took a rather nasty fall there. You are lucky you are alive. We all are."
    "Where is this?"
    "This is just off the coast of the ICC bulding you were going to go to anyway."
    "How do I get out of here?"
    "Thats....impossible at the moment."
    "Yes, I appologize. Explore the lands a bit, you should find some help."
    "Thanks...I think I'll rest here a moment and ponder the rest."
    "Sounds fun."

    I took a 3 day sleep to ponder my next actions.....3 days later:
    "Ugh...what to do now. I guess I can explore."
    I got up and walked around a bit. My machine gun served as a very good weapon, but I found that with a limb from one of the local Stalkers it proved to be a good upgrade to it. I rested where I lied, and usually atop the ship. The nurse was cute, and was a nice sight before going to bed.

    A day and a nice dream later:
    "Kort, you have shown so much progress! We are going to show you something. Follow me." Somebody named Gables. I didnt know, nor did I care. I just wanted to get out! "Talk to this guy. He will set you straight. You reek of neutrality." She snickered. I went up to the guy:

    "Hello there! Eww what is that smell?" He said.
    " dont wanna know. Probably dead leet." I answered.
    "Anyway, would you like to join the clans?"
    "Sure! I was going to anyway, know the rest."
    "Indeed I do. Please take these." He gave me an application form, some maps, and a strange device. "Put that device on the Clan teleporter and it will take you to West Athen."
    "Goody!" I signed the application and received a token board. How I got it didnt matter. Looks like it whompah'd to me. It was time.

    "Come with me Kort, your new life begins." Gables said. We went inside a weird buliding. It was rusted all over the place. Every so often a spark would emit from a random location. Inside were 3 portals. One for Rome, one for Borealis, one for West Athen. I choose mine and placed the token on the pedistal nearby. I felt myself sucked into the door marked West Athen. A moment later I emerged in West Athen. My journey begins...

    ((Roxxor, no? TBC!))
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  13. #33
    ((I always enjoy your posts ))
    Proud agent of the Disciples of Omni-Tek

    Commissioner of the RKDC

    "One should not lose one's temper unless one is certain of getting more and more angry to the end."
    William Butler Yeats

  14. #34

    Brawn and Brains

    Origin of Magnull and Auromonto:

    Nascence Training:
    Magnull talking:
    "Ok, I've done your quests Drake! Now what?" I called. The tasks werent all that hard, just annoying.
    "Well, it seems you are too good for Nascence Training. I suggest you take a partner and go out to kill some hecklers. Also, as a thanks, I offer you this." He gave me a shotgun. What the hell am I gonna do with a shotgun?? Im a soldier! "Believe me, its way better than your assault rifle."
    "You are welcome. Good luck out there."

    That was all I heard. After that I went to Jobe to look around.
    "Soldier willing to learn! Anybody willing to help a soldier?? Im well groomed and paper trained!" I joked, trying to get help.

    "I'll help you."
    "Thanks! Who are you?"
    "Kiljaedn Auromonto Kodashko. You may call me Auromonto. And who would you be?"
    "Reginold Magnull Grobahs."
    "Pleased to meet you Magnull."
    "The same, Auromonto."
    "You are a soldier?"
    "An Opifex? I havent seen many Opifex, but I think I know one when I see one..."
    "With a shotgun?!"
    Auromonto laughed, quite histericly.
    "Im sorry, but an Opifex soldier with a shotgun is a bit...awkward?"
    "Well, would you like to see what'll keep us alive?"
    He pulled out a giant blade. Looked like an oversized cleaver. Big enough to hew a tree. Big enough to sever a heckler's leg.
    "Ready to kick ass?"
    "Yes, as a matter of fact."

    Off in some playfield in Nascence:

    "So what brings you to Jobe and the Shadowlands, Magnull?"
    "Lesser of two evils."
    "You were born in Nascence, correct?"
    "Yes, why?"
    "You havent seen Rubi-Ka yet."
    "Is it that bad?"
    "Its probably worse."
    "I see. Go shoot that Malah, and make sure it comes with friends."
    "Roger." I snuck up near a Malah-Ana, and blasted it a non lethal shot. "Here it comes!"
    He redied his blade and lept in the air, preparing it for sundering the Malah-Ana before him.
    "Raaaaah!" He exclaimed as hit landed, Malah essence on his blade.
    Blam blam blam!! I also took on a Malah. It fell, no essence on me!

