Name: Dunno yet...

Purpose: To come up with long term stoylines that do NOT conflict with FunCom's story.

Who?: Anyone who wants to try to come up wih ideas for stories.

I would love to get a group of people together with a bunch of say low level newbs to form a group to come up with, and develop an on going storyline. if interested e-mail me at or ICQ me at 201323. The reasons for level one characters is for privacy. Nobody will know who you are going in, nobody will question you upon entering... like nobody will say Oh he/she is stupid I don't like her. everyone will be equal. So to speak.

Why?: I think it will be fun... period. :P

When?: I am not sure yet, lemme wait and see what type of response I get.

I don't really care if you run a big RP guild now, or if you are a level 1 first day in the game player either, you are all welcome to join, but know that we should all stay low level and all keep low profiles with these characters to avoid prejudice:P It'll be fun.