Well met young ones, I am known as Oshovah, the farseer.

I have an very important thing to speak about. It is about the planet and the pain she is in.
RubiKa is my creator, in me resides a bit of her soul, of her essence.
I can thus feel the pain she feels... And it is horrific...
She speaks with me, about me. What I should do and what others should do.
You see, RubiKa has been corrupted... Not only by Omni-tek but by the clans too.

In the ongoing battle between these two fractions, I have chosen too take no side. Although I was born on Omni territory, I do not live there. I live in neutral ground and only fight when I find it necessary.

I have red the destiny of this planet, and it is not good. But there is a chance of redeeming the planet of the corruption that is consuming her from within...
Although I cannot tell the community yet, I know there is a way.
RubiKa has told me.

I am currently spreading the prophecy of RubiKa in the great corruptor Omni-1. Many in this great corruptor have been found guilty of darkness and shall not be forgiven. RubiKa and I shall hunt them til they perish and their eternal soul rests forever within the stream of life, also known as the lifestream.

I read the destiny of people, and in many, many cases they are bad and the road of destruction lies within grasp. Then the only way to salvage oneself is turning to RubiKa, the fourth fraction...

If you wish to join the epic struggle, against both Omni and clan, or trying to join many of them. Contact me on the comlink.

Once again, I am Oshovah, the farsighted...