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Thread: RE:Show ALL names option......

  1. #1

    Lightbulb RE:Show ALL names option......

    Okay so heres my idea.......For the Show ALL names option located in environmental in options menu,

    I think you should color the names as follows......

    RED:Member of opposing side,Aggro mob <IE.I am clan so Omni names both NPC's and Players would be in Red as well as aggro mobs such as Rollerrats etc.>

    ORANGE:Member of same side <IE.Clan would be orange to me as I am clan so clan pc's and npc's names would be shown in orange>

    GREY:Neutral <IE.Neutral characters and vendors>

    WHITE:Non hostile npc's <Leets citizens of cities etc.>

    GREEN:Members of the same guild <IE.Fellow guildmates>


    I believe this will add a certain depth to the game and prevent neutrals from being percieved as enemies and shot down, the coloring of things will allow everyone to know just who is who and what is what which will also benefit new players in the sense that they wont wonder up and poke rollerrat matriarchs with sticks ;-p I believe that with any form of social structure there needs to be determining things set into place that allow all to see what and who they are dealing with and I believe this will be beneficial to the players of Anarchy Online........

    Also I would like to suggest an ally command in order for rebel clans/omni divisions to be able to gain official allies and to have perhaps a seperate channel that all in the clans/divisions involved could speak too both those in their respective clan/division but to their allies as well like IE. have the guild channel and under it the alliance channel <Idea?>

    I would also like to thank all of funcom for the beggining of the story line on Rubi'Ka 2 being a role player I enjoy this greatly and offer my assistance in any way needed I run an average clan known as The PaKk a militant clan that seeks the absolute destruction of Omni Tek and Omni Tek personell <Bet you can see why I want a story line ;-p> I believe the bombs should be relooked over it would add good contrast I believe were clans and omnis allowed to plant bombs in one anothers cities again maybe you could restrict it to a certain class say fixer? and have it as a nano "plant bomb" ;-p

    I have an idea for a cool meta physicist nano for any PvPing meta.........a summon dead crystal basically zombifying the now dead characters body and "Raising it up" as a zombie being wielded by the power of the MP acting as a sort of pet and following the casting MP's commands until the nano duration has worn off......

    Well those are merely a few of my ideas figured I would share them I look forward to seeing you all in game have a great day :-)

  2. #2
    Good idea! (the color of "show all names"-thingy)

    Hope this is done.

    the other ideas... wel....

    Bombs, would they hurt people or destroy buildings? what would their purpose be? (I know, RP-wise, but thinking game-play, what EFFECT would they give?)

    And as for MP's having a "zombifye dead" nano... don't they have enough with their third pet? Do they REALLY need a fourth?
    Last edited by Skybert; Dec 11th, 2001 at 13:43:02.

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