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Thread: Another day, Another NT whine.

  1. #1

    Another day, Another NT whine.

    Alot of things are unbalanced it seems. Even for a pornstar like me. Heck just ask me where Ive been. Yep that right, been playing my new character Tracy Lords an engineer. Really isnt fun to play an NT anymore. Ill try to be complete in the reasons why.

    Recharge Bars
    It sucks to have other programs (Not only healing but most) running in my recharge bar. That **** cuts down on half of my casting time. It shouldnt be there at all. Fix it and get it out NOW.

    I never was a big pillow user. If it couldnt be buffed on I wasnt using it. For most pillow users they sunk a TON of IP into the skill. First you nerf the pillows. Now you are saying they was bugged from the start and was only meant for one hand. Thats fine and dandy until you start banning people because they have prenerf pillows installed. Yes people are getting banned for pillows now. How stupid is Funcom????? Let me count the ways. Those people didnt exploit and if there was something wrong we should have been warned when they was originally nerfed. Not to mention you promised not to make changes again until you had a way of refunding IPs. Hell why bother though just ban those that complain. Seems the easiest method to run a company into the ground.

    Belt Items
    Why is it that ALLLLL of the Caster class upgrades located in the belt??? Sure some of the others are located there as well but they also have a choice of being elsewhere also. Thats not mentioning how sucky they are. The fumble thing DOES NOT WORK. Yes I am positive about this. I had a Q200 Fumble reducer in until a week ago when i changed and put in a 64NCU chip. It stated I would be able to run and get hit and get a reduction in fumble by 60%(Actually says 40% but the thing runs backwards from 100%.) Let me tell you after taking it out I have not seen one single decrease in my performance. Every other NT ive talked to Says the same thing about it. Range INcreaser hah why bother I would rather have 64 NCU if thats all it does is increase range. CPU Upgrade is far to small for being useful. The bonus on a Q200 Upgrade should be 25%. 15% really isnt worth it when we will run out of Nano anyways. Recompiler is the only good belt item though.

    Nano Mage class does NOT get enough Nano pool. Plain and simple we rely on nano pool and are limited far too much compared to extra health the other breeds get. Heck a Nano Mage only gets 3 points of pool for every point of IP spent in nano pool. This is compared to the 5-7 points of health an atrox gets. its not fair. Not to mention the nano breeds are all ugly as hell.

    Our nanos are solely based on our MC for attack str. The only problem is that the NPCs resist is SOOOOOO high and our nukes have sooooooo much resist capability already added in that it makes us hit for minimum almost all of the time. I have 930 MC and still cant hit for much more than minimum most of the time. Heck so we almost never hit for the high end of the damage range. Im not talking about deep reds either. Heck as a 157 NT I can go to the training grounds cast Izgammers Last Word on a rollerrat and hit for minimum damage most of the time. So it HAS to be more than just what I suggested. Or roller rats have a hell of a resist.

    Spells fail far tooooooo often. I cant tell you how many times in a battle I fire off a nuke and it says casted successfully and no damage is done. This is often seen on deep greys as I have tested it. Its silly to see this happening so many times in a row. Just play the game awhile you will see it also if you play solo.

    Spell Damage Scale
    The scale is totally screwed. You mentioned when we was to get fixed that our damage scale would be much better. We could get a new spell every 2-3 levels. Well thats a bunch of crap. Right now its not even worth casting Last Word. It takes far too long, gets resisted far too much, and Reqs are far too high. Izgammers was an idiot since most of his spells suck so hard. Heck I mostly rely on glacial finality. This is because its the fastest, highest minimum damage spell out there. Not only that its hard to debuff at my level, not too hard but a twink isnt going to cast a low or general on me and stop me cold.

    Nullity Sphere
    Its too damn hard to find. Plain and simple!

    High Level play
    As it is we suck. Not because of not being able to compete as such but because we cap out on abilities at level 140ish. I am at level 157 and I really dont have anything to spend the next 43 levels worth of IP on. Hell I could add a 200 Nova Flow with the next 10 levels worth of IP but what next??? I have full 200 Implants put in legitly and costumized exactly how I need them to be. Full Q200 Biomech Armor Put on legitly. Every spell I will ever need since level 120 already installed. Heck as it is now I can just log in and gain EXP. Blahhhhh nothing to play for anymore since I wont get any better. What good is IPs if I cant use them anywhere useful. Heck and why spend them if they may just nerf casters using Novaflow :OP

    I dont know im a pacifist.

    O well thats just my quick thoughts on a profession I know about as well as anyone in the game if not better :OP

  2. #2
    /me hugs nikki!
    134th Doc
    Director of Dark Carnival
    Slayer of Snarf and his Merry men
    Destoyer of Destux and his gimps

  3. #3
    I bet it sucks to be a doc Truwind :OP
    All that NT hate when you cast a team heal :OP

  4. #4

    Doc R0><ors!

    I feel for you and the rest of the pillow weilding Community. Its a nice vote of confidence when FC pulls a stunt like this.
    134th Doc
    Director of Dark Carnival
    Slayer of Snarf and his Merry men
    Destoyer of Destux and his gimps

  5. #5
    Im not a pillow wielder really. I just like the way "Pillows" feel :OP

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