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Thread: Bugs in Missions

  1. #1

    Bugs in Missions

    Perhaps it would be useful to post a thread detailing BUGS found SPECIFICLY with missions. They are, after all, one (arguably THE most) important aspect of the game. Most of us spend a lot of time in missions and they definitely need work. Each patch seems to introduce new problems in missions, and IMO they are snowballing. Most of these problems are probably lag-related. Even so, many of them could me mitigated with better client/server negotiation, and more attention to detail on the part of the developers. Lets help them out and in so doing, help ourselves. Maybe the PR team can at least give us an idea of why these problems occur, when the problems will be fixed or if they are there by design.

    I'll try to give the best description I can of the problem encountered, any odd circumstances, and general impressions about what is going on.

    *AHEM* I'll start off...

    1) Black Doors - These appear to me most closely resembling an impassable smoked-glass window. The room on the other side is barely visible, and the only thing you CAN see is the green floor. I notice they almost always are doors to "Acid Floor" rooms. SOmetimes, but not always, the problem can be rectified by backing away out of sight and trying again.

    2. "Ghosts" - Occationally during a mission one player will be invisible to another, even though they are standing right next to one another. They cannot be targeted nor interacted with in any way. The solution seems to be to run out of sight distance and return.

    3. Can't loot anything - (this has never happened to me, but happens to my Bro a lot - it's second-hand info) Sometimes a player will be suddenly rendered unable to open chests or corpses - no error message, the window just never comes up. It seems to happen after a corpse was left open several rooms away. Invariably if we backtrack we find a corpse on the floor, I loot it, and things go back to normal.This happens even though the loot window was originally closed correctly.

    4. MOBs that are not where the game says they are - This manifests usually as a MOB walking, stuck on a wall. They can be targeted and attacked, but no damage is done and the attack animation never starts. That mob will stay there happily walking into the wall until the real location of the MOB is found. Sometimes the walker is the only thing left in the dungeon.

    5. Swimmers - There are 2 identical cave-mission rooms here - one that has a shallow water area leading to a secret room and an identical room with a deep area. These rooms contain 2 MOBs, and in the deep-water room one mob is usually swimming at the upper end of the area, unable to attack and unattackable. It is impossible for the player to do anything about this - If the swimmer is not very aggro there is no problem bypassing it but if it is dark red eventually it will "warp" to attack the player, sometimes several minutes after leaving the room. This is a great way to get killed.

    6. MOBs stuck in walls - This manifests itself by "pulling" a MOB from one room to another. Instead of charging into the room as they should, they get stuck just beside the door. From this position they can damage the player, but the player cannot attack at all. The workaround is to make a large position change causing the MOB to "pop" out of the wall.

    Thats all I have time to write for now, feel free to add..

  2. #2
    In a the "brown cave style" missions, the Item in "Find Item Missions" will spawn in irregular places - it happened to me thrice. I was very surprised when my very first "/petition" was answered favorably in the last occurance, and an ARK, then a Guardian, helped me find the item. Thanks again to them, and be warned about this "brown cave style" setting.

  3. #3
    Just as a clarification on black door syndrome. I've been able to isolate it to a particular case... it happens when your client and server get out of synch. If in high lag situation or running through a mission too fast, sometimes your client doesn't get the data of that particular part of the mission.. so is black. As you said backing off will always clear it up... you just have to back off far enough to force a reset. Still annoying really... just hoping that information will help them figure out a solution.

  4. #4
    Sometimes though, you get the black doors in such small rooms that there is no way to back off and get rid of them

    This happened to me a few days ago, luckily we had an engineer with beacon warp who rescued me.

    I have had the "cant loot anything" bug happen to me before. I think I was looting too fast or something. Had to relog to get rid of it.

    Also, you mentioned ghost players. I have also seen ghost mobs where a teammate is fighting a mob, but no one else can see it.

  5. #5
    Yeah, I've died in one of those cases, where I was running a few rooms ahead, then pulling back to the team. (It actually worked fairly well, until this.) The room I was heading through had a door on each end, and slime on one side. I could see my team on the other side of the next door, through the blackness, but couldn't get to them. Turned around to go another way, and that door was black too. And look, the mobs got through fine to get to me in my little pocket reality of death. Oopsie...
    Testlive addict.

  6. #6
    One thing would fix 90% of the problems listed in the original post - fixing the lag.
    Points 1-4 are all lag related, one of more players become out of sync with the server and that is usually your lot until you all zone and start again.
    We can add another lag related issue to these:

    Treatment skill available
    You must wait 5 seconds to use treatment
    You must wait 5 seconds to use treatment
    You must wait 4 seconds to use treatment
    Eventually able to heal

    This is mainly down to the client being asked to do too much, the client & server and sending a hell of a lot of information back and forth, some of this information is deemed more important than others.
    It is the client that does the 15sec timing for treatment use, when the client says it is OK the server is usually too busy to listen, hence the 5 second delay, surely the server should be doing this timing?

    Points 4 & 6 are pathfinding related and I agree it's a realy pain.
    Especially if you've got two mobs in a room and you want to pull one.
    A quick dash in results in the mob appearing in your room and firing, then the server snaps him back to his previous room and then you've suddenly got both mobs on you when you did actually pull one.
    Mobs just cannot find their ways through a door, they try to take a direct route to you which 5 times out of 10 means they walk straight through a wall, the other 5 times they just run on the spot unable to get to you.

    Point 5 is a real pain, this really does need fixing and is the one real thing that could be easily fixed - simply remove the water from those rooms, it's not needed.

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