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Thread: Alvin and Dodga Repawn Improved? ROFL

  1. #1

    Alvin and Dodga Repawn Improved? ROFL

    Changes - 03.07.02

    * We have disabled fall damage in indoor playfields, since this was never used. This will prevent you from taking damage when using elevators in team mission dungeons.

    * We have reduced the de-spawn rate on Alvin and Dodga.
    Nice try, Funcom. But, the problem isn't on Alvin and Dodga's side. The problem is Trash King not showing up for hours. You will only p!ss off people again who can now get the quest but can't complete it in a timely manner.

    How many times do your GMs and ARKs show up at the TK Lair in Athen Shire for some riot control? I was there the entire day yesterday, and I counted 5 times. Not a bad result. Trying to beat your own record?

    Why don't you just leave TK on a 15 minute respawn like the other bots and only change his script so he only drops the loot once for every person killing him? Making his loot NODROP UNIQUE should help.

    With Regards,

    Player running into problems as soon as she tries to do something other than pulling missions, TAB Q TAB Q TAB Q, token, whoot, next.

  2. #2
    i've been camping TK for 3 days now only to click on him for part 2 of alvins quest and no luck... it's freaking' bs

    should not take me 3 days to click on a flippin' mob

    I don't not call spending all 5 of my game playing hours a night sitting down in one spot praying that TK spawn while i'm playing.. just staring and the f*kin' screen....


  3. #3

    Thumbs down A suggestion...

    Rather than getting your tighty-whities all bunched up, maybe you should do something else until one of the two following things happens...

    1.) The spawn is changed to something more sane.

    2.) It becomes clear that this is the way it is going to be going forward for the TK and there's less demand.

    Everyone and their brother is doing this mission right now and the TK is the bottle-neck. Until something happens, you're only going to make yourselves crazy. Remember the problem with Greasy Joints?? Remember the problems with Smugglers? Both got resolved, one by fixing the spawn rate, the other by time...

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