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Thread: Who here has actually ever done weaponsmithing regularely?

  1. #1

    Question Who here has actually ever done weaponsmithing regularely?

    Ok, ok, so I'm not so very uber leet myself, only have a level 80 and 50 char, and they are both engineers.

    I've always been a tradeskill fan, I love making stuff for people and being of service. When I started this game I had major plans for level 100+, I would start my own business with my own webpage and all.

    But who would ever pay a guy full shop price for an item you can get in a mission, loot, or buy from someone else second hand, 1/20 of your price? ("Your price" being what it cost to make the gun)

    And not only that, the weapons who are crafteable so far are horrible, they genuinely suck - have anyone tried comparing an Amytlo executioner (craftable blade) with a normal executioner?

    Ok, so we can make the disaf. sniper and the mausser, but those are pretty much it, but then again it comes back to my point at the beginning of this post - there is no point in making them because they are so incredibly common!

    However, what I did like was the chemical streamer, a gun that could only be acquired through crafting. A lot of people whined about needing break&entry for making it, but I dont think its half bad, it encourages socializing and cooperation.

    I say get more of this. Non-lootable competent weapons or weapon modifications.

    One last thing - you upped the xp on picking locked chests and doors, and thats just good, but what about crafting? I would *love* to get just one level from making stuff, maybe we could get as much as 5% of a level pr gun.

  2. #2


    The best thing about weaponsmithing is the mauser and the sealed weapon recepticals
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  3. #3

    Unhappy QL200 Receptacles

    Can anyone still make these after the IPR or has everyone dumped these skills???

  4. #4
    I started my Engineer simply becuase I want to do crafting skills. I did the same thing in another MMORPG for the same reason (magic rings, armor, etc.) However I've found that those skills in AO are almost worthless at the moment. Of the two skills I've raised to use my bot trimmers, Mech Eng and Quantum Physics, the only one that I use is Mech Eng to make rings solely for the purpose of selling to vendors. I also raised Weaponsmithing a tad to try out making the Mausser Chemical Streamers but reset it with IPR because it just wasn't worth it to me to produce one weapon that people want.

    I sincerely hope that in the future there will be something worth producing with tradeskills for lower level people. Virral Eggs are great and everything, but what is there for people level 1-150 (not including twinks here) who can't procure the QL 190+ items and have the IP to raise their skills to produce them?
    Slyykie - 200+ Shade
    Slyyk - 200+ Fixer

    Members of Alphastrike
    Sarcasm rules! Go prance around in the forest you silly pixie.

  5. #5
    I made I think 7 QL100 ish Chem Maussers with the skill in my 7 month or whatever it is history as a Trader on RK2. I made one QL17 megajolt shotgun on RK1 with my first trader char before they released the RK2 server. I guess I wouldn't call making 8 weapons in as many months doing it regularly. I tried to make a NUMBER of other weapons and practically every one failed because of bugs in the construction process.

    When the reset came, I decided that the weapon skills had about as much usefulness as the swimming skill and I got rid of them. The only trade skill I still have is nano programming and I rate it highly and use it frequently.

    The only weapon worth building that I ever found was the chem mausser, but its no use to me, I dont know any fixers, and I earn money easy enough that no one that could use the chem maussers I could actually build (only about QL110) would have the enough money to make it worth my while to learn a skill that I can use once a month instead of another combat related skill that I get use out of every day.

    There needs to be some NODROP trade items to give some kind of personal reward to those that waste tons of IPs on trade skills. There also needs to be more weapons that are personally useful to the engineers, traders, and fixers that might have those skills. Finally there needs to be a lot more weapons that are either the best or very very close to the best in their class that can be built with trade skills that are not available as mission rewards.

    In the meantime I wouldn't recommend weapon trade skill to anyone.

    Nianna - RK2 Trader lvl 139

  6. #6

    Thumbs down

    I agree, these skills are terribly useless in AO at this time. I think they should start making better items available to the crafters. I mean what is better than a hand made sword rather than some mass produced one. I mean IRL you would like to have something hand made in that case. So hand made weapons should be better. They should have better features with this skill and it needs to be rethought as is. Hopefully they jump on it soon before everyone decides to reroll this skill. Keep craftin bud

  7. #7
    Originally posted by KeisukeFD
    I agree, these skills are terribly useless in AO at this time. I think they should start making better items available to the crafters. I mean what is better than a hand made sword rather than some mass produced one. I mean IRL you would like to have something hand made in that case. So hand made weapons should be better. They should have better features with this skill and it needs to be rethought as is. Hopefully they jump on it soon before everyone decides to reroll this skill. Keep craftin bud
    I agree.

    I think the ql of the crafted items should be determined by the skill of the crafter, not the ql of the parts involved in making the item. That way they could make all trade skill items ql 1 and make them all freely available. That would make it A LOT easier to do some serious crafting. Once your skill gets so high, you will start turning out some quality weapons, armor, etc that ppl will gladly pay for, if only for the convenience of having a full set of the same ql armor all at once.

    Throw in items that can ONLY be crafted and you've got a perfect excuse to dump tons of IP into the trade skills.
    "I'll die before I give you a nuclear destruction maximum capability device of some kind." - Einstein

  8. #8
    Note that just because a weapon can be crafted doesn't mean it has to be easy. If people could just craft every weapon out of shop items then it'd take the fun out of trying to gain items through fighting. Instead there should be more powerful items that can be crafted with items you gain only through fighting or doing missions or quests. Gotta leave people with something left to do themselves beyond the two second weapon combining process.

    Just something I wanted to point out after re-reading my first message. Funcom has had the tendency to sometimes not understand that making something useful doesn't have to make it easy or making something easy doesn't have to make it take no time. The game would be incredibly boring if we built all the equipment we needed from store items then had nothing to do except kill monsters over and over and over for xp points.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Nobelium

    I think the ql of the crafted items should be determined by the skill of the crafter, not the ql of the parts involved in making the item.
    Thats a good idea, but what if you want to make a gun thats below the highest quality you are able to make?

    Maybe the construction kit could be q1-200, but the rest of the parts are single-quality. Or for a wierd solution, set your slider to full Def for q1, and full Agg for your max quality

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