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Thread: --==(( Missions at PvP Areas and Gankers ))==--

  1. #21

    Re: Re: Re: Re: --==(( Missions at PvP Areas and Gankers ))==--

    Originally posted by Spook

    I just wish you could stop insulting us troll by comparing Mor with us.
    She was talking to Stupid in that part.

    Originally posted by Stupid
    Go play Barbie Fashion Designer, there's no "war" in that! (Except of course the eternal struggle to be the hottest girl on the block.) Judging from that post of yours where you explain in detail how hot you are IRL, it seems like you would enjoy it more than AO.
    Originally posted by Natelie responding to Stupid

    Shaddap, u stuck up troll.
    Why doncha go to 2HO and play G.I. Joe and get ganked!
    Very interesting conversion if you ask me

  2. #22

    Thumbs up

    I really want the xp and loot to increase in the political zones as well. Who here isnt sick of doing missions past lvl 100? Is this a way to reward long term players, to force them into dungeon crawls over and over until they beg for release?

    Hey at least part of the Valley is becoming 75%! That is a step in the right direction!
    martial arts has-been
    freedom fighter
    teen idol

    "Dont hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because Im sleeping with your girlfriend."

  3. #23

    Re: --==(( Missions at PvP Areas and Gankers ))==--

    Originally posted by Natelie
    --==(( Notice to the Trolls ))==--

    All flames coming from trolls, ESPECIALLY famous trolls such as [CrispyChicken] or members of the "Troll Corpse" will clearly reflect their lack of co-operation and research in this topic and therefore are considered to be trivial and a nuisence and therefore will be ignored.
    I feel harassed.

  4. #24
    /atrox mode on

    do not like pvp
    do not enter pvp zones

    /atrox mode off

    Clan Saint

  5. #25

    Smile Re: --==(( Missions at PvP Areas and Gankers ))==--

    Originally posted by Natelie
    Missions at PvP Areas should get their Cash Reward drastically increased, due to the danger and risk one has to face in a PvP zone.

    Originally posted by Natelie
    We all have opinions. Gankers kill poeple because they think it's what AO is all about. I do not agree
    The conflict between Omni-Tek and The Clans IS what this game is about, not doing missions or camping Smugglers Den, so there's not that much to disagree with.

    You should expect to be attacked when entering a war zone. I think the US soldiers in Vietnam kinda expected to get shot at by VC -- Don't you?


    I'm not an agent OR a PvP'er, I just think that removing PvP would destroy this game completely.. As it is now, the only thing related to the story IS PvP.

    It would be like not implementing the conflict in the upcoming game Star Wars Galaxies.

    Proud Ragnarok member

    Splatmaker -- Enforcer
    Darquan --Soldier (Retired)

    "Stop wasting air on my planet" - Meetloaf
    "Aman skattadu wattaman skattadu" - Anonymous crazy little trader

  6. #26
    Hehe, for all those hard to reach places.

    well in 2ho you do occasionally get people scouting and sitting in their planes just to see how many enemy forces are there, and for those people they tend to fall down :P

    if you grid into 2ho with a plane and dont stay to have a look your 100% safe.

  7. #27
    Sorry, but this topic is just one long, very organized whine.

    You do not have to go into PvP zones for missions. That is a choice that you make.

    If you choose to enter a PvP zone for a mission, then learn how to defend yourself. If you get killed anyway, don't whine. You chose to take the mission in the PvP zone instead of taking a different mission in a less risky area.

    TFC coup co-conspirator
    Member of The Mocker's Naked, Co-ed, Full contact, Drunken, Synchronized Blitzing Team

    -=The Mockers=-

  8. #28

    Re: --==(( Missions at PvP Areas and Gankers ))==--

    Originally posted by Natelie
    Missions at PvP Areas should get their Cash Reward drastically increased, due to the danger and risk one has to face in a PvP zone.
    RL has made me sensitive about violence and the act of humans.

    I play AO to escape reality, not to re-live it in the worst kind of way.

    Thank you for your time.

    What is your definition of a "ganker"? Sounds like your definition is "A player who kills other players".

    I know you wrote a lot more, but I think it all boils down to the fact that you do not like players who kill you... but why shouldn't they kill an enemy that enters a war zone? Leaving the enemy alone in a war zone is completely illogical.

    So to get to your point.. I wouldn't mind if the cash rewards were increased like you suggest.

  9. #29
    Natelie.. what's so exciting about doing the same old missions over and over again? Try pvp and feel your heart pounding!

    And.. this is a game, not RL, so please stop talking about your RL misery making you hate pvpers in online games...

    Will you please give up your crusade against pvp, just go play a different game. This one is obviously not for you.

