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Thread: Engineers and trade skills

  1. #1

    Angry Engineers and trade skills

    What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think "Engineer"?

    The first thing that comes to my mind is a person that designs and creates new things. (equipment,weapons or otherwise)

    What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think "Trader"?

    When I think Trader things like trading materials for other materials, and being able to price haggle and such, master of bartering come to my mind.

    So why for the love of christ do they have Mechanical / Electrical Engineering mastery buffs that belong to the Engineering class? The Trader class is destroying one of the main aspects of the Engineering class. The ability to create things. It's kind of silly for them to have our buffs.

    It really pisses me off at times. Its bad enough that trade skills are such a pain in the ass that the shops don't even have parts to make most items. It's very silly having to depend on monster to drop random Trade skill items (i.e. Weaponsmithing) in order to create new items.

    You guys at Funcom talk about Balance? The trader class has unbalanced so many other classes in this game especially in PVP. You know something is wrong when you see a Soldier get raped by a trader because the trader is healing faster then the soldier can dish out damage.

    WHY NOT JUST MAKE THE DAMN TRADER CLASS JUST GO AWAY. They screw up the mechanics of this game.

    If anything at least give us a +50 Mastery buff for our class. Mechanical Engineering Mastery, Electrical Engineering Mastery, Quantum Field tech Mastery, Weaponsmithing Mastery.

    Most all other classes get Mastery buffs for their class, why not us?

    It's very sad that Funcom has neglected the Engineering class.

    Also, why is the Pet repair nano based on Bio Metamorphasis? Our pets or mechanical/Electrical beings. NOT BIOLOGICAL! If anything it should require Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering.

    And while I am ranting, since our pets get lost in missions due to crap pathing (which at this rate will never be fixed) give us a temporary solution and give us a nano program called "Recall Robot" so if you pet is stuck in some spot or gets lost due to crap pathing we can summon it to where we are. And how about a "Repack robot" nano? So when we are not using our pet say like when we are travelling we can pack him up and use him later on, and to even things our put a cost on it to use, say half the Credit cost of summoning it, half the nano cost of summoning it and put like a 30 second casting time.

    We as a class aren't asking for MAJOR things, we are asking for things to remedy the wrongs that you have done to our class.

    Last thing, If you guys are gonna make the pets bigger for image, why didn't you guys make the door ways in missions bigger? It's really sad to see a half ass'ed job done like that. Every mission I go on, I have to sit there and baby sit my pet to come through the doorways because they are so big they get stuck in them and it takes them 5-7 seconds to get free and move with me again. If you have no intention of making the doors smaller then make the pets smaller so they will fit through the doors!!!!!!!!!!!


    /rant off.
    Last edited by Rez-SN; Dec 3rd, 2001 at 18:57:42.

    Mech Engi 750 - Elec Engi 878 - Quantum FT 687 - Weapon Smt 806 - Nano Prog 903 *unbuffed*

    Engineer of Silent Night

  2. #2
    Wow, that's alot of hostility there. Traders turned out to be not as horribly gimpy as people once thought, but they are far from the masters of everything. You can take just about any class and do well in PvP if you have the mindset.

    Why do Traders have tradeskill buffs and Engineers do not?

    Why don't Docs have a version of humidity extractor?

    Why do Docs have IC?

    Why don't NTs have infuses or Mocham's gifts?

    Why did Engs get the awesome teleports, and Fixers did not?

    Why are MAs the sole keeper of the crit buffs?

    Why do Soldiers get rifle mastery, and agents do not?

    Why? Because the game seems to be geared towards cooperativity. No single class is a complete package; not when equipping gear and not in combat.

    Traders and Engineers pair really well together, not just in tradeskills. Traders wrangles allow Engs to make deep red pets for tanking mobs. With boosted skills, Engs can then cast uber shields on the Aggro Kings, er I mean Traders. Traders root and Engs lower the boom with the slayerdroid o' death. Works well in both PvE and PvP.

    Works so well that I spend almost all my play time grouped with a pet class... and MAs too, love those crit buffs... and NTs also, love humidity extractor...

    Some free advice
    Don't beg. It makes you look like a beggar.

  3. #3
    Yeah well, these problems is what makes me hostile
    Last edited by Rez-SN; Dec 3rd, 2001 at 20:27:50.

    Mech Engi 750 - Elec Engi 878 - Quantum FT 687 - Weapon Smt 806 - Nano Prog 903 *unbuffed*

    Engineer of Silent Night

  4. #4
    When you went to the character creation room and started clicking on the buttons and hearing the descriptions then you clicked on the Trader button and it said "Traders are the most trade skills oriented profession" why did that cause you to think Engineers are better at trade skills?

    If you created an Engineer expecting to be the best at trade skills then you had an unfair expectation since from day one it has always been clear that Traders are supposed to be the best at trade skills. They can be the best at any trade skill except nano programming if they focus on them, but that will often be to the detriment of their normal fighting (and thus leveling) ability.

    Engineers are the best at creating robots that kick some major booty. With Trader buffs an Engineer can do just as well and probably better in fact at weapon trade skills than a Trader, since Engineers tend to need a many of those trade skills like Weapon Smt, Quantum FT and Mech Engi for using their trimmers on their robots in the normal course of fighting (the main business in this game). They are also quite good at jewelcraft. Engineers are the only class that can use those trade skills without really diminishing the normal playability of the character. In cooperation with a Trader, the Engineer is the real natural-born genius behind the weapon smithing trade, not the Trader.

