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Thread: Recompilers -> any slot

  1. #1

    Recompilers -> any slot


    Why are recompilers available in all QLs ranging from very low comp lit requirements all the way up to high ones yet all of them have a location of belt slot 6 - in other words a comp lit of 350+ and a 6 slot belt are required to use one but you can find low level ones with comp lit requirements way below 350 - why would anyone with a comp lit > 350 want a low QL recompiler?

    The drawback of recompilers is that they take NCU space - it seems daft that they also require a 6 slot belt. If you have 4 slots and want a low QL recompiler you should be able to equip a low QL one. The low QL ones dont do much anyway - they are hardly going to be unbalancing.

    Looks like the requirements for recompilers got mangled at some time during development.

  2. #2
    The reason is as follows. You can get the following upgrades to your deck:

    Nano Cost reduction
    Range Increase
    Interrupt Decrease
    Nano Init buff

    Funcom did not want these to conflict with one another. They also didn't want players to be able to equip more than 1 recompiler. The truth is, they could just put a "UNIQUE" tag on it and change the location to any deck slot and it would achieve the desired effect. The problem with that though is that you wouldn't be able to pick up a new recompiler if you already had one equipped. Most people would say that's pretty bogus.

    Long story short though, Recompilers work as is, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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