It was a dark and stormy night in Old Athens, I have to wonder if it is some joke of the gods that whenever people are sneaking around it has to be a dark and stormy night.. Would explain the weather patterns on this planet..

Looking briefly over my shoulder to my team Cat floats off ahead of me to look for people walking around. 'No one must see me this evening for tonight I hunt for a dangerous enemy', I think as my my visor picks up what Cat is "seeing". Good no one is around and I slip my lockpick out and use it to open the door next to me.

Quiet as a evening breeze I slide through the doorway with a disgusted look, no alarm on the door and no camaras.. This will be to easy..

Just inside is a waiting room, no guards, so I prep my team and I then creep up to the inner door. My visor shows that there is a Trox Enforcer just inside so with a quick mental command I send Cat and Agrona in to the left, nock and draw my bow and toe the door open.

HEY ! is all the guard gets out as I bury the arrow deep into his weapon arm then Cat and Agrona goto work on it. A flick of from Cat and the Troxes helmet goes flying down the hall, the next flick opens a deep wide cut blood splatters the walls. I know the Trox has no chance but this night I don't care no one will be alive in this building when I am done tonight..

As the Trox falls dead on the floor I am already moving grabbing the Omni-Mining badge from it's chest and looking ahead for the other guard.. 'They always come in two' I think with a chuckle, so Omni in their thinking. Getting closer to the intersection my visor informs my of the guard hiding around the corner.

Damn she must have heard the fight..

A grin forms as I let Cat loose again, the guard never even knew what hit her as Cat rips her apart. Letting Cat have her head is something I have never done before but this night I want there to be a mess. I want them to know that I Roger Garanti was here and I am coming for them all. They know who they are. They are Omni-Mining.

I knew it could be a trap being lured into this building but I don't care, my mind is a fire of what was done to me during my brief stay in their hands. I saw the guards sneaking into Old Athen from the Jobe portal. A weak spot I have always told everyone.. 'I hope she is here' i think to myself as I move to the next room and call into power a Mind Howl, screaming into the mind of the guard we strike again.

We keep working the rooms destroying everything we come across when I get to a locked door baring my way.. Whipping out my lockpick I goto work on it when I hear a clicking noise, 'no time' I think as the door explodes in my face sending me flying back down the hall. Danu was there in a heart beat sending me her healing but I am still dazed by the blast. My visor is showing two guards running out the door at firing on me scoring a couple of hits before Cat and Agrona swoop down from aobve the door and start attacking from behind.

We have you now Shadowset the guards are taunting me as I try to get to me feet and bring my bow to play. They continue to fire on me even though Cat is scoring a number of mortal wounds. Maybe they think they can take me out before Cat finishes them both off.

[ more to come.. ]