Last I recall, Cosmik or Cz had verified that rings/bracers were only supposed to add their value in points of damage, not in percentage as the descriptions stated.


Can somebody PLEASE fix the descriptions of these items to make it clear they only add _points_ not a percentage to damage? It would appear that changing an item's description should NOT be a particularly complicated, or side-effect-inducing change, and it would stop some particularly bad deception that's occurring in how people are selling these items to other players.

I saw someone bidding 3M for an 11% Power-Melee ring, and it turned out NOBODY in the auction realized the ring added 11pts -- they all believed it added 11 percent (except for the seller, I'm pretty sure he knew EXACTLY what the ring's capabilities were). It's simply a situation where the bugged descriptions are NOT a "generally known fact".

P.S. If, contrary to what I (and others) read from a Funcom rep on the boards, the rings ARE supposed to add a percentage to dmg: Is there any chance that will be fixed in the next five or six patches? It's been broken dang near forever, along with everything else which related to modifying dmg by "percentage" in-game.