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Thread: Did halving damage halve nano consumption on offensive spells?

  1. #1

    Did halving damage halve nano consumption on offensive spells?

    If not isn't this a bit unfair since MA' s never run out of fist or foot and ammo is cariable in the 1000's?

    I mean whats wrong with halving a nuke, health suck, root etc nano requirement since it now does half the damage and requires twice as many spells? It still costs twice as much time.

    Is it any wonder that 50% of the arena entrants are MA's!

    50% MA's
    25% Enforcer
    25% fixer,trader,agent,doctor
    0% nano-mage

    Hmmmmm...why is that? Hmmmmmm who's responsible...

    Hmmmmm could it be ...SATAN!

    BTW: I don't play a NM.

    And yes yes yes you may have a NM and play them in the arena...but this is in general terms and your very unique.

  2. #2

    Angry sheesh

    The NTs have been b!tching about this problem for hmm, since the 50% rule came into play.. They dont listen.. Trust me on that.. They dont care...

    Sorzella 153 NonoHPmage Nerftechnician

  3. #3
    Well, currently I imagine it would be too tough to put in normal damage in PvP for NT nukes, or mess with nano cost, etc.

    On the other hand if they were to add nukes which did enough damage to actually make a difference in PvP, they would be way too powerful in PvM.

    As such, what we need are nanos which are PvP-only as one of the things added to the NT profession. Basically these would be nukes with MUCH higher damage and better recharge along with lower casting cost. However these nanos would also only be effective on players and would not be capable to damaging mobs. There is already logic in game to limit things like this so the code would mostly just be adding entries into a database and figuring out the balance of said nanos.

    NTs are supposed to be the highest damage dealing class in the game. Second highest is supposed to be MAs. Currently NTs are pretty darned low on the list of damage dealing. Heck after running tests over and over, MPs outnuke us bigtime (and they have heal pets which enable them to take a heck of a lot more dmg). Our best nuke is an AoE nuke which limits the effectiveness. As a result, most NTs use Izzy's Enveloping Flame. Rule of One (crat nuke) has been known to outperform Env Flame. This means that crats and MPs can outNUKE us, let alone simply outdamage.

    For those of you who don't like the idea of an NT being the highest damage dealer, I ask you, since every class is supposed to have 1 advantage over every other, what is the NT advantage? NTs have almost no defense (don't even THINK of bringing up Nullity in any argument; it's rarer than grid armor) and also have the lowest hp in the game. As such they need offense which offsets their lack of defense and health. This is why the NT is supposed to be the highest damage dealer in the game. An NT should be the kind of profession where you can kill other players rapidly, but you yourself can be smashed quite quickly if attacked. Currently only the latter is true.

    In summary, we need some serious tweaking on the current nukes, some new nukes between LDI and Kel's/LW, and we need PvP-only nukes.

  4. #4
    They better do something is all I can say... Ive been putting up with my NT so damn long now in hope that they will FINALLY balance us to what we are suppose to be.. If the NT patch coming up doesnt improve us substantially, my patience will be at an end with AO, as will about 50% of all NTs..

    Dont even get me started with the nanomage breed LOL!

    Sorzella 153 NonoHPmage Nerftechnician

  5. #5
    NTs have HE, which works well on my low-lvl NT alt. It does take a while to actually increase nano though, and should be made a bit more powerful.

    Also, many people don't put as much IP into nano resist because mobs normally don't chaincast anymore, but the nano cost should still be lowered.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by PipSlag (aka PipBoy)
    NTs are supposed to be the highest damage dealing class in the game. Second highest is supposed to be MAs.
    Hmmm, where do you come up with these little tidbits of information? Think its a bit unfair that MAs with their good healing should damage more than soldiers and enforcers...or is that just me?

    Seraphael - 200 fixer
    Pepzi - ** agent
    Troxitazz - retired trader

  7. #7
    Yeah those 500hp heals sure are overpowering when I'm getting hit for 300-600 damage, meanwhile I can't punch while I'm casting and seems like a 5 second recharge... in 5 seconds I get hit for 1500-2000 damage then I can heal for 500, then get hit for 2000 mroe and die. Against multiple mobs I find it almost useless in team missoins.

    It maybe can help me get to the door.

    Sure wish I could equip QL200 Fists at level 120...
    MA - Rubi Ka 1 - Omni

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Seraphael

    Hmmm, where do you come up with these little tidbits of information? Think its a bit unfair that MAs with their good healing should damage more than soldiers and enforcers...or is that just me?

    Originally the MA was supposed to be a melee class which did much more damage than any other melee class. As a tradeoff their body dev is slightly lower and they have no HP buffs. Their heals have very high recharge preventing them from being effective healers. Currently, they fulfill their roll extremely well.

    Enforcers are not supposed to kill their enemies with overwhelming damage. They are instead meant to "outlast" their enemies with their "incredible" amounts of hp. Enforcers also are meant to have a tough time soloing at higher levels. They are truly meant to be the ultimate tank class.

    Soldiers are meant to be second-rate nukers and second-rate tanks. Nukers in the sense that they are meant to be able to deal damage from a distance. However they are not meant to do as much damage as NTs or MAs. Second rate tanks in that they don't have the hp of an enforcer. Unfortunately they don't have ANY of the aggro management of one either.

    NTs, as I mentioned are supposed to be the ultimate in damage dealing. Since they have no other strong points, they are meant to deal incredibly massive amounts of damage rather quickly. Currently, as I mentioned, a crat or MP with a halfway decent gun blows an NT out of the water. An MP has a heal pet to heal him and if they have the patience, a demon to attack their target as well. Crats have area mezz, and if they have patience they have a droid and sometimes even the ability to use charmed mobs. Both of those classes have better nukes than NTs.

  9. #9
    Thanks for the info, been playing this game for 7-8 months now, but no one bothered to tell me . Guess my reaction on the MAs is due to them being fixed, where as most other professions now more than ever need some loving to catch up with FCs pet class .

    Last edited by Seraphael; Jul 11th, 2002 at 15:54:46.
    Seraphael - 200 fixer
    Pepzi - ** agent
    Troxitazz - retired trader

  10. #10
    I really wish they would get fixed. They need to give a little more hp(not buffs) to Enforcers, give soldiers a lot of love, and enforcers REALLY need taunts that work. They also need a 1HE/2HE buff.

    I want all the classes fixed believe me, I like playing different alts for fun, but not when they dont work. MA's when I played at launch were really broken so they are finally mostly fixed, just some minor issues i think.
    MA - Rubi Ka 1 - Omni

  11. #11
    We-eell, think enforcers could do without a special patch, they are STRONG as is, but buffs to all their most commonly used weapons shouldn't be too hard to implement...unless ofcourse those weapons were made superior to the weapons who had buffs to cover them in the first place...
    Soldiers are hardly weak, but compared to MAs and enforcers they come out losers (would love to see them get masteries for all types of ranged weapons/FA, a reload button function and nanoresist added to their TMS). Agree that NTs now should be next in line with a dedicated patch, tho I still hope for some continued fixer loving in 14.6. (mainly smgs with other specials than burst...hehe we got aimedshot shotguns and fullauto bows, but no fling on any smg - FC logic for you I guess ).

    Seraphael - 200 fixer
    Pepzi - ** agent
    Troxitazz - retired trader

  12. #12
    Probably if they didn't spend all their effort on building a new addon instead of fixing the game they already had.... ah well more money for them(not from me).
    MA - Rubi Ka 1 - Omni

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