I walked a line a long time ago, I sat and watched...something shamefully lacking on the part of a lot of people who speak out these days. I knew back then, I had no place opening my mouth. When my path was chosen, I KNEW it was right and just. Sure, it had its ups and downs, most of which is painfully apparent with the discourse and attacks that ensued when the doors of the CoT opened.

I write this today, not for any personal glory or attention. I write this as an explanation to those who still cannot come to grips with paths chosen by some or to steady those staggered by our onslaught when the shooting started. Finally, I write this to let everyone know that the days of the "dumb killer with few answers" are long gone.

I kind of wondered early on if we'd be seeing this sort of derision amongst those whom we protect, help, live with, work with, and fight with. Of course we did, I shouldn't have had to wonder. They called us blind while undermining their own work with attacks on fellow clan members. Well, Sentinel clans stood shoulder to shoulder and fought back. Now, a lot of us are worked against, talked badly about in private and considered a threat in the Council.

The above will make you wonder a bit about why we even bother. I, for one, continue to do what I can because even though I'm a neutral murderer (ha ha), I believe in the Clans. No, I don't agree with all of them, I stand up when I feel something is wrong but over all, I try to make a difference here and there. I will go on record and say here that I do not fully believe in the Council of Truth after witnessing the continuing pettiness of the "good and wise" clans and at points have reconsidered our intentions of staying. I'm sure this news will make a few people happier. Rest assured though, it is you that drive clans away and the insurmountable evidence of the beginning corruption of the CoT and why it will never work to its full potential.

I speak for myself and The Black Company when I say that this path we've chosen is a hard one but one that is easily walked with the knowledge that ours is a just cause. Conviction is a hard thing to hold on to sometimes, but not for The Company.

So here we are today, guns in hand, answering the call, ready to give our lives over to fate and let it go from there. We stand firm against Omni Tek and breathe deeply, knowing that our actions are those of the justified and that no matter how it is portrayed by the propagandists on both sides; this war has always been about freedom.