“The soldier´s way”
(or “Get a fixer for a fixer´s job”)

Alexandro stared at the little tower like thing in front of him searching for some kind of opening or a keyboard.
His protection shield made a low humming noise to which he was used so much he only noticed it when it was not there.
Every few seconds the humming noise got louder for a moment when the huge Slayerdroid standing behind Alex hit his shield with brutal force.

While the robot hit at his shield Alexandro searched his backpack,
swearing from time to time.
“Damn you, Deidre Lux. Damn you for making me do this.” he mumbled to himself.

“Now where did I put this strange thing.”
He searched through his backpack again.
Finally he found the item and held it up in triumph smiling.
It was a small keycard with a blue arrow on it.

He still had not found any opening on the small tower in front of him.
When he finally made out a tiny opening he tried putting the keycard in it,
but it would not slide in.
Alexandro took one of his pistols and used it like a hammer on the keycard to make it go into the opening, but to no avail.

“When I am out of here I will head straight to a gene lab, make them build an annoying gnat for me and name it after you, Deidre” he whispered.

Then he realized that his shield had gone back to the constant humming noise he was so used to.
He turned around and saw that the Slayerdroid had given up trying to get through his shield by force and the robot probably communicated right now to get reinforcements in.

Alex went around the little tower like thing holding the keycard in his hand like it might explode or burst into flames any second.

Then he decided that he was not the right man for this job, activated his communication device and searched his database for a hacker who was not busy.