Wen-Wen Society of Ultimate Evil

This group of religious zealots is here to bring the world of Rubi Ka to heel. We are a role-playing guild interested in having fun and enjoying this game in a respectful style.

This is a new Clan guild on dim1 and we are looking for members. The requirments to become an applicant are - You must have some Wen-wen, of any ql equiped.

"Wen wen has eyes, not allowing the preceptive wen wen to assist you in your battles and to provide you with insights to what you would otherwise neglect is not acceptable. If you will be a servent of Wen-Wen Master of the Universe you must help him in this basic way. "

Do understand that this clan will not be supporting rude and oboxious behavior. Spaming, kill stealing, or begging will not be condoned. It is not evil, nor productive for roleplay. We must have other ways to make the folk of rubi ka tremble in fear and bow when they hear of us approch.

(you knew this was to good for someone not make a guild offa this :P)

Darknaga RK1
Wen-Wen has come. So it begins.