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Thread: Support Beam Bug

  1. #1

    Support Beam Bug

    Found a Quality Support Beam in a mission last night (Ql120) Took a good look at it, and noticed something.

    The defence skill for the support beam is listed as Duck.

    The description for the Duck/Explosions skill is for defence agnist trown weapons and explosions (gernades)

    So, Support beams aren't thrown, and they definitly don't explode, so why is duck the defence skill?!? Seems like it should evade clsc like other 1he and 2he weapons.

    I based my defence skills off the descriptions so this really annoys me! My close combat and dodge range skills are high, but my duck is 1/3 of that since throwing weapons aren't in the game, and I have never seen anyone using gernade weapons. This worked well for me until I tried to PVP with a beam toting enforcer!

    So can this be fixed, or can we at least get an explination as to why it's Duck not Evade? And if the explination is "We goofed," please follow that with "We'll fix it!"

  2. #2
    my advice is up duck-exp evade. shotguns also use that as their defensive skill and there are way too many ppl using those and beams to not up that skill if u ever plan to pvp =)

  3. #3
    Also, trader NPCs use shotguns which check against duck, so it's not just useful in PvP.

  4. #4
    Well, if someone's swinging something big and heavy at you...


    Actually, I have no clue... but it seems a number of things are weird like that.

  5. #5
    Solinarius, I was just about to post something similar to that..

    I'd say that being clobbered with a support beam would cause explosions in your head and starry vision..

    I don't know why I never balked at the defense skill on the beams, but I sorta think it fitting to be duck


  6. #6


    Can we get an official reply to this please. Is this as inteneded? are beams & shotguns supposed to be duck deffened attacks?

  7. #7
    Yup its intended. Its been that way since day 1 and partly the reason why shotguns became a popular choice.

    Since some, lets say lvl 124'ish agents, dont have enough IP to raise the duck skill

    I event think it makes perfect sense. Shotgun can be considered an area attack and so can the beam if you take the size into account. That goes hand in hand with the description of the duck skill.

    Lifebleeder mob line uses nano resist as defensive skill. So fear them at low lvl


  8. #8

    Re: Support Beam Bug

    Originally posted by Glarawyn
    Found a Quality Support Beam in a mission last night (Ql120) Took a good look at it, and noticed something.

    The defence skill for the support beam is listed as Duck.

    The description for the Duck/Explosions skill is for defence agnist trown weapons and explosions (gernades)

    So, Support beams aren't thrown, and they definitly don't explode, so why is duck the defence skill?!? Seems like it should evade clsc like other 1he and 2he weapons.

    I based my defence skills off the descriptions so this really annoys me! My close combat and dodge range skills are high, but my duck is 1/3 of that since throwing weapons aren't in the game, and I have never seen anyone using gernade weapons. This worked well for me until I tried to PVP with a beam toting enforcer!

    So can this be fixed, or can we at least get an explination as to why it's Duck not Evade? And if the explination is "We goofed," please follow that with "We'll fix it!"
    rofl duck/exp is/was actually the only good thing about it

  9. #9

    Smile TY

    Thank you, Demios. Finally found a place to spend the IP I've been saving from the reset.

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