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Thread: Rambos Mini Mart

  1. #1

    Rambos Mini Mart

    Rambo has just been released on rubi ka exept sly stalone in not in it ..they changed the actor to suit the way funcom look at pvp ..the new actor .is abdul from the simpsons and with his shopkeeping trader ways kicks evreybodys ass with out even ruffling his pink turbin ....14.2 sucks sort it out funcom or rambo 2 will be staring let bloody lee with a big f**king shotgun

  2. #2
    LoL yeah Razers, soldier = the nerf...

    Lets see.. U.S. Army Marine with a Big Assed Assault rifle, walks up to a business man, the business man proceeds to completely own the Marine. : )

    seriously tho.. 14.2 kinda sucks for soldiers, i am going to whine now, and i will get flamed for whining. but thats fine.

    //*begin whine*//

    Every profession uses our weapons 3/5 4/5 as good as us, especially since 14.2 i have seen MANY people using the nova/flashpoint combo, and we have slightly better attack rating.. still they are doing 70-90 % of our dmg if not more.. and they still have thier professions pets/nanos.

    MA's ... i have seen some of them using ranged energy weapons, I don't know how many will go this direction.. but they do so much more dmg then us with uvc/nova/river6/flash etc.. that they will become the new "masters of ranged combat" i suppose they could also use shotty's but hey I'm whining here (this is a slap in the face for FC, MA's with novas)

    silent nerf on atrox soldiers.. changed the trickle down effect on ranged energy to psychic.. i lost 30 attack rating, fine for solitus tho : P ( I'm arox and with 2 vrral eggs, maxed intell, and a q 200 faeded intel ear i cannot do mk X still at 174)

    We haven not got ANYTHING new since shortly after release... i know we are a solid profession.. but something, anything...

    our nano lines are teh brokens.. they are gonan nerf Titan physique.. the only good bio mett nano , phalanx??

    AHHH yes,, our saving grace TOTAL MIRROR SHEILD WOOT.. beep wrong, anyone with 2 moderate energy bracers and the time to ask one of us for RRF basically has a TMS...

    oh, and the reason we have hte most neo's / novice. is because in large scale battles, a soldier with a flashpoint can do so much dmg in a short period of time that they get credit on gank kills.. that and we were pretty good with UVC.

    I think thats it. feel free to back me up fellow soldiers, for I am going to be flamed terribly.

    //*end whine*//

    *eats cheese*

    || 220 || || Soldier || || Obligatory Equipment listing ||

    If you are going through hell, keep going.
    Sir Winston Churchill

  3. #3
    I think you put it pretty well actually.

    Soldier's arent gimped, but they sure dont stand out so much anymore.

    I simply think soldiers just need more soldier guns. I mean, c'mon, thast what your class is all about. Guns, Big Guns, and lots of 'em.
    {Beyond the Drunken Master, is the Plastered Master} Lilasiandude 216 MA
    Proud Member of Storm, and the Betty Ford Clinic

    -Sllammer 216 enf. - Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Click!


  4. #4
    Problem here is attack rating. Attack rating should figure into damage a lot more than QL. Coincidentally, that would have solved the OEQ problem as well.....

    The way it's set up is that at high levels, almost anyone can use any weapon with moderate effetiveness.

    The problem comes in when you consider that we all leveled much faster than Funcom intended us to. At high levels, everyone has the IP to be the same. The high end game just isn't balanced.

    A NT/MP/Any caster basically would NEVER think about picking up a nova or a flash at sub-100, it would just be totally ineffective.

    The way this game is designed, with enough IP, and at higher levels, everyone has the ability to be semi-effective with almost any weapon, even at dark blue, 3/level.

    This isn't a Soldier issue, totally -- Soldiers are just getting burned by it because they have a decent weapon (that's why everyone is using one ).