    "You know, you arent too bad, for a complete hopeless."
    "Thanks...I think." Auromonto is a good jokester. Morale boost. So I asked... "Say..."
    "You wanna see Rubi-Ka?"
    "Yes I do."
    "Maybe I should show you."
    "I'd like that."

    "Ok Kort, this is the place were you buy nanos." We heard a voice and decided to follow it.

    "Hello you two!" I called happily.
    "Who are you?"
    "I am Gables. This is my assistant King Koreteve Durousseau." He waved.
    "You can call me Kore, or Kort, or Korv, if you like" He said.
    "Anyhow, what are you two doing here?" I called.
    "We are here helping Kort here get used to Nascence. It looks like you two could use some assistance. Would you like to join? My husband should be around here soon. Considering he hasnt gotten to some Omni yet."

    So starts the friendship and part of the Durousseau clan. Soon they would join the Knights of Ka. But we will reveal all of it when Foxy is ready!

    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  15. #35


    KA-DOOM. Miss.
    "Damn." That was my third attempt today. Stupid rifle pulled to the left.
    "You are doing horribly." Laughed Naefen, coldly. "Worse shot I've seen."
    Omni-Tek pays for everything. Inferior as it is, its still free.
    "C'mon Exactitude, your name is not living to itself!" Naefen said again.
    I growled, and focused again....
    KA.....FEW.....DEW.....SHREW.....FEWM....DONG..... Kshht! It richoshet everywhere and nipped Naefen on the shoulder.
    "Sigh...can't you pretend you are trying?!" He almost yelled.
    I growled again and focused. I snickered and closed my eyes.
    "You cant do it with your eyes open, what makes you think you can do it with your eyes closed?!" He growled. I smiled and shot. Dead center this time.
    "You were bluffing huh?" He chuckled. "Now for your first mission. You must go to a clan settlement and blow everything to hell. LEAVE NO SURVIVORS! Omni Protects."
    "Right. Omni Protects."
    "Well...I will do your mission, but Omni has done nothing for me but give me very inferiour equipment. Omni has done nothing to protect me."
    "Traitorous tongue. Perhaps Reform will do something about that."
    "Dont threaten me with Reform. I have been and it does nothing for me. Hell I killed everyone last time you sent me there."
    "Go...before I kill you myself."
    "Whatever...." I started stepping and I heard Naefen starting to load his rifle. I cloaked and stepped to the mission.
    "Damn....." Naefen said into the emptyness.

    10 minutes later:
    Finally. In Old Athen, 18th Backyard. I love bluffs. I had to take out a Fixer before his regime started. King Koreteve Durousseau. I loaded, looked for him, and saw him.

    "Thanks for your help Gables. Is there anything else I should know?" He said to his friend.
    " see this place?" She asked.
    "This is our hangout." Oooh! Information. Useful.
    "Roger." I tensed. Got ready to fire. Looked at King.
    Then I thought:
    Why am I doing this again? Omni-Tek hipocracy? They tell me to do something without justifying why.....
    "King Korteve Durousseau. I am Agent Exactitude. I would like to join you and your crew."
    "My crew?" He asked.
    "You, and your Keeper and Soldier friend."
    "You've heard."
    "Well, first of all you need to be Clan."
    "How did you--"
    "You arent hiding. My apartment is right there."
    "I see. So why didnt you kill me?"
    "I know things. And I could have killed you, I know you were about to snipe me, so I could have evaded and retaliated."
    "So lets get you a clan app."

    Thus the reason Exactitude joined.
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  16. #36

    Shades of Mist

    "Another bastard Unredeemed dies. More power to me!" I laughed, evily. Essence of a Kraig-or around me. Lei-Wen is next in my line. I hid, got ready, and did some swordplay with the little bugger. Slice 'n' dice and such. I nipped every inch of its body with at least a little cut. Evicerations everywhere, I decided to let it bleed to death. It growled and fell. A minute later it stopped moving. I decided to leave. Nascene had nothing but bad memories. Rubi-Ka sounded promising as well.

    Now, Exactitude and I have been friends since the day we started together in Nascence. He wanted to be a shade with a gun. I suggested being an Agent, and there he is. However, we had another friend, and he lost his life defending ours. His name was Kiljaedn. He stormed a cave and never returned.

