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Thread: w00t for soldiers!!

  1. #1

    w00t for soldiers!!

    reading through 14.4 patch notes. viewing the many many changes for the other classes, and the corrections for the other classes because they got sooo much last patch and then comes the soldiers turn for thier uber lovin.

    Soldier Changes:

    Soldier: "Phalanx" has been fixed and is now truly an AC buff affecting all soldiers in the team


    can anyone tell me the last patch where soldiers got ANYTHING? besides a nerf?

    .. : (

    Edit just read this.. coooll... wonder how long it will be : P

    Posted By Dai-Galean
    Junne 14 2002 11:08

    Also more info for all you soldiers. Now remember there is no spacific patch or date for these, it will be over time.

    Here are the major areas that the Soldiers will receive buffs in:

    Assault Rifle (only soldiers will be getting AR buffs)
    SMG (slightly worse than the fixer's SMG buff)
    Rifle (slightly behind the agent's rifle buffs)
    Ranged Energy (only solders will be getting RE buffs)
    Fling Shot (equal best with adventurers)
    Burst (best)
    Full Auto (only soldiers will be getting FA buffs)
    Multi-Ranged (equal second best)
    Grenade (second best buff)
    Heavy Weapons (best buff)
    Last edited by Nothinman; Jun 15th, 2002 at 01:29:20.

    || 220 || || Soldier || || Obligatory Equipment listing ||

    If you are going through hell, keep going.
    Sir Winston Churchill

  2. #2
    better be soon... in the last couple week Asmodeuz, Dscaper, Pencap, Punkbum and countless other high level community soldiers have quit. I think there are only like 3 lvl 150+ soldier who even bother posting anymore (i being one of them).

    These buffs will definitially welcomes and long waited for. Its about freaking time. I've been here since october and I have not seen soldiers get one thing other then nerfs or fixing of typos.

    There is the new soldier only gunwhich is a nice gesture, but it still pales in compairison and had all the same problems as before

    -underpowered, damage is less them most of the new 14.2 weapons.
    -66/33 attack rating calculation...
    -lack of specials (only burst)

    Essentially its a novaflow withoutfling that does a little more normal damage. It should be able to keep up with things like custom heavy supressors and caterwauls, but is still nothing compaired to an X-3 rifle.
    Mick "Nuggethunter" McMullet
    Lvl 191 Soldier
    Loyal Advisor of Trinity 'till my last breath

    Plain and simple.... NERF bracers in PvP

    Hey, I’m uh.. I’m not a lumberjack or a fur trader. And I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber or own a dogsled.
    And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I am certain they're really really nice.
    I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, not American. And I pronounce it "About" not "A boot".
    I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I belive in peacekeeping, not policing. Diversity, not assimilation.
    And that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat. A chesterfield is a couch.
    And it is pronounced "Zed"! not "Zee".. "Zed"! Canada is the second largest landmass, the first nation of hockey,
    And the best part of North America! My name is Nugget… and I am Canadian!!!

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