    And please stop your abuse of the word "gank", you use it about all pvping. "Gank" is a negative word, and you think player killing is a negative thing, therefore you connect those two concepts... please stop it.

  10. #30
    I dont like PvP because I'm crap at I stay away from those zones...

    SO much easier to roll another mission than go there with the "possibility" of death....

    Natile stop being so lazy, go roll another mission...In the time it took to write this whine you could have rolled a mission in a 75% area and avoided PvP all together
    Queen of the Ninjas

    Slyyk - MUHAHAHA! Old Fixers never die, they just take a different grid exit.

    Cosmik - And don't worry, Jorji. We've got FC love for everyone. It's stockpiled and going out the door.

    Jorji's art page (some mature content )

    zomg she finally got myspace lawls

  11. #31

    Thumbs down

    Let me help you out.

    2h0 & MMD. Thats what, 90% of where any pvp happens? Stay out of them.

    Camelot...go with a large group. Schedule (not publicly, duh) when you will go. Otherwise forget it. Clans have the advantage here in general.

    SD? Fly in.

    The rest? Why are you going there? All those zones are crap hunting now and no team wants missions there. I hate BS/20k/NL lag as much as the next person, but I'm not about to take a mission to PW or SFH. Clon**** has nice small missions for omnis, don't know what clanners use for that. Omnis can use HQ later on for verrrrrrry large missions, and its reasonably safe if you don't dawdle. (mainly due to it being one of the the few places in the game where guards are a threat to gankers)

    When you zone, it tells you the gas percent and gives you 15 second to decide to stay or leave. (though lag can eat a lot of that 15 sometimes) Since you don't like pvp, you don't have to decide...25% or 0% = turn 180 degrees and press W.

    Obviously I don't have to mention the arena, though theres nothing more annoying than someone whining about getting ganked inside. 0%, its called "Arena", your butt is fair game, there are no rules if just 1 person decides there aren't.

    PS when someone is trying to yalm tag you, as soon as you see them, fly up at a 45-50 degree angle. By the time you hit the ceiling you will most likely have zoned already. If they get out of their yalm before you hit the top of the zone, they will fall out of your range before they can use the graft or root. Fly high to begin with, most people aren't looking for you at 8000 feet, and even if they see you flash by on their map, by the time they figure out your altitude, you've zoned already.
    Last edited by Mercatura; Jun 17th, 2002 at 23:00:31.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  12. #32
    When i do missions, I like to do /strong3 three times then do a /strong4 before i go in just to intimidate the mission. I know i don't have to but i like to never the less.
    I think i should get 3-100x as much experience for doing this.

    In the mission I like to divest myself every once in awhile. I know i really don't have to but this and I'm just making it more difficult on myself but this is what i want to do and I think FC should change the rules for everyone and reward this stupi.. I mean intelligent playstyle.

    -You don't have to do missions in 25% zones. So don't
    -If you think "ganking" someone is well... plain out just fighting them, then i understand why you go to the 25% zones for missions...
    Must of been nice to have the small bus drop you off at your house.
    /FLAME OFF OFF OFF OFF ... (in a trailing off voice)
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  13. #33
    Ok, just my opinion but don't you think increasing the reward will just increase the "ganking" becuase way more people will be going for those missions to get that reward.

  14. #34

    Angry It's SHOW TIME

    Well here's my big bertha argument:

    IF 2HO is a WarZone, then why is all the war happening INSIDE a Omni-Tek outpost where it is SAPPOSE to be safe?

    Sometimes i think 2HO should be neutral for once.

    One day it's Omni, the Next it's Clanner. But ultimately, FC has the saying.

    They say IT IS OMNI.

    Can all the Clanner Soldiers change that fact?

    If u say this is "war", then please..... What are u actually fighting for?

    War because u want ur titles? Or War because you are a clanner and not an Omni?

    Americans entered Vietnam and KNEW they were gonna get shot. BUT they did that cuz they were ordered to and because they believed in the american cause.

    But attacking 2HO isn't War. It's Terrorism and Player-Camping.

    You think those players at 2HO really give a manure about what Radiman believes in?

    DO u think Clanners do it for "Honor" ?

    SHooting non-PvP Omni-Tekkers?

    If Gankers would attack other gankers, then i have NP AT ALL what-soever.

    But if Clanners start hunting down innocent players, for their Titles, THAT's when I protest!

    Do u TRUELY believe that poeple would stop PvP if Radiman and Ross made a peace treaty?

    Do u TRUELY believe that poeple would stop attacking innocent players just for their own titles and FOR ONCE play the game like it is sapposed to be played?

    It is a game, NOT reality.

    I don't want a mature person behind the PC SPOIL MY FUN.

    If poeple say "Then stay out of the PvP zone" one more time, then I urge u to read my MAIN article aproxomately 25 times before u answer.