    ((I know what Im doing )

    "Exactitude, my old friend. Still keeping the clanners down?" I send a private comm.
    "I -am- a Clan now."
    "Intreguing. Why?"
    "I met a good clanner and decided Omni-Tek has too much hipocracy."
    "I will have to join then."
    "Sounds fun. I will contact Kort."

    "Hmm...Malborne, your time has come." Somebody called, ice cold.
    "You are about to die."
    "Show yourself first."

    Then came the heel of a martial artist. Fast as it was, I am faster. I evaded and gave him a kick of my own, followed by a kick to the shin, imobolizing him, and then a heel kick straight to the jaw, breaking it. An uppercut would finish him off, sending him flying landing on his back.

    Dont get me wrong. Im a shade. A cold blooded murdering bastard. However, I have honour in combat. If my opponent is unarmed, so shall I. There are few exceptions...

    "Malbourne, that was but an apprentice, the true adepts are coming now!" Who the hell was that??

    Two staves came rushing towards my chest and my head, I evaded both and went Knives Out and evicerated and perferated both assailants. I hid imediantly and went for the taller of the Opifex. The simple yet effective method of slitting a throat still works, even today. The opifex fell to his knees, his staff stood on the ground for a moment. He fell, and the staff stood for a bit longer, before following suite.

    For the second Opifex I sliced his arm a little, so he would loosen the grip on his staff. Grabbing it I imediantly smacked his temple. Another simple yet effective method. Afterwards I slammed him on the cheek, he went spinning and landed on his face. I placed the staff in my Inventory. Staves are few and far between, especially the craftsmanship in this one. It was golden tipped and had threads of notum in and around it.

    "My turn!" A sword came to my chest, and I narrowly evaded it. I pulled a knife out of my pouch and threw it at my target. It stabbed him, in the shoulder. He loosened his grip on the sword, nearly throwing it after a swipe. I pulled the staff out and with the gold tip, I swiped his face. He fell, knocked out, but not dead. I grabbed his sword and evicerated him. I pulled my throwing knife out and put it in its pouch.

    "Comin' to get me Kort?"
    "Coming...whoever you are."

    Malbourne joins!
    Last edited by Koreteve; Jun 10th, 2005 at 19:04:38.
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  17. #37



    "At least suck with weapons!" Naefen growled.
    "You wonder why I have a bot?" I said.
    Naefen growled. "Well this is WEAPON training. If you want pansy NANO training, go see the appropriate trainer!"
    "ZEALOT, get 'em" I whispered.
    "? Whats that?"
    "A can."
    "Tincan, fool."
    "Insolant little...arrgh!" Naefen was helpless against ZEALOT. Bullets barely affected him.
    "Hm...looks like the Student has no need for the Teacher. Seeya in Reclaim."
    "This is going on your records!"
    "What? That you got bested by your student? They would laugh at you so hard."
    "ZEALOT, desist and guard." I said to my bot finally.
    "You will regret that some day..." Naefen said
    "The same day you get fired." I said.

    Now then, a little introduction. I am Automastimus, which means 'robotics' in an Old Earth language. Which one is of no importance at the moment. I live up to my name daily. At the moment, I am 'training' with Naefen, the weapons expert in Omni-Pol. An engineer in Omni-Pol is a bit unheard of, but someone has to fix their weapons! Anyway:

    I went off to Omni-Pol nano inspection.

    "Ok, this is a simple test really. I tell you a buff, and you buff. If you do not have, tell me and a reason why."
    "Got it."
    "Buff STRENGTH on your robot!" He commanded. I shot a strength buff to my robot.
    "Omni-Pol Pacification Logic System on your robot!" I buffed it, even with the major strain it left me he had one more....
    "Slayerdroid Transferance!" I focused and transformed myself into a Slayerdroid! Much like ZEALOT, but a tad smaller. I fell on a 'knee' after that.

    "Rest, please."
    "Fine. You passed anyway."

