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Thread: probably asked too much but...

  1. #1

    probably asked too much but...

    I searched the boards for an answer for a bit on this. im sure its been asked b4 but i couldnt find it. Is there currently a way to check your current pvp points?
    Jellobiafra General of First Order
    First Order-Cleaning clanners since 29210
    Visit our website to join!!

  2. #2
    don't we all wish we could
    Mick "Nuggethunter" McMullet
    Lvl 191 Soldier
    Loyal Advisor of Trinity 'till my last breath

    Plain and simple.... NERF bracers in PvP

    Hey, I’m uh.. I’m not a lumberjack or a fur trader. And I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber or own a dogsled.
    And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I am certain they're really really nice.
    I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, not American. And I pronounce it "About" not "A boot".
    I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I belive in peacekeeping, not policing. Diversity, not assimilation.
    And that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat. A chesterfield is a couch.
    And it is pronounced "Zed"! not "Zee".. "Zed"! Canada is the second largest landmass, the first nation of hockey,
    And the best part of North America! My name is Nugget… and I am Canadian!!!

  3. #3
    I don't know. It would be nice to be able to look it up, but I fear that people will title hug and gank even more than they do now. They'll see that they are a few kills from the next title, and spend the next week looking for lowbies to gank.

    At least right now, there is enough uncertainty that many folks won't dramatically change their behavior as they near the next title. Ganking and the title system has already screwed the PvP game. I'd hate for it to disappear completely.
    Alynie 153 Storm Trader

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