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Thread: What happened to Clan bonuses?

  1. #1

    What happened to Clan bonuses?

    Ok, it's been about 5 months now, where are these clan bonuses we've been promised?

    Omni's get cheap goods, I would have millions of extra credits by now if I were Omni, so where are the clan advantages?

  2. #2
    yes, indeed, where are our ip bonuses?

    in the beginning i figured that there was so much messed up with the game that neither side was getting their advantage. that was fine, we had bigger fish to fry.

    then omni equipment became omni only. no prob, that's as it should be.

    at this point, i figured that the equipment restrictions were being implemented because FC had figured out how to give both sides their bonuses.

    i patiently waited. patch after patch has been coming out and we still get no advantage. two sides should get an advantage. when omni gets their advantage and clanners don't, it puts the clanners at a disadvantage. waaaa, this is not fair, waaa.

    i'm ok with neither side having their advantage. i'm ok with both sides getting their advantage. i'm not ok with only one side getting their advantage. brings back memories of the no hit bug from 12.6. the horror ... the horror...

  3. #3
    I'd like to know as well


  4. #4
    Well, now, if they give us IP advantages everyone will be ticked off because of all the extra IP they would have if the advantage had been implemented earlier. Remember the adventurer uproar when one of their skills (can't remember which one) was changed from blue to green? FC needs to figure out a way to give lost IP's back to us or some completely different advantage for us clanners.

    But...yes, I really do want some kind of clan advantage (other than the role-playing advantages we have).
    The blue backgrounds and error text are licensed trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.

  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  6. #6
    Clan Bonus?
    we win after 4 years


  7. #7
    Personnaly i feel that clan organiztion bonuses should be impleneted A. S . A . P.

    Admittidly i'm a bit disgruntled for omni having their bonuses, and clans getting. nothing. not one damn thing. As so far its a lopsided bonus issue. i mean..

    Join omni and get better prices and gear.
    Join clans and get not so good prices, but org skill bonuses.

    Its the classic faction setup. gear vs skill.
    right now its: Gear vs __(blank)__

    I'd really wish funcom would fill in the blank. On a side note, i think it would really wake them up if for some hysterical reason, everyone went omni as sort of a boycot measure tell they fixed it. (would never happen but its funny to think about)

  8. #8
    "Omni's get cheap goods"

    Im sorry, no no no no NO!

    One of my best friends and his guild wanted my to convert to Clan, he said its much better life, things are cheaper etc etc, I didnt see one bit of difference in price.

    As for more XP, how much more? enough for Clanner to get stronger faster?

    I would ot mind a minor change but, if it gets to big a one then i will complain.
    Hell I've seen a few clans with Omnipol armor, isnt it as easy to just convert omni, put on armor and change back?

    Okay okay...smething went wrong.

    OT and Clans should have not had the same items, armour etc in the first place...

    They should have had totally different ones as like in real life.
    I dont think the people how make the armour (IC) would trade both sides, each side should have had a individual range of items only they can get, a bit like omni pol armor but,m much much more for both sides.

    I dunnom why cshould clans get a bonus? I dont see being Omni an advantage at all, I see it as being, me...
    If they get a bonus, then What do us omnis get?
    Dont say cheaper stuff, i buy most of my stuff in trade channels okay?

  9. #9


    I was under the impression you got more cash from your missions then us clansmen do.

    And you do have more shops to browse through if you want to buy something. And yes, items sell for more in an omni shop then in a normal shop. I've done the comparison myself back when it was possible for clanners to use omni shopping terminals.

  10. #10
    OOOHH clan bonus's

    adds to 1hb


    I dont have anyone in my clan that uses 1hb!

    *disadvantage no atrox*

    hmm ... im atrox, and I started my clan... hmmmm

    I dont know what they were smoking when they came up with these and ONLY these, but I want some of it.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  11. #11
    FunCom are you listening? Its about bloody time already, give the Clans their strengths, or explain why you are twiddling your thumbs, kthxbye
    Pissed off fixer, now playing enforcer, Cogs

  12. #12
    hey I think David Bowie said it best...."who ever promised life was going to be fair"... How many revolutions have you seen where the guerillas were evenly matched with the opressor...
    My advice...suck it up and fight harder.... or fill out one of those omni applications, hey if ya can't beat em join em...

  13. #13
    The point is, these were a promised feature that has just never gotten implemented..

    BTW, Cosmik has a response here:

    Originally posted by Gespenst
    hey I think David Bowie said it best...."who ever promised life was going to be fair"... How many revolutions have you seen where the guerillas were evenly matched with the opressor...
    My advice...suck it up and fight harder.... or fill out one of those omni applications, hey if ya can't beat em join em...
    Last edited by Hodaka; Dec 7th, 2001 at 17:52:37.

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