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Thread: State of team missions?

  1. #1

    State of team missions?

    How are the team missions working now,and how are they SUPPOSED to work? Do they give copies of the item to every player or what? I know everyone gets a token if one is awarded but what else is different from just taking some friends along to a single mission? Any info would be appreciated...

  2. #2


    They're still working on it. It was mentioned that every member gets a reward when you complete these missions.

  3. #3
    Don't think team missions are fixed yet, and tokens to all team members are still being 'looked at' by FC, ie not sure they will implement it.

    I think they should because it would be a major incentive towards team play, which FC say they want.

    NT = Nerfed Technician

    My doctor told me I am paranoid, so I shot him.

    Obviously he was an alien agent sent here to kill me...and he did not come alone!

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