    (PS: if you think this is a soldier flame, read it again, it's not)
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  5. #5
    Just like to add is there 1 sol happy with 14.2 or the way sols have been neglected can anyone ever recall a sol getting anything but nerfed becouse ive played this game since day 1 allways had a sol and i cant think of 1 thing????....people might say what am i talking about sols rule in pvp look at all the sols with high pvp titles ..the truth is we only got our titles by doing a large amount of damage in a short time in big battles the other guys who are with you finish them off but we get the points ....just like to allso say is there a sol out there got his pvp title by soild deuls ...i dont think so ..with reflect bracers and rrf i can never kill a enf in a deul caol could kick my ass with a godam pillow just on the reflect damage ...k now i go sulk some more

  6. #6


    I agree with you razers. I have also always played a soldier, and have ALWAYS been upset about other classes with the same weapons out damaging me. For example, a high lvl mp is basically a soldier + a ql 200 pet, because they can equip the same weapons we have and do just slightly less dmg, which is totally blown away by the fact that they have, in addition, their own profession specific things, such as pets and nasty nanos. Soldiers are supposed to be the best ranged dmg dealers and that is just plain not true at all. something NEEDS to be done, so that soldiers have by far the best overall dmg output. And yes, to counteract this give us crap nanos so we are not a jack of all trades, but a master of ranged damage. we have crap nanos anyways for the most part.
    Toadman538 - 196 Soldier
    President of CAS

  7. #7
    LOL CHiK i never read your post and we practacly said the same thing ...lets get all the sols to whine on this post see if we can get it as big as mants pvp score thread lol . bet there over 600 very unhappy sols out there ....let the whining commence

  8. #8
    .. I was going to expound upon the gimpyness of soldierhood, but then I shruged and said "meh".

    This dissatisfied soldier's ready and waiting for swg.
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Sredni

    This dissatisfied soldier's ready and waiting for swg.

    after 14.2 who isn't???

    Shotgun-wielding MA's?
    Supersoly lvl 220 Atrox Enforcer
    Fearthis lvl 200 Opi MA
    Tehsoly lvl 60 Atrox Enforcer

    and a lvl 160+ sold...


  10. #10
    EZ to solve this issue
    just make all the big guns soldier only.......dont think it would ba a big patch =\

    oh yea and MA's with novas and flashes.......theres just something really lame about that....maybe classes like that should reroll a soldier or a class that is SUPPOSED to use guns

    Ya know...if everyone wants to use the same weapons then maybe there shouldnt be any classes at all....and maybe we could all use the same armor type.....and items

    one of the things that keeps me playing AO and will prolly keep me playing even after SWG and WoW are released is the variety between classes and even attacks

    sols arent gimped......its just that other classes get to use the weapons that make u great

    Methinks FC needs to set up some class restrictions on the popular weapons

    Disciple092 lv 200 (non-soldier wanna be) Clan MA if you'll xcuse me i have to go hunt for some ql 200 energy bracers...........

  11. #11
    /me agrees with deciple.

    /me then things of how it could be fun to do a brawl/dimach/shen/burst/fling/FA, but it somehow just doesn't seem right.

    Class restrictions could very well be a viable option.
    {Beyond the Drunken Master, is the Plastered Master} Lilasiandude 216 MA
    Proud Member of Storm, and the Betty Ford Clinic

    -Sllammer 216 enf. - Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Click!


  12. #12
    Bump, soldiers have been neglected for so long.. (and tho, FC seems to think of a new nerf for us every patch).

    Sick of seing other classes perform just as well as me with a nova flow, and they can still root/nuke/R&D/heal etc etc.

  13. #13


    Totally agree.


    Dooomiz - 114 soldier RK1
    Doomiz - 91 enf RK1

  14. #14

    Thumbs up Soldier luvin

    Amen, soldiers need luv
    Animoy - Lvl 220 Soldier on Rk-1 - General of Legion
    Athillon - Lvl 162 Engineer on Rk-1 - Member of Legion - Nerf Engi button in creation room - Sleeping

  15. #15

    Cool You got my vote

    Soldiers suck..there is nothing to it....they suck..without uvc..they suck even more...but..I think... that it will get better...I also belive we will get soldier only gunz..but hey..thats just me...when's SWG again ?


    105 soldier.....retired

  16. #16
    Amen razers! Don't think much will happen so you should prolly call Jet Li straight away
    phonokol - geremi - dousk - matica [apoc]

  17. #17
    Originally posted by SolyHhit

    Shotgun-wielding MA's?
    Funcom turned MAs into babies Casey Ryback (Navy Seal Steven Seagal)

  18. #18

    SWG yaya

    I am amazed at the number of Soldiers and others commenting on leaving for SWG lately. I knoiw I am too... Lets start coordinating here and now then. How bout a name for our guild city, lets make a name... how bout "New RubiKa "

    I'll prolly want to become somthing akin to a sol here so may I'll pump my 700+ SWG skills towards the profession of bounty hunter or sumthin.

    I'm starting to feel better already...

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