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Thread: Can we have outposts to take over?

  1. #1

    Can we have outposts to take over?

    Please? =)

    See DAoC for details . . .

  2. #2
    No, that would be fun!
    We cant have that..
    Euphorie 200 Trader RK1
    DrAlban 130+ Doctor RK1

  3. #3
    We'll be lucky if we get this feature in the upcoming expansion. Of course if swg is out by then most of us won't care .
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  4. #4
    bump to outposts -

    ive said it before and i will say it again
    make trader underground an outpost to take over please, our current premises are too small.

    Rookie Janee Jakeaway Briggs - ready to fight and kill for the clan cause

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