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Thread: 14.4 - Preliminary patch notes

  1. #121
    The MA kick is very nice, and I have been waiting for that! Good job guys!

    From what I can see this patch is mostly good news, with the exception of the gimped dragon. However...

    Pet pathing? wow...this has been gimped for a long got a little better with the patch, at least for me..but still a big issue..

    The backpacks...praise be to whomever said naming backpacks =] That is an excellent idea...
    Ezequiell 220/24 Doctor
    Vojoc 220/23 Meta-Physicist
    Bourrepif 218/16 Martial Artist

  2. #122

  3. #123


    Originally posted by Defildae
    Playfield Changes:

    Lush Fields: chaos minions will not spawn at the NW mine anymore.

    Well, isn't that a kick in the teeth to clanners. What do i mean? We clanners already have pathetic hunting areas, like none after level 30. So FunCom, in their compassion, removes a little of the risk Omni has in Lush Fields by taking away some of the risk there.

    I just don't understand it!!!! I'm at a loss, why is it so hard to allow the clanners any sort of hunting at all for our level 30-80 peeps??

    You already have five or more level 40+ teams hunting the shades at Lush Fields. That's more then you could possibly fit in all of Athen, Tir county, Greater Tir County, Aegean, Athen Shire put together. And yet FC is worried that "Gee Sven, it's too risky for our Omni brothers hunting in Lush Fields, let's take out the Chaos Minions."

    Those Chaos minions added a little risk, and fun to hunting the shades. We used to giggle when we saw a team trying to KS us, and the Chaos Minion would spawn up on them. Besides, didn't FC say they wanted to add big boss type mobs to certain hunting areas anyway?

    Dang! Funcom must have looked at the hunting areas and decided that they need to make changes. But why, once again, do they only see Omni areas as in need of the helping hand, <squirts a tear for Omni>.
    Chaos Minions are something like level 90 mobs, they would be capable of trashing an entire team at typical NW mine hunting levels (40s). As I understand, lifebleeders and maybe even fatestealers will still spawn, just to keep things interesting... Chaos Minions weren't a 'little risk', they were almost certain death.

    But yes, clan could well do with some more accesible hunting spots at levels past 40. Though now Andromeda is easy to get too, maybe...

  4. #124

    Some great changes

    Really some nice changes expt pit lisard sounds bad. oK i just have to ask though and i know this is getting old for some but when are we going to get pet pathing fixed? i alsow have to ask when is this lag going to be fixed? i think the problems at hand should get fixed befor making new ones if we jus thad an eta onit it would be nice thanks and take care all

  5. #125

    How many more times........

    I have to say that Im disappointed. Before continuing, let me say I enjoy this game immensely so my frustration is due to this fact.

    Nice to see another patch come out and in fixing and adding new features though putting them as boss only drops can and should be debatable. But this patch once again doesnt address the glaring problems with this game. They are:

    Pet pathing - how damn difficult is it to put a nano in the game that every pet class can use and call it "pet summon"?? Make it a fairly fast cast and not use alot of nano so that it can be used constantly(and we all know it will). This change or addition would not make any one pet class superior but would allow us pet classes to actually use a pet during a mission.

    Server stability - I can be in a solo mission and have my ping meter go red and read 6000-12000. WHY??? When I cant sit or loot I know Im about to be kicked off the server. Now, before funcom or others say that it must be my ISP, I generally ask if others in my guild or friends if they are experiencing the same thing and the answer is usually "yes". The problem has gotten progressively worse in the last couple of weeks and generally started when the german server went live. Are they inter-related somehow?? I dont know

    Lag - Depending on your system setup, this can either be a constant bother or a somewhat minor inconvience. Why cant this be looked into and possible suggestions or fixes made??

    This patch has once again made it so it introduces more issues and more frustration for the player base. Do you not realize Funcom that you are not Sony and you do not have 400,000 player base?? Why is it that you fail to see that you are going about this is a haphazard way at best and a string of four letter words at worse???

