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Thread: Mission Problems?

  1. #1

    Unhappy Mission Problems?

    Missions are one of the most innovative parts of AO, yet they are currently broken. Distances seem fine for me, but I have the following problems:

    - Observe Person. Person attacks when right-clicked and is killed before mission ends. One mission.

    - Find Item. Have had two missions where item was picked up and held but mission did not complete. Even tried dropping item and picking back up (on the second mission, the item dissappeared...). One fix that I have heard is that you only right-click on the item, not pick it up. Does this work?

    - Targetting in missions. For the first time in a long time, I am getting the 'Wait for previous special to complete' - I'm a 35th level agent using a gluegun who's only special is FlingShot!

    - Healing in missions. Now if I tab onto myself, press X to sit, and try to use a treatment pack, I get a 'No Target Found' message. The only way to break it so far is to target a dead MOB then myself.

    On the plus side, I did actually finish a 'Put Poison Food in Mutant Feeder' mission with no trouble.

    chris s.

    PS. Have the missions to Trogg Valley in Stret West Bank been fixed? I haven't accepted one there in months because of the problems.

  2. #2


    I made lvl 50 over the weekend with Zakarr, my Adventurer on Rubi-Ka 2. Up until that time, I was able to do missions in Clon**** (not the friendliest place in some spots, but doable with reet form).

    Last night after the patch, I logged into as Zakarr for the first time since I leveled.

    I mission camped for quite a while. During that time, I had two missions to Varmint Woods (my favorite place BTW) , but the rewards were clothes for the opposite sex.

    All the remaining missions were for Stret East Bank or Andromeda.

    Never been to Andromeda so I thought I would give it a try. Can you say "BAD IDEA". I flew around several decent size swarms of deep red monsters. I was in Andromeda Wastelands when I was mobbed by so many reds (many of which I had never seen before like Red Widows), I was sitting at the reclaim booth seconds later.

    First: Was the absence of much of anything other than Stret East and Andromeda by design due to making lvl 50, or is this something that was introduced with yesterday's patch.

    Second: If it is intentional, I hope the devs rethink this. The number of deep reds there would have made it impossible for a group of 6 my level to have survived long, so missions there solo would be out of the question without an Air Car.

    I will login Friday and try getting some missions from places other than Newland, and see if the selection picks up a bit. Hopefully that will help.


  3. #3
    Yeah, I noticed a lot of crapitems (clothes) and less useable items as rewards. :/

    A cloak or a tatoo on a QL100 mission? Guess not...

  4. #4


    All missions seems to be bugged. Have tried several today, and couldn finish any of them. And the "get the missions closer" promised at the 12.9 patch, promised again with this patch is totally screwed! The variety of mission locations is almost non existant and for me they all go to Longest Road.

    Shape up FunCom and dont release patches creating new problems instead of solving the old ones, and FIX THE MISSIONS NOW!!!

    truthfully.. I'm really considering looking for another on-line game to play.. I am very close to giving up on this one.

  5. #5
    Tried a couple of missions last nite and could only hit NPC's with minimum damage, even greens. This caused every bloody fight to take forever and forget about healing mobs! Robots and mutants seem normal, but forget any missions with lots of NPC's unless you have hours and hours to complete a 50% mission. This basically makes the game unplayable for me and could be the push I need to dump this sucker. Every new patch brings a host of new problems..this is getting monotonous.

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