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Thread: Healing classes overpowered

  1. #101
    you know about the 40% cap right??

    so 3x2k damage in PvM would be.. a total of 7.5x2 damage on 0.1 sec..
    umm you dont seem to know the system yourself. It is NOT 40% of your max damage, it is 40% of the persons max health.

    Dont go calling people ignorant in the same breath you put misinformation on the boards.

    2k crit is NOT unreasonable if the person is a high level atrox.

    The gun only has to crit of 4k to get a 2k crit if they have enough hp. And I KNOW that solja's can do that much damage.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  2. #102
    I've seen a high lvl MA drop to 3 spes in 0.1 sec so i know what i'm talking about. I myself have been hit for over 2k dmg more then once in PvP. Some agents with AS also still hit hard as ...., and high lvl soldiers with fling, burst and fa still kill ppl in 1 sec.

    Lol, and u don't seem to know it.
    Spesials are doing 40% dmg of max hp, not remaining hp!
    So even with u standing there with 1hp left, someone could burst u for 40% of ur full hp.

  3. #103
    I fought a doc tonight that shot me 4 times. He critted on every shot. 1200 x 4 and I was dead. He didn't even dream of healing himself. It isn't healing that's overpowered its weapons that are overequipped by 100 levels that are already insane to begein with. Why they nerfed freedom arms pistols is God's own private mystery. FC isn't exactly known for their careful planning and foresight. It doesn't matter what class you play, as long as you equip either a hammer, a beam, a shotgun of some kind, or just play an agent that can summon a demon. Everything else is secondary as far as solo PvP. It's all about weapon choice. There are a few weapons in this game that stand apart from all the others by a margin the size of the grand canyon. The AC system has rendered all these other weapons crap.

  4. #104
    I have to agree with MiKEBoND, crits are ruining PvP, all it is about now is to get a shotgun or beam and an MA crit buff. Then you own in PvP. Personally i think Duck is a stupid skill, it should be only Evade for close combat, and Dodge for ranged.
    NT phone HOME!!

  5. #105
    well from what I understand the MA crit buff is bugged and anyone but an MA get much more crit potential than they should (something along the line of 70% for VS). If they fix this then it wont be so big of a deal.

    As far as getting into the best possible weapon your right, but what game isnt like that. Even D&D is like that, a level 2 char drooling over his +1 sword. Seems like the overequipting rules they "proposed" would do a good job of capping this issue though.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  6. #106
    A lvl 2 char shouldnt have a +1 sword.
    NT phone HOME!!

  7. #107

    God I miss the days of D&D, AD&D, AD&D2nd edition.

    My MAIN D&D character was Yazule, fighter magicuser theif!

    As you can see the name stuck (made the character in 1982)

    I was Yazule in UO too on catskills shard.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  8. #108

    Exclamation ok..

    So i didnt know the 40% cap good enough, and i can admit that.

    But, there are a few professions(Docs NTs) who save IPs and at higher levs weild weapons with alpha strike ability.

    Its not the profession that makes alpha possible its your IPs.

    My point is, i ahve seen Docs fire alpha strikes!

    Now if you think a Soldiers alpha strike is overpowerd, how about the doctors ?

    *and sorry for cursing...


  9. #109

    Re: ok..

    Originally posted by Zalt
    So i didnt know the 40% cap good enough, and i can admit that.

    But, there are a few professions(Docs NTs) who save IPs and at higher levs weild weapons with alpha strike ability.

    Its not the profession that makes alpha possible its your IPs.

    My point is, i ahve seen Docs fire alpha strikes!

    Now if you think a Soldiers alpha strike is overpowerd, how about the doctors ?

    *and sorry for cursing...


    Hrmph, do you know anything about NT and Docs weapon skills??? At lvl 157 i got 550 attack unbuffed, a soldier same lvl got about 780 attack unbuffed. This is a HUGE difference for the dmg output. And the chance for crits is MUCH bigger for Soldiers, and soldiers outdmg NT easily... yes even NTs using guns AND nukes.
    NT phone HOME!!

  10. #110
    Attack rating defines

    1) if you hit
    2) damage modifier (and it is quite a chunk)
    3) if you crit

    I could take any alpha strike if none of the specials crit. Heck they would not even do 40% damage to me.