    I REPEAT !!!

    --==(( If Gankers would attack other gankers, then i have NP AT ALL what-soever. ))==--

    If they wanna play a war game, FINE. NP.

    I just don't wanna waste my time getting shot in the crossfire.

    Did I wanna get into the crossfire when i wanted to check it out 2HO shop had "Shen" for sale? NO! Why? Cuz the Whompa had 20 sniper-rifle laser dots bobbing around on it!

    If i wanted to TRUELY PvP, i'd go into the FIELD and FIGHT FOR OMNI-TEK with PRIDE AND HONOR!

    But not invade innocent poeple's cities and massacre everyone init just cuz i get a nice title for it.

    Take my ultimate example:

    Bush sais that flying planes into Civilien Buildings is Terrorism.

    American Militiary say that the PALASTINIANS are Terrorists because they kill ISRAELI civiliens.


    Shouldn't Clanner "PvP"-ers in 2HO, who kill poeple with no titles be considered Terrorists or not?

    If u say the Clanners do it because their Clanners, then why don't america just Frikkin leave the Palastinians and Israelis WAGE THEIR WAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

    Simple: Because Americans value the lives of Innocent Civilians.

    SO DO I
    For Ragnar Tornquist, the Visionaer.

    --==(( Natelie ))==--
    Martial Artist, RK1.
    Member of the Sentinals

    --==(( Kaydra ))==--
    N00b, but HardCore Fixer, RK1.

  15. #35
    Originally posted by Splatmaker
    The conflict between Omni-Tek and The Clans IS what this game is about, not doing missions or camping Smugglers Den, so there's not that much to disagree with.
    Funny, I don't see too many PvPers trying to organize 'battles' to properly flesh out the conflict. They're too busy ganking their own side in the arena.

    You wanna play a war game, go play WW2 Online. If you'd like to play a role-playing game centered around the theme of war, stick around.

    From what I've seen, PvPers (for the most part - there's some good bastards out there too) don't RP. Yes, I know no one else does either. But complaining that "PvP exists, so deal with it" gets no respect from me as long as I can go "RP exists, so operate within those constraints."

    It'd be nice if people who didn't want PvP, at all, could turn on a flag that would make them exempt. Make the flag changable via a similar method as side changes.

    Better yet, make the "No PvP" setting like being a neutral is right now - you can change away, but you can't change back. That'd prevent using the NoPVP setting to go get things in hostile environs, like Camelot, and then go PvP with the things you just got.

    Oh, and for all of you arguing over the meaning of 'gank' - the original meaning, in American street slang, was to steal. That's all. You ganked a pack of smokes from a store. That does not mean you got together a group of your friends and put a bullet through the Marlboro logo.
    Last edited by Kiryat-Dharin; Jul 5th, 2002 at 07:59:18.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  16. #36


    Guess that concludes the emaning of "Gank" =P

    Good idea,Kiryat, but how about :

    PvP-ers with title who kill PvP-ers with titles get PvP points.

    PvP-ers with Title who kill Non PvP without Title loose points.

    Non PvP title person Kills non PvP title person from the opposing side get's a title, but is SSSOOOO gonna hafta watch his back cuz he's gonnna be Ganker-Food anyhow!

    Non PvP person can attack a titled PvP person, recieiving a title.

    A Titled person who is killed BY a titled person will have negative Title Points.

    If a Title person get's killed by a non-title person, he will not loose PvP points, but the Killer get's title points.

    The Titled person will not loose PvP points if an Un-titled person attacked the Titled person FIRST.


    In simple Atrox mathe:

    Title VS Non-Title= - Title Point (Bad)
    Title VS title = + title point (Good)
    Non-Title vs Title= No Title Point loss (Fair) (Self-Defence)
    (Non-Title get's Title points in this case)

    Non-Title VS Non-Title= + Title Point (Good)

    Non-Title becomes Title and get's punished by the next STRONGER titled big daddy! (Fair)

    For Ragnar Tornquist, the Visionaer.

    --==(( Natelie ))==--
    Martial Artist, RK1.
    Member of the Sentinals

    --==(( Kaydra ))==--
    N00b, but HardCore Fixer, RK1.

  17. #37
    Natelie, you don't pvp... you hate killing people. So why are you trying to change the rules?? Just stay out of 25% and you're safe... we don't need pvp to be UTTERLY destroyed, it's bad enough as it is.

    Aaah... talking to a wall here... point is, non-PvPers shouldn't try to tell the PvPers how their game should change, just so that the non-PvPers can be safe!!

    *please God, let me stumble across Natelie in 25%*

  18. #38
    Atlavan. Here's some Atrox Mathe JUST for u!