    In 14.2 you so called fixed the enforcers main ability in pulling by shortening the da taunter's range. So instead of using it to taunt a mob halfway across a zone, I now have to actually go in a room or stand so close to the mob that the mob aggros me anyway. What on gods green earth made you make it this way?? What were you thinking? Having the ability to aggro a mob halfway across a zone was a mistake and I can agree upon shortening the range. But raise it to the point where I can use it to pull a mob and have a head start running back to my group before I die.
    Ive petitioned and have raised this issue with many a GM and was told that it was going to be fixed. When??? Christmas time when you try to induce the public in buying an expansion pack that will introduce even more bugs and issues not to mention compound the exsisting ones now that arent being work on.

    This is but a few things that has me to the point where I dont get to excited anymore in logging into AO. Im sure there are some/alot of folks that feel just as I do. So I wont be so bold as to threaten you Funcom with leaving and cancelling my account. I will do it quietly and without fanfare as Im sure many others will. There are over 70 online games either out on the market or will be out soon. I would think as a educated person that shoring up what you have and quickly would be the more prudent thing to do verses stone-walling your player base with your non-existant communication that things are being looked into and will be fixed and soon.


  6. #126
    Mentioned once above, but, only as 'new map'...

    The in game map (hit P) has been entirely redone.

    It is now a good map (like the ones Dai Galean distributed to the websites), with resizable window, one level of zoom in (not TOO close), option to center on your character, or mission flag.

    MUCH better map. Yes, positions are accurate now. No names on the map, but those who want them will probably get new map skins done, eventually. (Old replacement mapskins aren't shown now)

    There are chat messages for 'you missed' and 'they missed you' now, along with the parry messages.

  7. #127

    Re: 2cents, read up advents

    Originally posted by Morbidsoul
    Whinny Advents: Poor weapon selection? There is NO class that has a huge weapon selection if you haven't noticed. The truly weapon dependant classes (where their weapon defines them):
    Advents: Actually the best selection of Weapons, Good assault rifle, 1hedge, 2Blunt, Shotgun, Pistol, and rifle skills. Of the above, pistol , 1hedge and 2hblunt are green enough where u can raise em 5 points per lvl instead of 4.
    All the special attacks are Very reasonably priced, costing between 5 to 12 points (initial cost that gets multiplied).
    Check again. The weapon skills themselves may be decent, but the specials are far from it. Fling is green, thankfully, but Burst and Fast Attack are both light blue, and Brawl and Dimach, both required for any half-decent melee weapon, are DARK BLUE.

    Just go check.. I dare ya.

  8. #128


    Originally posted by Tiran
    Mentioned once above, but, only as 'new map'...

    The in game map (hit P) has been entirely redone.

    It is now a good map (like the ones Dai Galean distributed to the websites), with resizable window, one level of zoom in (not TOO close), option to center on your character, or mission flag.

    MUCH better map. Yes, positions are accurate now. No names on the map, but those who want them will probably get new map skins done, eventually. (Old replacement mapskins aren't shown now)

    There are chat messages for 'you missed' and 'they missed you' now, along with the parry messages.
    Yep, though it ain't perfect, I'd not trust the position of zone borders on it 100%. But it is very nice...

  9. #129

    what if

    i hate to say this i really do but it must be said so i will. To you funcome people if oyu ever really do read these nots. You have a great idea for a game here you really do an dyes you al work hard on it BUT if oyu worked half as hard on the things that dont work as you do trying to kill us and nurff us this game would rock with no problems. I love this game and hate it too i hat to leave but i lef tasherons call for the same resons they never fixed anythign that we needed fixing and you dont either!!!!!!!!!!! Its not like we are asking for anything oyu cant really fix is it? Alsow i hat to see your faces when starwars online goes live with all the problems here that you are to blind to fix ho wmuch money you think you wil keep gettng from us i for one will be gone and i can name 58 others off hand that will as well. We are only asking for you to listen and respond WITH a why or why not. it comes down to this FIX it or lose your jobs and if you dont think people will leave this game dont bet on it , people wil only take so much fustration till they deside to say the hell with it. This is no thret just a reminder we love the game but we are al getting a bit sick of the way you are running it and most of all we feel your not hearing us or just dont care. Sorry to anyone this may have offended but i had to say it.
    take care all

  10. #130
    i hope the camp changes are to help get the lvl 70+ players back into the world and outta missions. Make team mission boss loot drop from Wilderness bosses as well please. Missions are great, but so is hunting outdoors and currently i havent hunted a single mob camp outside for 50 lvls cause no teams will leave missions.