    I could alpha with an enforcer if I wanted to (with a gun even) but I know that my 841 attack on 2hb will do me much better than that.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  11. #111
    I've changed my mind, healing is overpowered. My MA still dies like a fly, but docs just hands down rule in PvP now.

  12. #112
    Originally posted by Esmee
    frodur you are so right!
    it takes a lot of work to build a doctor character that pvps well.

    so true.
    So true is right!!!! All I have ever had are docs. Lightx, and Necessity. FC broke Lightx with the great pistol nerf in the summer of '73. So now I have Necessity. From the start I chose to make him a combat medic. Raising attack skills and evades IS HARD FOR A DOC. I have made gruelling calculated choices in raising ip skills. Above all else I have had to keep my healing top notch while still making myself available for combat.

    PvP is no longer an immediate death situation, you have to use some form of strategy now.

    Have you ever seen what dominate biomet or trader debuffs do to a doc? MP's, Enfo's and Traders smack me around like I was a stuffed leet doll. Everything else is a crap shoot. I'm sorry we're not sitting targets anymore. (How DARE you let those docs play in our arena!)

    Do you really think I want to sit around in bs missions and spam heals for another 50 levels? PvP is something I can actually participate in without a %100 loss ratio now, sorry if that makes you bitter.

  13. #113
    You make good points, traders ooooown docs for example. Doc's annihilate MA's and the non-debuffing classes, however. If they halved healing in PvP, how would this change the fact that a trader can take away a docs healing? Not in the least. NO healing is no healing. Therefore, the argument is still sound that healing is overpowered.

  14. #114


    Well, I'm starting to see everyones points after losing my freshman title and getting horribly owned in pvp today.

    I also would like to move for mk to work 1/2 as long and only deflect %50 of damage. I'd also like agents to shoot 1/2 as far, roots to last 1/2 as long, and debuffs to lower %50 as much skill. All polital areas should then immediatly be changed to %12.5. Ma's crit buffs should immediatly be lowered to %50 of the pertentage they raise. Fixers should run 1/2 as fast and crats should ... umm.. have...err..ok.

    /me dunks docs into the nerf pool and sits high and proud with the NT's and Agents.

  15. #115


    i am overpowered? should a change my profession?
    Last edited by PuXX; Jan 23rd, 2002 at 11:11:48.

  16. #116

    Re: duh

    Originally posted by wakwak
    I've played a few other classes but i'm writing with my new experience as a Doc... I now understand why PvP players (in particular the solja) are more whiny/inmature then PvM players. For the past month or so I been doing what doc's do best - keep the hunting team alive. You heavy damage dealing classes can only do one thing right, thats deal damage, you dont really understand in a team it's the doc or other healers keeping your silly arse alive, not your uber twinked armor or QL200 nova. In PvP the true whinner in you comes out, you solo (your selfish desire to have title) so you probably spent zero IP in anything which will help keep you alive after the damage is dealt, you people scram in and outa zones and prey on the weak.
    no dude, they are all right, docs are god in pvp, they can dish out the damage as well as anyone, and can heal to full without even denting their nano pool. Add to that pharma skill and homade stims and init debuffs and they are unkillable.

    you know what keeps your silly arse alive in a team? a tank, keeping agro off your silly arse with his uber gun/hammer, 200 armor and agro tools.

    Dont get all elitest or it wont be pretty.

    Team = Teamwork and a doc is NO more important than a tank. I am a tank, and guess what, I can do missions 40 levels above me with an MA with me for secondary healing. I cant heal? hahaha My mongo is healing me for 1000 hp every 15 seconds or so, my treatment is maxed, my first aid is high enought for me to nano up a full mongo (356 nano) every punch of it and I have a nano pool that lets me mongo 3 times without stims. And yet I still cannot kill a doc who has been groomed for pvp (as I have).

    I think docs (most, maybe not you from the sound of your post) have a pretty good head on their shoulders, and so it is ok with me that they are pvp gods, but I see a LOT of doc twinks coming up at low levels, are they trying to be healers? no, they are trying to be pvp gods, and docs will soon get a reasonably bad rep from them, I feel for all the real docs out there.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  17. #117

    Dead wrong

    I play an Atrox Doc. I have pretty good ac, and use a support beam. But you know what? Since I am not über-twinked, I don't even stand a chance in Pvp. Tactics has NOTHING to do with PvP, unless you "powergame" enough to get you to the same level of equipment as the rest of most PvP'ers.