  5. #5
    My expectation of what an Engineer is, was derived from what they were in Beta4. In beta4 we were more of the trade skills type then any other class.

    since Engineers tend to need a many of those trade skills like Weapon Smt, Quantum FT and Mech Engi for using their trimmers on their robots in the normal course of fighting (the main business in this game).

    If that is the case why don't we have mastery buffs for them? (+50 ones, not the +80 ones like the traders)

    When you went to the character creation room and started clicking on the buttons and hearing the descriptions then you clicked on the Trader button and it said "Traders are the most trade skills oriented profession" why did that cause you to think Engineers are better at trade skills?

    And I didn't pressing every class button. I don't know about most people, but when I bought the game (prior to buying it I had been keeping on top of it before its release, reading websites and such) I knew what I wanted to be and there was no reason to be sitting through all the descriptions.
    Last edited by Rez-SN; Dec 3rd, 2001 at 21:14:33.

    Mech Engi 750 - Elec Engi 878 - Quantum FT 687 - Weapon Smt 806 - Nano Prog 903 *unbuffed*

    Engineer of Silent Night

  6. #6

    Trade skills

    Reznoir, rather than complaining about who should do what in your cookie cutter world why not focus on how trade skills need fixing. Most of us did not beta unless you count the first couple of months of play, so how can you compare beta to now...

    So another class was designed for Trade skills - I play a trader and my focus was on trade skills. You say that traders are for haggling, trading, etc. What exactly is that suppose to be? Do not tell me traders speciality is to sell items for a mark up...

    The original thread was very offensive to traders and I do not understand why you are so angry about who has what? Now if Traders suddenly recieved your nanos I can see a gripe - as the fixers were.

  7. #7
    as the fixers were.

    Umm, last time I checked Fixers were masters of the Grid more less and hacking.

    How does Beacon Warping tie into them? Engineers summon people to their location. The beacon warp in no way uses the Grid or hacking.

    "The body of the engineer becomes a living beacon that can be to warp other players to the location of the engineer. Setting up a connection with one of the micro-sats that populate the atomosphere of Rubi-Ka, the engineer uses this satellite feed to determine the exact location of the person to be warped. A momentary warp in the fabric of space is created, and that person is instantaneously transported to the location of the engineer"

    Thats the description of the nano. Nothing to do with the grid of hacking.

    Mech Engi 750 - Elec Engi 878 - Quantum FT 687 - Weapon Smt 806 - Nano Prog 903 *unbuffed*

    Engineer of Silent Night

  8. #8
    Er - I was talking about grid phreak... Sorry for the misunderstanding.


  9. #9

    No need for an excuse.

    The engineer who posted that reply obviousley though you where thinking about his new nano that he loves so much but has nothing to do with his profession, because he expect people to react to the fact that the engies got the nano and not the fixer. And since he's scared to death to loose this nano he makes harsh repies to anyone who claims he shouldn't have it. Maybe there is a reason for his fear. Deep inside he probably knows that this nano has nothing to do with the engineer idea and fits right in there with the fixer, and thus he's terrified to loose it. Maybe he read the fixer posts that suggested a nano like that and realise there is a chance he might loose it should Funcom start listening to their players. Who knows. But it looks like many engies are touchy when it comes to anything that even remotely looks like it has to do with their new nano.. maybe because they know they shouldn't have it but don't want to give ut up because it's very good.

    I thought most people knew fixer was the class that originaly could transport himself and others into the grid from anywhere on the planet. But then they started giving out this and similar nanos to several other classes (among them the trader, thus Mistells comment). So it should't be hard to draw that conclution. Reznoir choose not to because he expected it to be about the nano he so claims belongs to hir profession. Maybe they are so busy defending this nano because it can't defend itself.

    As for a reply to you Reznoir. Of course it doesn't mention the grid. Simply because if it did, FC could not defend the fact that fixers don't have it. Read the suggestion about a very similar nano on the fixer board. The only thing you can use to defend that it has nothing to do with the grid is the flavor text. But is it not a transport nano, and is not the grid a transport system that exists everywhere? The flavor text might as well have been "the caster becomes a grid exit himself, and the target is transformed into a stream of information transported at light speed across the grid, to materialise again next to the caster". That explanation is just as good as the original, and even use an existing transport system instead of having to implement new concepts to explain a single new nano. Which brings up a whole new question. Why can't these "micro-sats" be used to transport people under other conditiond, when any engineer can do it with a little experience in a few nanoskills? And why can't this "satellite feed" be used to determine peoples excact location without nessesarily having to warp them around? I mean, the engie should then also be able to determine the coordinate and excact locatio of anyone he wants to, as must be able to do it in order to gri.. ehh beacon warp someone.

    My point.. the flavor text is just poetry and the nano should be grid connected and thus belong to the fixer.

  10. #10


    Transcendent, see my reply to your thoughts on the beacon warp. You might find my notions completely asinine, but hey, I didn't make that crap up.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  11. #11
    Rez is just confused about having more green tradeskills in front of him than we do -- he assumes this indicates that he's 'meant' to be the lord of *all* things tradeskill. learn to share ;)

    and not to be overly flamy, but if u fail to see the similarity in function between phreaking and 'beaconing' ur just not paying attention.
    Last edited by Alaysia; Dec 6th, 2001 at 17:07:35.

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