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Thread: Any Tips on making a nice MA Weapon ?

  1. #1

    Question Any Tips on making a nice MA Weapon ?

    I really like having the opportunity of creating weapons with recepies and stuff but i dont know what i could create as a Martial Artist. I know that nanos can be made and much other stuff but what i really want is making my own nice uber-claw So can someone plz tell me if this is possible and how i can do it ?

  2. #2
    Right now, weapon creation is a bit on the iffy side, because many of the recipes are broken at some step of the process. Also, like the weapons shops themselves, many of the weapons you can build are not really what you'd call uber, or even functional in some cases.

    However, if you're prepared to give it a try, the procedure is fairly simple.

    1) Purchase a manual for the weapon you want to contruct. Make sure you get one for the appropriate QL range, as the recipe for an ill-treated Uber Weapon isn't the same as for a cast-off Uber Weapon. This step isn't strictly necessary, as you can read the manuals in the machine and write the steps down, but I find it convenient for the trivial outlay involved. Up to you though. The Manuals also list the tradeskill used at each step of the process, and the minimum scores required for a weapon at each end of the QL range.

    2) Get a Weapon Construction Kit of the right type and QL. These are from the machines near the stairs in the trade dept.

    3) On the opposite wall you'll find terminals selling weapon components. Simply buy each component in order, and apply it to the kit by left-clicking to pick it up and then shift-right-clicking on the kit (as per lockpick etc.). Each component must be at least the QL of the weapon kit, and must be applied in the right order. Often a kit will allow you to apply components in the wrong order, which just results in a broken kit, so be careful with this stage.

    4) If all goes according to plan, you now have a shiny new weapon with the same QL as the original kit! If all doesn't go according to plan though, you'll find that at some stage the kit simply refuses to accept the component you're trying to add. The chat window will give you an error message in this case.

    If it just says your tradeskills are too low, you just need to raise them somehow. The 20pt general buffs are handy here. If on the other hand it says that the parts cannot be combined, then the recipe is broken. Sorry - throw the kit away and try something else. In a few rare cases, you'll find that the kit has constructed another item entirely. There's a report on the Engineer forum about a weapon recipe that created a first aid kit...

    That's probably put you off by now. If it hasn't, please report your results here, as we're trying to compile a list of which kits are working and which aren't.

    Send me a /tell on RK2 if you need any help.



  3. #3
    Welcome to wonderfull world of Fubared trade skills of Anarchymissionalldayuniquecampingwelied toyouall Online by FC

    The truth my dear fellow engineer are that those things wich you can make right are are bad so much so that even noob would not use them.

    And if you want to get a claw to your MA i would recomed to do a mission for one Hazzarine Claws those are best MA weapons right now.

    Also if you want to dream and droll about cool trade skills of Anarchy Online please go to this url:

    Or i can save you some time and post here what They said in that link.

    "Technology and machines are a citizens best friend and there are no two ways about it. Why, with only a few basic parts and a twist of the wrist, you'll be the proud owner of a brand new custom-made weapon. Learn from me and I won't only show you how to equip your friends and customers with A-grade guns, swords and blunt objects, but I will also show you how to use your skills in the battlefield. The armour your friend, or even you, is wearing is too old and doesn't work effectively anymore? Not to worry! With technology you can increase the statistics of that armour and you'll be grinning from ear to ear. Hey, why not add a shield that damages an enemy hitting it? Sure, there you go. You just keep smiling my friend! That weapon is a little slow? Not to worry! Let's increase its damage output a bit shall we? And let's not forget the embodiment of your friend technology; the droid. Let me tell you, be an Engineer and you'll be the happiest grease monkey there ever was. Say, does that armour need fixing?"

    Se those bold words? Well those should be strongest engineer sides.
    BUT we dont have them because ................ damn i dont know.
    Ask FC instead it was them who prommised it all but never added it.
    It could have something to do whit releasing half working game i think.
    Cyrus "Makarov" Scola (so called creator of never released Kamikazebots)

    Kids= 30sec pleasure +18years of suffering.
    Al Bundy

    The entire free-trade community from North, Central and South America, along with the EU and the rest of Europe, Russia, the former Soviet States, India, Communist China and the rest of Asia along with industrialized Africa (mainly S. Africa) all know what slag is, and use that term regularly.
    So just what culture is being offended by the term "slag"?

  4. #4
    Bitter? Makarov? Never!


    ~R~ <-- so those Hazzarine Claws I keep finding are valuable then?

  5. #5

    Talking Merc's Uber Tradeskill Guide™

    Take off all weapons, clothes and implants.

    Reset all tradeskills.

    Spend all that IP on evades and runspeed.

    Go blitz whatever the hell you need.

    Take money+loot missions (bad/money) to save up and afford team loot items if you want.

    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  6. #6
    Audiothree: How do I do X?

    Mercatura: Don't.

    See how helpful that wasn't?

    If you have a problem with the current state of tradeskills, fine - so do I, for that matter - but if you've given up on the damn things, as it seems from your post that you have, why are you hanging around in the tradeskill forum? Using the thread to have a go at Funcom doesn't help the original poster. Start your own Having A Go At Funcom thread instead, please.


  7. #7
    Originally posted by Soyuz
    Bitter? Makarov? Never!


    ~R~ <-- so those Hazzarine Claws I keep finding are valuable then?

    Ohhh yeah they are one of few good MA weapons (hmm in fact when i think now i cant come whit anyother wich you can dual and deal good damage but i bet that there is something else)

    Also dont try to wear Hazzarines until your MA skills are past..... hmmm not sure it was 180 or 200. Because that when you get past that limit you will start to attack whit both claw/s and your fist.
    As max you will be able to hit 40times (2 claws + fist) per 1min.
    Cyrus "Makarov" Scola (so called creator of never released Kamikazebots)

    Kids= 30sec pleasure +18years of suffering.
    Al Bundy

    The entire free-trade community from North, Central and South America, along with the EU and the rest of Europe, Russia, the former Soviet States, India, Communist China and the rest of Asia along with industrialized Africa (mainly S. Africa) all know what slag is, and use that term regularly.
    So just what culture is being offended by the term "slag"?

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