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Thread: Full trial transcript

  1. #1

    Full trial transcript

    Start logging of "Titan Mining, LLC" at 12/04/01 21:22:15
    Treble: Logging to corporate channel.

    Transcribers note: Some liberties were taken for the sake of brevity, but none of the content has been changed in any way that would alter the appearance of stated opinions.

    Tribunal members’ statements and questions are in normal font, defendants and their attorney are in italics.

    Telion: How long have you been leader of Dark Carnival?
    Truwind: About three months.
    Telion: Do you support Omni-Admin in the decisions that it makes?
    Truwind: Do I have a choice? My rules for my org are set to help omni exterminate the clans. Yes I support Omni to the fullest.
    Telion: Will you punish Aberic for his actions and submit a formal apology to the Council of Truth, since by attacking the decoy, Aberic has put in peril the peace process and therefore the greater good of Omni?
    Truwind: Aberic is my member. I have openly enjoyed the fact that he killed a clan clone. In fact, we had a party and deemed Aberic a hero for his duty to Omni. If it was the real Radiman, they would have no use for COT. I pray its the next we see Radiman he will fall under the gun of DC. As for the formal apology to COT, why should we apologize?
    Telion: So will you cede leadership of your faction to another, to avoid punishment against the department as a whole, or do you speak for your entire department?
    Truwind: I'm responsible for DC. I speak for DC. I lead DC. The only way I'll cede my leadership is if my guild votes for it.
    Telion: Very well, no further questions for Truwind at this time. I cede the floor to Derva.
    Derva: Ms. Truwind, does your faction have allegiance with the so-called 'Black Alliance"?
    Truwind: No. In fact, TBA is a bunch of disorganized people causing havoc in the name of Omni. Our Allegiance lies with Unicorn Company.
    Derva: Will you state for the Tribunal how exactly you benefit the Omni Corporation?
    Truwind: I should ask you that question, Derva. Omni benefits from us. And in turn, we benefit from you.
    Derva: Your snide remarks are uncalled for, please answer the question.
    Truwind: We offer our lives on the battle field for Omni's belief.
    Derva: There is no battle Truwind.
    Truwind: A: Derva, then you are as blind as Ross.
    Derva: Omni has enforced global amnesty, and a cease-fire.
    Truwind: What cease fire? Show me this so-called amnesty then DC will abide by it. Until then, politicians like you will not make up rules on your whim. Omni needs stability. We need rules and we need laws. None of which Omni has at this time.
    Derva: The order comes from Phillip Ross himself. I have no further questions. The rest of the Tribunal will question you now.
    Meka: What did you think that the consequences of the attack would be?
    Truwind: If the real Radiman would have been slain then all this COT and Omni talks would no longer exist. We are compromising Omni-Tek for Clanners.
    Meka: In spite of direct orders from Omni Tek, you went ahead and killed a person under Omni Tek supervision. Were you trying to defy Omni Tek purposely and do you consider that good?
    Truwind: There was no direct orders from anyone. At that time, I was not aware of anything that included Radiman in fact I wasn't even on Rubi-Ka.
    Uthrak: So you admit to acting without all information?
    Truwind: We don't defy Omni. Let me get that straight here and now. We have no directives / rules / laws. Countless times has Omni HQ been under the oppressive force of the clans. We took it as an aggressive move and removed the threat. DC and other orgs believed it was an attempt on doing harm to Ross. No where does and did it say we are not allowed to kill clanners. Radiman is a clanner.
    Baxie: But you answered before that you take full responsibility.
    Truwind: Yes, I do.
    Davyn: As an Omni-Tek Faction leader, you are certainly familiar with the ICC Contract we are bound by. Do you believe your attack on an unarmed peaceful citizen of Rubi-Ka to be in accordance with the 'non-persecution' clause of that contract?
    Sunamun: In which way do you think you were benefiting OT by attempting to assassinate Radiman, even though amnesty and cease fire were ordered by Ross?
    Telion: Are you that dense to imply that you and your organization do not distinguish the leader of the Council and therefore the Clans from any other Clanner? Come now, Truwind. I want to give you more credit than that.
    Truwind: Please, Davyn. That contract is out-dated and not even updated for the current times. It was made and written by some drunk leet. Fact of the matter is there is nothing.
    Davyn: So you admit that you do not recognize, nor have you pursued knowledge of the Contract or what you are required by it?
    Truwind: That contract is nowhere to be seen. I don't even know if it exists.
    Truwind: Telion, being on the front lines we do not have the comfort like you do to stay on top of all the politics. As a soldier for Omni, we do one thing. Kill Clans.

