poor ring,i never knew you.Too bad they took u away from us instead of fixing you,cause i could really use the ip......

OK ive been lv 200 for over 2 months now,still aint bored and im pretty fine tuned too with my ip allocation,dont think it could get much better,then i read bittersweet news on the forums......

YAAAAY!!!! they are gonna add sharp objects soon(throwing weapons)and maybe even fix reposte
AWW $H!+ im fresh outa ip........what can i do?

ive already sacrificed my ability to make emergency labs with pharmaceutical skill(140 lab heals for way over 2500 BTW),now what?Do i toss mat crea and lose my AC buff?AWW crap i wanna raise 2 of my skills now,poor me....
My ip is already tweaked for max damage output in PvP and if i go for reposte and throwing weapons im just switching ip to do the same damage prolly(sure aint losing the bow,dont care what anyone says,i likey =)p )

poor ring i never knew u ,but i miss the hell outa ya

Disciple092 lv 200 Clan MA