While passing through Borealis on yet another errand, Corrine suddenly stops at a corner as she hears a voice ....

[Oliewabie]: Pssst ,...don't look back ,.. don't even pretend you are hearing this,... just nod if you hear this
[Windguaerd]: ::nods::
[Oliewabie]: Have you oiled your rifle recently ,.... do you have bullets loaded that splat fixer's brains all over the wall?
[Windguaerd]: ::nods::
[Oliewabie]: Good,... you'll hear again soon of me,.. keep in pratice,.... the targets days are numbered.
[Windguaerd]: ::nods with a grin::

After identifying both persons, she logs a memo to her datapad and walks away, her mind focussing back to the task at hand.