    Davyn: The contract has been available for quite some time, Truwind. Everyone that comes to Rubi-Ka MUST sign that contract or you are here illegally. Are you here illegally?
    Truwind: LOL Davyn. Please show me this so-called ICC Contract "Officially"
    Davyn: No more questions here, Ms. Meloche.
    Bullert : Truwind, will you order your men to stand down on all hostile activities towards the clans if ordered today in this tribunal?
    Truwind: Yes, without a doubt.
    Snarf: Truwind or Aberic, how are you guys NOT rebels when you ignore a ceasefire, amnesty, attack rebels while they are trying to rescue YOUR personnel from the borg, kill an unarmed diplomat and embarrass Omni-Tek galaxy-wide?
    Truwind: Easy Snarf. While I don't think I have to justify Omni to a scum bag like you, I will in the interests of the trial. Again, there is no ceasefire. The amnesty will not work without a ceasefire. The rebels wanted to keep the engineer because she new the truth. Scum like you made them to help you fight the war. So the clans tried to keep it hush hush but once again they failed like always.
    Snarf: Thank you Truwind, that is all.
    Bullert: Truwind, please watch your tone or I will hold you in contempt.
    Whitedread: Aberic, was the assassination attempt this clear violation of the ceasefire and the amnesty issued by Omni-Tek, an individual action by you OR was it planned and supported by a larger group?
    Truwind: Good god! There is no ceasefire! Stop trying to imply that there is one.
    Aberic: The planet has given birth to an entity and it has spoken to me. It is not good nor evil, but wants you to know that it is suffering.

    Venge: How do you know of this Aberic?
    Aberic: As for my actions please call Colonel Frank Kaehler to my defence.
    Whitedread: Did you kill the Radiman duplicate alone or was the assassination attempt planned by a larger group, Aberic?
    Aberic Yes and no.
    Truwind: Let me let you in on something, Whitedread. Do you know what Unicorn Company is? We are under direct orders from them.

    Derva: Do you have evidence of this Truwind?
    Whitedread: Did the so-called Unicorn Company plan the assassination of Mr. Radiman?
    Truwind: About the same evidence that you have shown me that Ross issued a ceasefire on Radiman.
    Aberic: What evidence do you have against me may I ask and what charges are filed against me?
    Truwind: I'm sure he will speak to you about Unicorn Company.

    Derva: I can ask Davyn to testify that I gave him direct orders to protect and escort Radiman.
    Truwind: Ooooo so Omni Admin showing favouritism then? Protecting Radiman is EVERYONES responsibilities. Why are we on trial if we didn't know?
    Davyn: No. I was asked to assemble an escort of leaders to see to Mr. Radiman's safety. Which I did, as instructed by Ms. Meloche.
    Aberic: What about Portman, what about the TAG interview? Why am I here and not her?
    Truwind: It's nice to see that Omni Admin has such faith on picking lesser guilds to guard a well known VIP. It's also nice to know that Omni Admin doesn't communicate with the rest of the orgs.

    Bullert: Truwind, we wanted a smaller entourage to attract less attention.
    Bullert: Regardless of the reasons of Omni-Tek, that does not change the fact that your faction member attacked Mr. Radiman not once, but twice.
    Barzillai: Truwind, you have on several occasions denounced Chairman Ross and his decisions, how does this help the corporation?
    Truwind: You need to get off that Notum high you been living on. Denounced? You talk at me like I'm azzador. I said I do not agree with the amnesty.
    Barzillai: You have openly stated that you think Boss Ross is incapable of making a decision. Is that not true?
    Aberic: The amnesty is all that the Clans want to kill you and as soon as they can, they will.
    Barzillai: So you do not support Chairman Ross?
    Truwind: I support the majority of his decisions, the amnesty is something I do not.
    Barzillai So you are the final authority for OT decisions then?
    Truwind: For my guild, yes.
    Barzillai: Truwind, have you read the Oct. 25 order of Amnesty and Ceasefire? That was a direct order from Boss Ross...
    Truwind: Yes. Again showing your brilliance. That amnesty supports the Tir accords. Something that does not exist. So hence the amnesty in my eyes doesn't exist.
    Barzillai: Ok, so how does the Tir Accords not exist?
    Truwind: Show me right now documentation of the Tir Accords. You do that and I’ll kick Aberic from DC. I’ll remove myself from DC and formally apologize to the COT.
    Barzillai: Thank you Truwind, that is all.
    Derva: I will dispatch men to find Colonel Kaehler.
    Windowlicker: Truwind, as an Omni leader that knowingly allows her guild members to violate the Amnesty and thus direct orders, do you believe if removed from Omni you will be taken in by the clans, even though you support the member that killed the duplicate of their leader?
    Truwind: Ok, lemme ask you this, what are we being tried for?
    Windowlicker: Please answer the question, Truwind.
    Truwind: My loyalty? Or my killing Radiman? I object that Window's comment is not relevant.
    Windowlicker: Frankly, I think it is. That statement was build on your answers to date during this trial. I for one would like an answer, for both us and our clan friends here.