  11. #131

    Unhappy Fix Crat calm nanos

    Can FC please! fix so when Crats calms a mob from it to attack once before going into calm, that can be a real pain if it is a mob many lvls above yourself, also if you have any items or buffs with deflect dmg it will abort the calm becuase of that ;(

    Dunno is it always has been like this, but i have talked to other crats and they say that this is something new, and that it also affects area calms!

    So please FC take note to this atleast and see if it can be fixed somehow

    Mainchar -=BenjiMan=-
    Main Alt -=Wezzlle=-

  12. #132

    I've been waiting forever for the leet charms...they sounded SO cool. I figured I might be able to actually solo now.

    Then Funcom makes it so they can't zone with us.

    In addition to this, it's boss loot only. Assuming you got a team mission with enemies high enough to give significant xp, bosses are unkillable.

    Yay, thanks Funcom. There goes all hope of ever having my very own leet pet

    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  13. #133

    my ideas..

    i think Funcom said the Leet charms is more of a fun kind of thing..not for if it is just a fun kind of thing...why not instead of charm or maybe keep the charm option still available...and then include couple of "fun" summoningg animals kind of summon a leet...summon other wierd cuty animals...or big fierce animals...etc that would zone with you..etc..

    i liked the cute rolling on sideways thing that the leet it would be even cuter if the adv rolled on his side as a leet, and his/her pet copying his every move..heh...or even add couple of misc pet emote commands...where it would make your pet do all sorts of silly little tricks for entertainment purposes..for roleplaying purposes..not only that..if u can make the pet emotes apply to yourself while your also in a leet form...and then make your pet leet copy your every moves also that way..hehe...

    about the pit lizard...if your going to disable their flying capabilities..some players are going to miss if u can't really fix it...then..could just add another nano that changes you into a cooler looking animal..."maybe a real dragon?"..heh...and make that nano only a "fun" nano kind of thing also..that can allow you to Fly and look visually cool....for those who misses flying....besides compromise and think about the ones who wont like the changes...etc...

    or do the simple way...make a duplicate version of the pit lizard nano..instead make one of them a non combat type...where it lets you fly only...or something....

    btw i never play'd an adventurer...only play'd a Martial artist, and an engi...heh
    Last edited by Narchy; Jun 16th, 2002 at 05:31:58.

  14. #134
    I know that it wasn't meant for battle. I'm okay with that. What I'm REALLY aggrivated by is it seemed to be added as a role-play thing. They totally ruined any chance of being able to roleplay with them- well, you can't take them anywhere, and the nano will be near impossible to obtain.
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  15. #135
    Unsure if it's bug, or deliberate, but you cannot sell items directly from bags, anymore. Rumor says that it's a 'fix' for a dupe bug, but not sure. Annoyance.

  16. #136

  17. #137
    For a while now, you weren't allowed to put an item into a trade window (you to player or you to shop terminal) if that item was earned as a mission reward or mission pickup. No idea what the reasoning was (if any), but it's damn annoying.
    Originally posted by Whaambulance

    This is singlehandedly the stupidest post I have EVER read on these forums. Congradulations.
    'Balancing' Nanos Will Remain Imbalanced Vs. Old Nanos - Because We Said So!

    O Gaute, Gaute! Wherefore art thou Gaute?
    Deny thy nerfs and refuse thy lame design decisions;
    Or, if thou wilt not, be but on the forums,
    And I'll no longer be a whiner.

  18. #138


    Originally posted by Tiran
    Unsure if it's bug, or deliberate, but you cannot sell items directly from bags, anymore. Rumor says that it's a 'fix' for a dupe bug, but not sure. Annoyance.
    Not helped by the fact that the item disappears from your pack anyway, until you move something else in the pack upon which it reappears. No message saying it can't be traded from pack, nothing... FC, at least give feedback, and then put the item back properly...

  19. #139
    How come most of the ADV nano's are "MOB BOSS DROPPED" that really sux cause i rarely do team missions!

    Even though i charmed my leet can i take it around the city outskirts without it being shot?

    We should be able to charm more animals!
    Ok so why?????How so??? Or maybe what? Stay tuned!

  20. #140

    Thumbs up


    FINALLY !!!!!!!!

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