visit to the temple of the four winds

::as Nerva-is's visions began to become stronger, he saw one of himself entering the great temple of the four winds. and within that vision he saw potential for his new organisation. afterall if he was to become more powerfull, so would they and in time they would all be able to stand against the alien Threat, to at least deffent themselves::

::standing uppon the steps of the temple he stared into its depts and found there nothing but fanatics and screams, his hands glowing with nanoenergy he began to 'buff up' as they called it. began to encrease his skill as they he braught forth a supperior Rage manifestation, a heal and ofcourse now his trusty Mezzpet, fighting, taking it one step at a time he knew that if he held fast he would not die. finally deep beneat the temple in the main chamber, he stood infront of the enisiates::

:: by now Nerva-is his skill had encreased beyond the point it had been before, and he used his intimite tallent to teleport himself back to Tir, taking the Wompa to Athens and moving to Jobe once more, before he returned home, to think on the violence and things he had seen, he stopped to stock up on nanochrystals, knowing he would mave to make more frequent trips asto be able to afford the nano's wich layed within reach::