    * Zone coms down. Transcript continues after they are fixed. *

  2. #2


    Windowlicker: Truwind, as an Omni leader that knowingly allows her guild members to violate the Amnesty and thus direct orders, do you believe if removed from Omni you will be taken in by the clans, even though you support the member that killed the duplicate of their leader?
    Truwind: Let me reinforce this to you. I'm very loyal to Omni.
    Windowlicker: You have already stated that you are in fact NOT loyal to Omni, by violating the Amnesty AND direct orders. Please answer my question.
    Truwind: The Amnesty is not fully complete, hence not set in stone.
    Aberic: Is not the Colonel and his troops on the Omni-Tek payroll? Bring him forward now.

    Windowlicker: The Amnesty came to us in the form of a direct order. You support your members violating that order... thus violate the order yourself. Please answer the main portion of the question, do you believe if removed from Omni, you will be taken in by the clans even though you support the member that killed the duplicate of their leader?
    Truwind: It refers to Tir accords as an integral part of amnesty. We all know the accords don't exist. How can you make something with the foundation that something exists?
    Captfallout: Thank you Derva for the floor. I am CaptFallout from Omni-Tek Assault Corps. I have a few questions for these suspected traitors... Truwind, are you aware of who Phillip Ross is?
    Machievelli: The question lacks a proper foundation, Window. It presumes the accords exist AND That Aberic killed the clone.
    Truwind: No who is he?

    Capt: Do you understand that as an employee of Omni-Tek you are to follow Ross' orders even if you disagree with them, or face prosecution?
    Truwind: Get real.
    Captfallout: Are you aware of Ross working with Radiman for peace on Rubi-Ka?
    Truwind : Yup, why do you think that I'm standing here?
    Captfallout: Do you feel that you have done what Ross would want? In this case, killing his new ally?
    Truwind: I'm not Ross, nor do I feel like speculating on him.
    Captfallout: So you feel that Ross was planning on killing Radiman?
    Truwind: Again, I'm not going to speculate on what he was thinking.
    Captfallout: Didn't Derva order to protect Radiman?
    Truwind: We already went over this.
    Captfallout: Derva is considerably higher ranked than you. Why did you not obey her? DO you feel you know better?
    Truwind: Lol. 'Cause let's see... I WASNT TOLD ABOUT IT? Could that be it?
    Captfallout: Let the witnesses know. Truwind was not aware of these roles or announcements, therefore she should not be punished for them. Is that right, Truwind?

    Transcribers note: Bullert calls for the Colonel to stand for questioning. The Colonel replies with Huh? And then shoots Unitsi (Clan Leader), Dclxvi (Omni Employee). He is then detained.

    Derva: He will be held for questioning... He will not be allowed to testify.

    Transcribers note: To sum up (to catch up) basis of defence is that there is no direct proof that Aberic killed the clone and the TGA report from this afternoon indicates another conspiracy.

    Machievelli (defence attorney) : Who corrupted Radiman's files? Radiman was not even present - not even present.
    Truwind: Ok, so we ask as we did at the beginning, WHAT are we on trial for?
    Machievelli: How could a level 169 MA kill a level 350 in one hit with only 40% damage?

    Davyn: I don't believe the HOW he did it is relevant, Machievelli. Please, get to A point.
    Machievelli: Ah I see - how did the accused think it was the REAL Radiman? You presume too much.
    Captfallout: You fail to realize that an attempt and an assassination is the same things when you are dealing with "intent". His intent was to kill the REAL Radiman ... so what if he didn't? He was trying to.
    Machievelli: The accused is a hero.
    Barzillai: He admitted to it in the interview.
    Machievelli: The interview? Ah. I see...

    Transcribers note: Mass comments denouncing the remark of regarding Aberic as a hero.

