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Thread: Fix Dual Weilding Speed.

  1. #1

    Fix Dual Weilding Speed.

    Yes. As it stands, I get about 10 hits in, for every 8-9 of my 2h weilding friend.

    But get this. Our weapons are the same speed. In fact I'm a little quicker. BUT I HAVE TWO. AND HE ONLY HAS ONE.

    *why* does this happen? WHY have I wasted so much IP? WHY cant those 2 attack bars work 100% independant of each other instead of cutting each other off?

    Could this be addressed? Of it it's intentional, let us know?

    "We intended for 2h to be as fast as 1h - using multi melee is just a fashion thing, and working as intended"

    Because thats how it is atm.

  2. #2


    If it is intentional, then its gonna be a major nerf. I've certainly noticed that I hit as fast as any 2HB using wielder, and I'm using 2 riders (or a peasant executioner and a rider, that's not much faster). Also, the fact that the nano bar influences the attack speed is a bad thing. Healing is now useless when solo, I can barely heal more than the damage I take during the nano.

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