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Thread: Contracts on players

  1. #1

    Contracts on players

    Ok, this isn't my idea, but the original poster (on another message board) didn't want to be the one to post it here, so I'm passing it along.

    Accordingly, any flames should probably be directed at me

    Agents will soon be able to get a 'special' mission from the mission terminals.

    It's an assassination mission, like normal, but it will be in blue instead of red on the mission terminal.

    The mission will give you 1 week to complete. It will cost 20,000 credits for a lvl 30 mission, higher for more.
    You will be given a name of a 'real player', not anyone but someone with a title, i.e. rookie, freshman etc.
    You will also be given the area they are in, i.e. lush fields, City of Tir, Avalon, etc.

    ...AND THATS IT!

    You must find this person, in the area and kill them...but you ARE allowed to fight them in 100% supression zones. Including shops or on missions or whatever.
    The 'target' will be given a notice that a contract has been placed on your head.

    You may attack the target at will. When you attack the target, guards are allowed to open fire on you, so you have to be carefull. must kill the target....and get back to the mission terminal with a pinky (safe area)..Guards will fire on sight, which means you must take some hits, grid phreak out or go into hiding behind enemy lines.
    This will only be allowed for people with titles..and equal titles will fight equal titles.

    Only allowed for agents, omni or clan

    When you return to the mission terminal, you get your 20k back and 20k from the 'target'...If you fail the 'target' is rewarded with the 20k and the contract is nullified or considered to dangerous to complete at this time. That player is given 1 month of amnesty or unless they kill another player.
    Now, the origianl poster says that this should only be an Agent thing, but then he plays an Agent and was posting on an Agent board. Personally, I think this kind of thing would be great for everyone...

    This is the beginning of an idea, not the end, and I'm sure this crowd will come up with some good additions/revisions.

  2. #2
    I think it's a great idea.. I don't PVP, but I would love to safely watch a showdown in the streets of Tir

  3. #3
    What would be really funny is if the "target" gained 20 levels before the contract is carried out. So if a lvl 20 Agent is expecting the target to be a lvl 20 Soldier, but by the time the Agent finds the soldier, the soldier has power leveled to lvl 40. Uh oh.

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