    Machievelli: How can an argument be made with all of these interruptions? This proceeding is a joke - it is designed to convict. Omni-Tek stated in the amnesty - past crimes are forgiven did it not? The files were corrupted, a gunman was present, the TAG interview confirms that. There is a conspiracy here - and it goes to the top - the innocent are accused and the real killer is at large.
    Snarf: Aberic just ADMITTED he was the killer.
    Machievelli: And the amnesty - although forgiving past crimes said nothing of a ceasefire. He DID attempt to attack. Aberic never denied that and he acted on direct orders from his supervisor. Not from Truwind... Colonel Frank Kaehler.
    Captfallout: Where is your proof?
    Machievelli: Proof? The Colonel shows up at the proceedings and starts shooting.
    Derva: This Tribunal will now move to the back room and debate about the proceedings. Everyone is to stay seated.
    Machievelli: The Colonel is giving direct orders to Omni Tek employees to kill all clanners - Aberic cannot disobey those orders - the colonel is in direct chain of command.

    Transcribers note: Breaking Transcript as the tribunal debates.

    Treble: Transcription continuing.

    Bullert: Will the attendees please stand? Will the bailiff please bring Ms. Truwind back here. Aberic, please stand with your attorney.
    Machievelli : Judge Bullert - The planet has asked Aberic to make a statement before the verdict is rendered.
    Bullert: He may do so.
    Aberic: You all will learn the truth very soon. I have told you many things today and they shall come true. This is all I have to say.
    Bullert: Truwind, would you like to make a statement?
    Truwind: No I'll make it afterwards.
    Bullert: Very well.
    Machievelli: Thank you, your honor.
    Bullert: The Tribunal has voted, comprised of a representative portion of this planet. In the case of Truwind defying corporate orders and displaying a lack of respect for the authority of Phillip Ross and the Omni management structure you are found GUILTY by a vote of 9 - 1. I would like to poll the tribunal please.
    Bullert: Aberic, Undisputed evidence confirms you attacked Henry Radiman's decoy not once, but twice. You were found GUILTY by a vote of 10 - 0, with one member opting for possible insanity.
    Aberic: She speaks again. She is in great pain!
    Bullert: The Tribunal has decided upon a fair and just punishment for these actions. Because Omni relies on our security and obedience, rogue factions must be dealt with sternly.
    Bullert: But we do recognized the past achievements by Dark Carnival. Therefore, the Tribunal orders Truwind and DC to pay a fine of 25 million credits as well as write an official apology to Henry Radiman to be distributed to the Rubi-Ka Times. Dark Carnival will be placed on a 2 month prohibition period in the Omni Tek Security logs. Members whom disregard the orders of Phillip Ross will be dealt with.

    Transcribers note: I missed the exact comment, but Aberic was removed from the Omni-Tek employee roster.

    Transcribers note: Aberic, Machievelli and Krestenthal then proceed to murder, unprovoked, a neutral woman by the name of Catalyste.

    Bullert: Further actions by Omni-Tek factions against the will of Phillip Ross will result in a much worse punishment. If Truwind / DC refuses to comply with this within 5 standard days, they will face expulsion from Omni-Tek.
    Bullert : This Tribunal is now adjourned.

    Treble: End log. End transcript.

    Toshiko 'Treble' Western
    Director of ICM
    Titan Mining, LLC

  3. #3

    Re: Continued

    Huh? we allow clan to judge Omni personal? Clan like snarf who are sworn to destroy Omnitek?

    Derva should change his name to Kankaroo.

    What a sham.

    Originally posted by Treble

    Derva: He will be held for questioning... He will not be allowed to testify.

    Snarf: Aberic just ADMITTED he was the killer.

    Toshiko 'Treble' Western
    Director of ICM
    Titan Mining, LLC [/B]

  4. #4


    This is not a full transcript of the entire meeting. Within 2 minutes I've found several key parts of questions that have been left out.

    Or edited out?

    None the less it was a joke

  5. #5


    Including the final portion to my questioning, which in fact was not addressed or answered.

    The "Defense" and "Truwind" used what is professionally called "Runaround".

    In other words, they didn't even respond to the question with an answer that had any relevance to the question being stated.

    You also left out several key rebutals.

  6. #6

    Please re-read the header

    I ask that you please note the header, Windowlicker. As I was physically transcribing the conversation to a channel that could actually be logged, some parts were summarized or missed. Nothing was purposefully edited out.

    You refer to a part of your questionning that was missed, please note it so that we have record of it here as I was under the impression that I had managed to catch all of your comments.


