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Thread: Armor Question for QL 200 Missions/Mobs

  1. #1

    Armor Question for QL 200 Missions/Mobs

    Gotta a question. When you do a QL 200 mission/mob how much armor do you need to almost insure you are getting hit for only minimum damage? i.e. 4000 AC, QL 180, QL 200?

    I am assuming a full set with coat/cloak/tank armor.


  2. #2
    Even with QL200 flower's armor, and primus coat, they still dont hit for minumum damage.

    Reflect shield and bracers help bring the damage down alot though, .... if you have them.
    {Beyond the Drunken Master, is the Plastered Master} Lilasiandude 216 MA
    Proud Member of Storm, and the Betty Ford Clinic

    -Sllammer 216 enf. - Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Click!


  3. #3
    im wearing a full set of 185 elite, and a hanshi primus coat (185 too)
    And lvl 160 mobs hit me for minimum.
    But those lvl 200 mobs are insane, why the hell to they hit 3 times as hard as a lvl 180, and have 10 times the hp?
    i would'nt call that fair
    220/27/62 Crat | 200 NT | 200 fixer |174/14/42 twink trox nt| 100/12 trader| 60/6 enf|

    Total levels gained since nov 2002 |2500+ |

    7 years to ding 220, any better?

  4. #4
    From my experince they start to hit for minimum dmg after i use my defelection shield. Which adds about 3.5K AC, bringing total amount to 8.5-9K.


  5. #5

    Question Any Ideas on Increasing Armor

    Are there any deflection shield that do not reflect damage (and thus do not break calms?) Or other way of absorbing damage without reflect?

    I guess the new shoulder pads will be useful.

    BTW, has anyone seen a symbio or boosted graft drop since 14.2? I was interested in a graft that added 343 to AC, forget the name, some Engie nano.

  6. #6
    Parry sheilds
    Yes, I have seen a few Pills, Symbio-Grafts, Charged Fingers an Boosted-Grafts drop since 14.2 came out, although most useless.
    Seems they only are the nanos which QL is below 50 (of the nano before it is made into a symbio-graft or the others)

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