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Thread: I want to see two sorts of ip in the game. Normal ip and tradeskill ip.

  1. #1

    Exclamation I want to see two sorts of ip in the game. Normal ip and tradeskill ip.

    I want to see two sorts of ip in the game. Normal ip and tradeskill ip.

    The reason for this is that I can't see many people taking up tradeskills in the game if it gimps their toon. I mean how many people will put ip into tradeskills when they need it to equip there new weapon? If there was spare ip every level then yes things would be diffrent.

    Sadly as it is very few tradeskills will take off in this game because we all need the ip elsewere to keep our toon as good a fighter as possible. In the months that I have played I have yet to meet anyone that makes items to sell.

    Now what if Funcom introduced tradeskill only ip? This would encourage people to develop tradeskills within the game so we could trade with each other more. We could go to the doctors for our healing stuff and they would make money, traders would be able to trade and still work in a group hunt etc.

    There could be two sets of exp from each kill (Funcom if you read this DONT take ip from what we have now, make a new set of ip). At the moment MOBs drop tradeskill items, so they could drop tradeskill exp too or even just drop strait ip so we can use it strait away to save leveling for tradeskill ip.

    This way all tradeskills within the game would take off, everyone would try it and there would be more comunication between players, more friends made, and more fun.

    It would give level 200 people something else to do. I here when you hit 200 there is nothing else to do, end of game. With tradeskills to work on it will give the level 200ds more to do, somethig else to look forward to.

    Well this is just an idea that could work well if thought out properly (no I'am not good at making ideas work).

    What do you all think? What do you think Funcom?

  2. #2
    I made reference to having different IP for tradeskills vs normal skills in another thread on this. I like the way you suggested we get 2 sets of IP.

    Another way would be how DAoC does it. The more you use a tradeskill, the more points you get in your tradeskill proficiency, thus the better you are..

    However, the downfall is, you no longer earn real XP from performing tradeskills. They're primarily for fun and money.

    In your way, you could perform a tradeskill and technically get both regular and tradeskill XP. I like that idea..

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