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Thread: No use for nanomage now

  1. #1

    No use for nanomage now

    Dear uninformed person at Funcom.

    I play a nano mage character as my main. I chose this breed BEFORE ( long before ) the 14.4 patch. I choose this breed so that i could "Cast nanos at a lower lvl than other breeds"

    To top this off, I have all ql200 implants in, a Expensive Kevlar vest of Professor Jones ( +19 all nano skills ) , and some Shades of Lubrication ( another +6 all nano skills ) . That is another +25 point buff to my skills. Add in the gen buffs, and I can self cast almost anything.

    Now you introduce nano lvl requirements. Looking at those req's. I can self cast MANY of the nanos you have tagged for lvl 185, but I cant, im only lvl 150. Whats up with THAT??!?!?

    what good is the nanomage now? I get a bigger nano pool and thats it? And I do this at the cost of almost twice as many hitpoints????

    You have made the nanomage useless with this patch. 14.4 has killed this breed. remove it from the game.

    There is only one way to make me happy now. Allow me to change my breed. but on a much bigger issue.

    What will you do for nanomage's now
    that you have removed there only REAL advantage?

    ( i also emailed this to FC, I will post ther reply later when I get one. IF I get one )
    Last edited by Turin; Jun 27th, 2002 at 16:03:21.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
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  2. #2
    The class restricted NF and items are NOT the way to go FC!
    Remove, the level restrictions from the game NOW! OE patch supposed to fix the problem. Instead of reinforsing the OE plan you are creating additional problems.
    Not to mention that the differences between the breeds are now truly worthless.

  3. #3
    What's the problem?
    There are no new Doctor nanos with a level requirement on them.

    The reasoning behind putting level reqs on the new fixer/advent nanos is that they would clearly be overpowering if the caster had mochams/wrangle.

    These new nanos were added to help balance the less viable professions without overpowering them. We don't want another profession tuning like what happened to metas.

    None of the current level limited nanos really have an unrealistic level requirement. Especially for fixers who have a hard time self casting nanos 10-20% QLs lower than their level.

  4. #4
    New nanos after 14.4 will have level restrictions. Cosmik has made this quite clear. No exception was noted for docs, or any other class.

    Some free advice
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  5. #5
    I have a MUCH better idea. I think this one is viable with the current OE rules. While it would be somewhat of a nerf, I think it would solve the problems of the level reqs:

    Make self-cast buffs subject to OE rules. That means that if you cast a self-buff while you have Mocham's and you terminate Mocham's in your NCU after that, if you don't then fall within 20% of the reqs, the selfbuff should terminate as well.

    I make the distinction that this should only be applied to self-only nanos. As it stands, 90% of the new nanos ARE self-only. The new ones that can be cast on other players most people agree need level restrictions on the recipient of it to prevent a repeat of the lvl 2 OmniPol-wearing Apprentices with QL 195 LLTS (only now with the new perception buffs, they would have QL 200 Vision Enhancers)

    Most people who buff up to be able to cast a buff themselves immediately terminate the Mochies or Mastery afterwards because those buffs are all NCU-hoggers.

    That being said, if Funcom would now just up the requirements on the new nanos and remove the level restriction, they would make 80% of their players happy, and prevent 40% of them from leaving too, including myself.

  6. #6


    I don't see why they don't just limit the buffs you can get to someone you could get XP with. If they're worried about uber-mocham's-using-twinks at low levels, make it so you can't get buffs from high level metas at lvl 30. Seems like FC could've avoided a ton of this OE madness with a much simpler system. If you can group and get XP with someone, you can get buffs from them. This would keep the whole group dynamic the same and fix most of the twink issues. Level restrictions and the whole OE system are awkward bandaids...

    FC could also just make the level restrictions 25-50 levels lower to allow for the nanomage and existing buffs to be useful, if dead-set on the existing system. I don't see why setting a level limit higher than 165 is neccessary... Eliminates another reason to have Traders and Metas in groups, too.
    Last edited by Cambist; Jun 28th, 2002 at 20:03:47.
    The Cubicle - All the Bureaucrat news you can bear to hear

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  7. #7
    Oh yes, an Adventurer would clearly be über if they were able to cast their 195 level locked +100 pistol buff at say, level 175.

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  8. #8
    No Waffen!

    Don't go down that path.

    That would cause more strife and cancelled accounts than the infamous and unpopular meta patch.

  9. #9
    Finally got the reply today.

    Thank you for your email and your time that you took to send this to us. All
    feedback is valuable and greatly appreciated.
    I have passed all your thoughts onto
    the teams for them to see a players view of things comming and in game at the

    That came from Dai. I also talked to him on IRC brielfy. I dont have the logs of that chat here, but the basics of it were

    "be patient, wait and see, we will make sure it works out"

    I dont trust them though.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

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  10. #10


    Originally posted by Miir
    What's the problem?
    There are no new Doctor nanos with a level requirement on them.

    The reasoning behind putting level reqs on the new fixer/advent nanos is that they would clearly be overpowering if the caster had mochams/wrangle.

    These new nanos were added to help balance the less viable professions without overpowering them. We don't want another profession tuning like what happened to metas.

    None of the current level limited nanos really have an unrealistic level requirement. Especially for fixers who have a hard time self casting nanos 10-20% QLs lower than their level.

    There arent any doc ones NOW, but there will be, i promise it.

    And this post isnt just about me, its about all the nano mage's out there who will run into this problem. I have seen mage Advs and fixers.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

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