  7. #7


    Not a problem: (I have edited out the noise from DC's members hurling insults)

    04:51: Machievelli shouts: now - i know that the tribunal would like to wait for the defense of this matter- however - how can we present a defense if all the questions are asked before we do so?

    04:52: Windowlicker shouts: Truwind, as an Omni leader that knowingly allows her guildmembers to violate the Amnesty and thus direct orders, Do you belive if removed from Omni you will be taken in by the clans, even though you support the member that killed the duplicate of their leader?

    04:52: Machievelli shouts: kind judge bullert- should we not proceed in an orderly fashion? with the crime being announced??

    04:52: Aberic shouts: is the colonel here yet?

    04:53: Bullert shouts: Machievelli you will present your defense when all questions are asked. you will be given 20 minutes and the testimony of the Colonel.

    04:53: Truwind shouts: Let me reinforce this to you Im very loyal to Omni

    04:53: Machievelli shouts: we would like Phillip Ross to testify as well- he is on the witness list

    04:53: Derva shouts: No.

    04:54: Windowlicker shouts: You have already stated that you
    are in fact NOT loyal to Omni, by violating the Amnest AND direct orders. Please answer my question.

    04:54: Barzillai shouts: Chairman Ross is not on trial here

    04:54: Truwind shouts: the amnesty is not fully complete hence
    not set in stone

    04:54: Windowlicker shouts: Please read the question again and answer it fully Truwind.

    04:54: Truwind shouts: plz read the amnesty again window

    04:55: Aberic shouts: is not the colonel and his troops on the omnitek payroll bring him forawrd now

    04:55: Windowlicker shouts: The Amnesty came to us in the form of a direct order. You support your members violating that order... thus violate the order yourself.

    04:55: Machievelli shouts: the quesiton presumes aberic killed the clone

    04:56: Windowlicker shouts: Please answer the main portion of the question, Do you belive if removed from Omni, you will be taken in by the clans even though you support the member that killed the duplicate of their leader?

    04:56: Truwind shouts: it refers to Tir accords as an integrel part of amnesty . We all know the accords dont exist. How can you make something with the foundation that something exists

    04:56: Derva shouts: Guards remove Slopo

    04:56: Windowlicker shouts: Perhaps you dont' understand the question Truwind. That is all.

    ----> Forgive me for my HTML ignorance

    No big deal, if you'd like a copy of my log, once I edit out what happened behind closed doors, I'd be happy to share it with you.
    Last edited by Ymodem-G; Dec 6th, 2001 at 21:49:52.

  8. #8

    Re: re

    Originally posted by Ymodem-G

    The "Defense" and "Truwind" used what is professionally called "Runaround".

    In other words, they didn't even respond to the question with an answer that had any relevance to the question being stated.
    Actually, the "Defense" is called "The Chewbacca Defense", and Mach seemed to be quite good at it. Anyone unfamiliar with said defense should consult the ancient Earth "Television" program named "SouthPark"

    Regardless, the whole thing was a big joke anyway. Funny how quickly Omni-Tek rehired Aberic.


  9. #9


    A side note:

    The zone crashed halfway through my questioning, so it's quite possible half of the information is missing from three quarters of the logfiles out there.

  10. #10

    Thank you, Windowlicker

    I appreciate both the addition here and the offer to have access to your transcript. As I had not method other than my poor fingers to keep track of the happenings on shout, I did not include all of the side-comments and crowd antics.

    Please note, however, that the main thread of your questioning is present in the first part of the second half of the transcript.

    Again, thank you for the complete record.


  11. #11


    Not a problem, I only wish these hearings had an employee present to transcribe the speech properly for us.

    Allowing the general public in was certainly a mistake.

    During instances like this, each Tribunal member should be alotted several advisors and nothing more. This would cut the time needed to hold such hearings in half.

    Most of the time we attended this, I'm sure everyone was flooded with inapropriate behavior.

    The judge was certainly not keeping control of the situation.

  12. #12

    About logging...


    On a side note, I would like to make a general appeal that logging is adjusted to allow you to log EVERYTHING in your chat (and vicinity) as one file. EVent logging is quite important to the development of MMORPG culture, and right now, it's frustratingly difficult to get a decent log of events, especially when conversations are held in /shout (which is completely unloggable).

    Maybe that's what the new zone-wide com will be used for.
    Tom "Davyn" Gabriel
    Titan Mining, LLC

  13. #13



    Adding /shout to the active channels would be a great improvement, it would make holding meetings and events much easyer, and allow selective logging.

    I would *love* to see that implemented !!

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