    In simple Atrox mathe:

    Title VS Non-Title= - Title Point (Bad)
    Title VS title = + title point (Good)
    Non-Title vs Title= No Title Point loss (Fair) (Self-Defence)
    (Non-Title get's Title points in this case)

    Non-Title VS Non-Title= + Title Point (Good)

    Non-Title becomes Title and get's punished by the next STRONGER titled big daddy! (Fair)

    *Sarcasm on*

    Oh sorry.... I forgot. I was "against" PvP....

    *Sarcasm off*

    BTW Atlavan, if u come near me in a 25 Percent zone... I will Dimach ur Ass, for bewarned......

    Revenge VS a PK is dish best served 50 levels later.
    For Ragnar Tornquist, the Visionaer.

    --==(( Natelie ))==--
    Martial Artist, RK1.
    Member of the Sentinals

    --==(( Kaydra ))==--
    N00b, but HardCore Fixer, RK1.

  19. #39

    Re: --==(( Missions at PvP Areas and Gankers ))==--

    Originally posted by Natelie
    Missions at PvP Areas should get their Cash Reward drastically increased, due to the danger and risk one has to face in a PvP zone.

    --==(( Notice to the Trolls ))==--

    All flames coming from trolls, ESPECIALLY famous trolls such as [CrispyChicken] or members of the "Troll Corpse" will clearly reflect their lack of co-operation and research in this topic and therefore are considered to be trivial and a nuisence and therefore will be ignored.

    However if you do deliver arguments in a formal manner, then you are not considered a troll ...

    *yawn* aye, that´s a nice one to drop in. Unfournatly I´m completly infamous (or was is it unfamous??...nm), but even I wonder, why ppl disliking good trolling can never resist inviting them. Maybe I link this to another point later on.

    btw, I saw of lot of troll posts delievering arguments in a formal manner

    Let´s see, what I can do ....

    Getting personal is okay to an extent, where a person will not hurt the other's feelings.

    dificult ... [CrispyChicken] i.e. is nearly uninsultable; when it comes to you even formal remarks might be enough.

    --==(( The Topic Itself ))==--

    blah blah blah

    See my point?

    erm ... no.

    If i have been click-saving away 1 K already and end up with an armor piece that i need badly as a reward and it ends up being a mission at 2HO, then BLAST. I'd rather go to Clon**** for the armor piece, but that danm WARZONE HAD to appear. The cash-reward is 16 K... well yay...what wonderful compensation. I get exactly as much reward at Clon**** if not even more! I'd rather use the Newland Mission terminals! Get missions at Pleasent Meadows.

    See my point?

    AHhhhh ... yes! ... but, cmon ...

    no one needs an armor piece badly, you need some bucks badly or maybe a drink.
    I understand that some PKs need armor badly to get out of 'prey' range for other PKs

    The point:
    Using clicksaver is an exploid -in first place-; in fact it is an exploid we all have kind of a gentleman´s agreement about: everybody is free to use it ... it´s a workaround to get the items and the locations you want.

    This is why FC should:

    - Increase Cash Reward in War Zone Located Missions.

    nice, anytime (bump?)

    Well, I really thought about commenting the emotional approaches, you dropped in here once in while, but I would rather do that when you lie relaxed on my couch, I wear a suit and my secratary knows I don´t wanna be disturbed the next 45min.
    Two thirds of your posts content is completly out of the formal topic...


    It is a game, NOT reality.
    YES, this a real good point Natalie.

    I don't want a mature person behind the PC SPOIL MY FUN.
    did you notice that 'I' and 'MY' are both in capitals?
    just a thought.
    In fact, you´re out here to spoil other ppls fun, coz they are not 'mature'. Well, best excuse they can have?! Let the children play.

    Simple: Because Americans value the lives of Innocent Civilians.
    Maybe there are places in the USA, where you can state something like this and no one notices the irony, but for what I know of americans, I doubt even that.

    Natalie. Here's some Atrox Mathe JUST for u!

    In higher Atrox mathe (yes, they aren´t THAT dumb):

    more savety = less risc
    less risc = less fun

    combined with the argument

    more restrictions = less freedom
    less freedom = less fun


    more savety = more restrictions (your point so far, Natalie)

    === 2 x less fun

    *Sarcasm on*

    Oh sorry.... I forgot. I was "against" PvP....

    *Sarcasm off*
    This is no Jim Beam, and no sarcasm either.

    Have a nice day.

  20. #40
    Natelie, I see that you are over lvl1 and omni (sorry to have you amoung us), because of this you have probably done a few missions in which the mobs were "NPC" type mobs. These were clan/nuetral personel that you slaughtered and the clan has every right to kill you on sight. Sorry hun, you are involved in the war between omni and clan.

    I can't believe by lvl100 you havn't figured out how to avoid getting killed in 25% zones.
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

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