    Sure, I can heal myself - all my doc nanos are good. But when I meet someone my own level in PvP, and he's using weapon/armour equipment TWICE his level - can you call that fun?

    Whenever FC changes anything that will affect PvP performance in any way, there's always a crowd chanting "make my char rule again, or I will quit AO". We all know that's just empty threats.

    What, I wonder, would happend if you're fighting PvM in a 25% zone, and FC nerfed healing as well as dmg output when you PvP? ALL the ´"powergamers" in the game would start ambushing ppl who's doing PvM at the time.

    Again, here's a simple solution to the stuff that's REALLY making PvP suck: Every "turn" have the game check that a char can use whatever equipment he's wearing or trying to equip. Where would that put us?

  18. #118
    I don't get why you people don't understand this it is this simple, hell its even like this in mathamatics. You cannot take away 50% of one side and expect the equation to still be balanced, what ever is done to one side MUST be done to the other.
    Yeah, cuz like, before.. being hit for 2k and healing myself for 400 was awesome. I wish it was still like that.

    Get over it guys.. in PvP, I still get critted for 1.5k and up, and since *everyone* PvP's with a crit butt anyway.. sure, I've healed myself and finished some people off, and yes, heals are good now! But it's still not that hard to beat if you have a clue.

    And Garzu, P.S. - NT's sucked in PvP before too
    Velveeta - The best atrox doctor on Rubi-Ka 1!
    Aiboforcen - A change of pace..
    Shikhi - The return!

    Digital Gunfire - Music to level by.

  19. #119

    Re: Re: duh

    Originally posted by Yazule

    no dude, they are all right, docs are god in pvp, they can dish out the damage as well as anyone, and can heal to full without even denting their nano pool. Add to that pharma skill and homade stims and init debuffs and they are unkillable.

    you know what keeps your silly arse alive in a team? a tank, keeping agro off your silly arse with his uber gun/hammer, 200 armor and agro tools.

    Dont get all elitest or it wont be pretty.

    Team = Teamwork and a doc is NO more important than a tank. I am a tank, and guess what, I can do missions 40 levels above me with an MA with me for secondary healing. I cant heal? hahaha My mongo is healing me for 1000 hp every 15 seconds or so, my treatment is maxed, my first aid is high enought for me to nano up a full mongo (356 nano) every punch of it and I have a nano pool that lets me mongo 3 times without stims. And yet I still cannot kill a doc who has been groomed for pvp (as I have).

    I think docs (most, maybe not you from the sound of your post) have a pretty good head on their shoulders, and so it is ok with me that they are pvp gods, but I see a LOT of doc twinks coming up at low levels, are they trying to be healers? no, they are trying to be pvp gods, and docs will soon get a reasonably bad rep from them, I feel for all the real docs out there.

    I just like to feel my healing powers!
    Last edited by PuXX; Jan 23rd, 2002 at 11:08:07.

  20. #120
    ask around the doc boards, fine one person that thinks I am an elite god please. Talk to swicky, he and I have teamed the most. Sounds like you are talking elitism. EVERY tank knows what the doc does, some are a little rambunctous it is true, but nobody thinks they are god, unless they have a doc with them. Tank + doc = god... neither of them solo is boo. Sounds like your one of the twink docs that I was refering to in my post.

    Nobody, and I mean nobody can stand up to a well equiped doc who knows what he is doing.

    yes, nobody, except maybe a meta with a healing pet that is blood red.

    You aren't all that man, these "dweebs" that you speak of (I guess I am one of them because I like to pvp) are not lying, docs are THE BEST pvp class. Try a prepatch solja, or a prepatch agent. Nobody could compete with them, now it is docs. Your attitude stinks about it all. Solja and agent cant heal, period. Go take a look at the first aid stims and you will note that it is impossible to heal 40% with one stim, and they come every 30 seconds or so.

    "nothing can match me"... that says it all.
    Last edited by Yazule; Jan 22nd, 2002 at 04:59:44.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


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