    I left to get some refreshments at the Bronto Burger. He gave me the refreshments free! Guess he was scared of the Slayerdroid duo. Now lets get one thing straight. I was FORCED into Omni-Tek. I didnt feel like having to fight my friends. They all joined Omni-Tek. However, some days after the Naefen incident:

    "Computer, open mail." I called to the nothingness.
    "Two new letters."
    "Open newest."
    "Subject: Status, To: Automastimus, From: Omni-Med.......Body: Automastimus.....It has come to our attention that your friend, Kiljaedn, has become Missing In Action and presumed dead. We appologize and mourn for your loss, however we recommend visiting his grave. Address listed. Signed: Rita Prestin, Omni-Med."
    I sighed. ".....Open second letter....."
    "Subject: Status, To: Automastimus, From: Omni-Pol.....Body: Automastimus, It has come to our attention that your friend, Exactitude, has changed to the rebel clans. We wish that you would break all ties to him and kill him on sight. Thank you for your understanding. Signed, Ivan Sergeyich, Omni-Pol."
    "What the hell?" I said. One goes MIA and one switches sides. "One thing to do. Computer, delete all files, do system restore, bark like a newborn Playful cub! But FIRST, give me directions to Borealis."
    "Borealis is....."

    I ran into Fair Trade, and saw a very familliar Opifex leave. He had his face cloaked and I didnt see anything. His body looked familliar....anyway, I hurried into the Bookstore, looked at ZEALOT, and took a deep breath. I bought a Clan application, looked at it really hard and looked at ZEALOT.

    10 minutes of mental preperation later:

    I signed it, and forever became part of the clans. I left Omni-1 and never looked back.

    The only current technology in Athens I saw was ZEALOT. However, I met who I thought was dead....

    "Kiljaedn!" I called.
    "Who....are you?" He responded.
    "My...time has weathered you horribly"
    "Dont remind me."
    He snickered. Same joker as always.
    "Who are those people? I recognize Exactitude, but who is..."
    He pointed, "Malbourne, Koreteve, and Magnull." They waved as they were called. "And you know me as Kiljaedn, but I am known by Auromonto now."
    "Ok, Auromonto." I smiled.

    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  18. #38

    Beating on a Dead Horse

    ((Aint it fun when you restart old threads))

    The Durousseaus have been in hiding. Hiding from many things. Among which, the Omni bombshell that was about to tear through them like a big nose through a tissue.

    Magnull: Koreteve, what are you doing?
    Koreteve: I am fixing something. Im a fixer, thats my job.
    Magnull: Yeah? Looks like you are shorting a wire.
    Koreteve: Ok, you got me there. Im jury-rigging a bomb. It will be exploding in....oh crap. Move out. NOW!

    Moving people from the lands of Rubi-Ka to the Grid is no easy feat. Koreteve can barely stand the pain he feels after the fact, but knows he will die either way, be it from exhaustion or from the oncoming explosion in....


    Koreteve: Lets get the hell out of here. NOW!!



    Koreteve grabbed his ally, and immediantly warped both of them into the Grid, safe and sound, for the most part...

    In the grid

    Magnull: Thanks Kore------are you OK?
    Koreteve: I'll be fine....just let me stay here a moment.
    Magnull: Im going to hang out at the hideout. Meet you there?

    Koreteve smiled, weakly, but gradually gaied his strength back
    Koreteve: Better believe it. Move out, soldier.
    Magnull took off into the newly beautified lands of Old Athens to join his comrades who decided to sleep in. What a wakeup call they'll have....

    Last edited by Koreteve; Oct 11th, 2005 at 10:31:45.
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

  19. #39

    The big sleep

    Today was very stressing for our friend Koreteve Durosseau especially. He actualy got burns from the grid warping. He is extrememly sore, and most of his body is bruised. Perfect solution? Rest.

    Koreteve: .....
    Magnull: C'mon man you havent said anything ever since you got out of the grid. Whats wrong?
    Koreteve: I...just need to rest.
    Magnull: I can tell you have something on your mind, might as well share it now because I wont let up, and you know that.
    Koreteve: That...I do...
    Magnull: So?
    Koreteve: We didnt kill him.
    Magnull: So? We'll get him next time.
    Koreteve: No..we wont.
    Magnull: What makes you so sure?
    Koreteve: I shot him. Rapidly. You did too. Auromonto evicerated him in 5 different places. He should be dead by then.
    Magnull: We live in the age of insurance reclaim. Its not that simple.
    Koreteve: I hacked his reclaim before we started the fight. I'll see what I did wrong...I need...need....

    Koreteve falls on the floor, snoring. It is his bedtime.
    Koreteve Durousseau
    Killer 73%
    Achiever 53%
    Socializer 46%
    Explorer 26%

    Proud member of the Knights of Ka!

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