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Thread: Wrong ability requirement on Lokas Web Cloak

  1. #1

    Wrong ability requirement on Lokas Web Cloak

    ok facts first:

    QL 1 Lokas Web Cloak has psy/int requirements.
    QL 200 Lokas Web Cloak has psy/sta requirements.

    Weird huh. Well lets say it's Antiguardian's Fault (yea that's it )!

    The problem is a psy/sta cloak already exists and it's called Marcus Divaad Web Cloak Both QL 1 and 200 have psy/sta requirements.

    Further more, the description of cloaks supports the fact that Lokas Web Cloak should be psy/int. Let me elaborate:

    Mathis Web Cloak - The constant pressure from the counter-wave requires the user to be both fit and have some physical balance. ; that's why it has sta/str reqs.

    Ion Web Cloak - It is totally silent, but requires some physical balance to use. ; that's why it has agi/str reqs

    Marcus Divaad Web Cloak - Also less physical balance is required, but instead you need far more power of concentration. ; that's why it has psy/sta reqs

    Lokas Web Cloak - No physical skills are needed, but you will need some tactical skill and focus to control the thing. ; Guess what reqs it should have...

    Would be nice if this catches the eye of a designer or someone from Funcom.

  2. #2
    In the meantime: the cloak has bugged in game requirements...

    My ql 36 Locas Web Cloak has 10 int, 103 psy req's (appox) making it very easy to put on.

  3. #3
    I dunno where the ability swap happens but my QL 194 Lokas Web Cloak has Psy/sta requirements. Kinda guess Cloaks under QL 100 are psy/int, above QL 100 psy/sta, since that's how the database ticks.

  4. #4
    I pointed out the req problem in an other thread (thanks krneki for you answer).
    I found a QL133 with 366 PSy 496 STA (QL200 reqs)
    I found a lower one (under QL100) with, as said above, 10 INT and something in PSY (bug too).

    It reminds me the bug there was on the Hanshi primus helmet wihch required if i remember something like 10 in strength for the first req. It has been corrected in a patch but it has took a long time.

    My vendor sent a petition to an ARK to point out the problem. he answered it was a knowed issue but no ETA to address usual
    MA - Clan -

  5. #5

    Exclamation Reminder

    Bumping reminder, because I want to use the Lokas Cloaks above ql100 as well - and it is (one of) the best INT/PSY cloaks.

    So long,

    100% curious

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