My team and I (levels 100-112) can do a level 190ish mission. Its hard, but we get good exp for our efforts.

We can do level 140-150ish missions when we need gear, since thats about what we all use, unfortunately experience stinks and it is not a challenge at all.

If we want to kill a boss mob, level 120ish is about as good as it gets for us. Which basically means there will be no loot worth using since its all 20-30 levels to low for us.

So what exactly is the point of even doing boss mobs? Are we supposed to sell everything we get, pass it along to friends or what?

Personally I see something wrong with that picture. Especially since pretty much every single new item, worth getting has been put on boss mobs. One would think, that with a decent team, they would be able to go and earn rare gear, but it just isn't possible the way it works now. In my opinion, there is a serious flaw in the way boss mob rooms are set up. When my team can take down a level 190 team mission, but can only handle a level 120 boss, there is quite a huge disparity there that should be adjusted.

In a perfect world, level 140-150 missions should be giving enough experience to be worth doing and the boss room in those missions should be challenging, but doable. That way we would be able to actually hunt for our gear, get decent experience and obtain those items that have been religated to boss mobs only, at a level we can actually use them. No offense, but the current way the system is set up leaves us few choices and they are becoming very boring.

We can hunt for exp, basically "The Grind".
We can hunt for regular gear, needed result but... *yawn*.
We can hunt rare loot off bosses...pointless.

A basic premise in these ypes of games is that they should allow players to have obtainable goals. A player without a goal, or only unobtainable ones is a unhappy player. Personally, I am bored of the grind, which means I am not leveling so I do not need to hunt for more gear. I also really have no motivation to kill boss mobs since they have nothing I can use and I *hate* selling junk on the shopping channel. I have gotten stuff for friends, but they outgrown the items in about the same or less time than it took me to obtain them, so that is not real satisfying either.

Anyhow, you guys may want to take this entire boss room back to the drawing board and maybe make it worth while to do.

PS: The one fun thing left for me when I was bored like this, was twinking out and overequiping a new character to try out. To bad you took that out of the game. I have a fully twinked out level 40 agent using the new rules, all gear is no more than and pretty dang close to 20% over. He can solo a 55% mission...woot! (the woot was sarcastic btw, its no longer fun <-- Key word there: FUN)